Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 355: The Origin of the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom

Wang Cheng took out the Seven Temples in front of the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom and entered them directly.


Wang Cheng came to the Tree of Time that he had left in the Seven Temples. His thoughts moved slightly, and in an instant, many clones appeared around the Tree of Time.

At the same time, Wang Cheng also activated the Tree of Time. As the Yingying light shone down, Wang Cheng's consciousness instantly fell into a million-fold acceleration.

At this time, the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom, who had been sitting on the throne with a calm expression, couldn't help but have a look of surprise on his face.

The Lord of the Falcon Country's eyes passed through the many obstacles of the Seven Temples, and finally fell on the shining "Tree of Time".

"It's Qiu's treasure!" The Lord of the Falcon Kingdom whispered softly: "Did she also embark on that path?"

The Lord of the Falcon Kingdom pondered for a long time, and finally, he continued to look at Wang Cheng who was practicing.

"This boy has already achieved very high achievements in the Time Path, but he still endures and does not break through. Is he wandering away from the flow of spiritual power..." There was a hint of surprise on the face of the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom, and at the same time in his heart I couldn't help but look forward to it a little.

Originally, he gave Wang Cheng a chance because he saw Wang Cheng's willpower was pretty good, but now it seems that he had underestimated this little guy before.

"Looking at the soul aura, he is still very young and has no trace of reincarnation. To be able to do this is indeed very impressive!" A smile appeared on the face of the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom:

"This disciple may not be worse than the one chosen by Dao Ming!"


Wang Cheng knew that his every move was being watched by the Falcon King. At first, he occasionally paid attention to the situation on the Falcon King's side to see how the other party would react.

But gradually, Wang Cheng also immersed himself in practice.

Half of Wang Cheng's clones continued to study the mysteries of life genes, and the other half delved into the Tao of Void. Wang Cheng was completely immersed in both studies, and time passed quickly in Wang Cheng's immersion.

Hundreds of years later, Wang Cheng finally made a breakthrough in the Void Way and created a sixth-level secret method.

In this regard, Wang Cheng can directly break through to the True God by virtue of his achievements in the Void Dao, but Wang Cheng will obviously not be satisfied with this, and his practice is still continuing.

Two thousand nine hundred years later, Wang Cheng made another breakthrough in the divine power flow. His genetic level exceeded the 30,000 mark in one fell swoop, and he officially became a practitioner of the divine power flow.

At this time, if Wang Cheng chooses to use this to break through the True God, then he is already better than the ordinary True God of Law!

In addition, Wang Cheng's genetic level improved again, and the energy of the "primordial embryo" hidden in his body also appeared at the same time, once again raising the quality of Wang Cheng's divine power to a higher level.

Wang Cheng was slightly happy about this, but he didn't think too much as he was immersed in practice.


What Wang Cheng didn't know was that while the energy of the original embryo was helping him transform his divine power, a look of surprise once again appeared on the face of the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom, whose expression had already returned to calm.

"What pure power!" There were faint stars flashing in the eyes of the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom. After a long time, those stars slowly disappeared.

"What kind of bad luck did this little guy have? He actually ate a primitive embryo and survived?" The leader of the Falcon Kingdom was in a daze.

During the most prosperous period of the Falcon Kingdom, no original embryo could be found in the entire country. From ancient times to the present, the original embryo has been just a legend. Even the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom himself has only heard of its name. Never seen the real thing.

This is not because the original embryo is too precious. In fact, in terms of value, there are countless treasures that are countless times more precious than the original embryo.

In fact, this kind of treasure is extremely rare.

"Where did your original embryo come from?" The voice of the Lord of the Falcon suddenly rang in Wang Cheng's ears.

"Primary embryo?" Wang Cheng was slightly shocked. The Lord of the Falcon Kingdom actually knew that he had eaten the original embryo?

"This junior is lucky!" Wang Cheng thought over and over again and said it quickly.

"Then you are really lucky!" The leader of the Falcon Kingdom saw that Wang Cheng was unwilling to say more, so he stopped asking.

"Senior, do you know the origin of the original embryo?" Wang Cheng was also curious, so he asked directly.

"Of course I know!" The voice of the Lord of Falcon sounded again.

"Senior, can you help me clear up my doubts?" Wang Cheng asked.


The Lord of the Falcon Kingdom became unexpectedly easy to talk to. After he directly agreed, he then said:

"At the end of this world, there is a cosmic sea of ​​endless dimensions, and within each cosmic sea, an extremely huge primitive universe will be nurtured..."

When the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom spoke, Wang Cheng was also surprised. It turned out that the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom didn't know that Shenmu Mountain was now in the universe sea!

At the same time, Wang Cheng also understood that the leader of the Falcon Kingdom might really not know the situation outside Shenmu Mountain.

I don’t know if it is an afterimage of incarnation or other means that he left behind. There is a high probability that the power will not be dispersed beyond the Shenmu Mountain...


The Lord of the Falcon Country continued: "In the long years, the old cosmic sea has been destroyed, and a new cosmic sea has been born. When a cosmic sea is born, the original universe will also be conceived. The original embryo is the original The prototype of the universe..."

"The prototype of the primitive universe?" Wang Cheng was dumbfounded. He actually swallowed a primitive universe in one gulp?

"The birth time of the original embryo is very short. Once it is born, it will quickly absorb endless energy and form the original universe!" The Lord of the Falcon Kingdom said lightly:

"For me, the original embryo is also an extremely rare treasure! Although it is not difficult for me to enter the cosmic sea, the rules of this world have restrictions on us, and I am not willing to become an enemy easily! Moreover, a certain An extremely powerful being once made an agreement with me not to step into the cosmic sea..."

As the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom spoke, his voice became more and more ethereal until he disappeared.

At this time, the leader of the Falcon Kingdom suddenly changed the topic and said again: "You are lucky to see the original embryo. You are still alive after eating the original embryo. You are extremely lucky!"

"Is there any danger in eating the original embryo?" Wang Cheng couldn't help but be slightly startled.

"Of course!" said the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom: "The original universe is a huge thing, and its embryos are naturally beyond the endurance of ordinary life. Although I have never seen the original embryo, I have heard many things about it. You are now But Lord of Laws, you ate the original embryo and survived, what do you think, isn't this extreme luck?"


Wang Cheng was speechless. When he ate the original embryo, he was not even at the planet level.

"No, my ability to safely absorb the original embryo cannot be explained by luck!" Wang Cheng shook his head slightly in his heart. The original embryo was the first treasure he caught by chance.

Wang Cheng remembered clearly that his first chance grab not only got a thousand times the critical hit, but also caught the most suitable treasure for him.

Since he has caught the original embryo, it means that the original embryo is the most suitable treasure for him.

And if he eats a treasure that is most suitable for him, what will happen to him?

"I ate the original embryo only because of my true ability!" Wang Cheng laughed in his heart, and then he stopped thinking about it.

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