The Lord of the Falcon Kingdom did not continue talking to Wang Cheng, and his voice quickly disappeared.

However, after the conversation just now, Wang Cheng was convinced that the leader of the Falcon Kingdom was willing to tell him so much, and at least he was slightly satisfied with him.

If the leader of the Falcon Kingdom doesn't like him at all, why waste so much saliva? And specifically explain to him the origin of the original embryo?

"It's not enough, I will continue to practice!"

Wang Cheng resisted the urge to "hand in the paper" immediately. He had only been practicing for thousands of years, and he had not shown all his shining points. He continued to practice, trying to let the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom see more of his advantages. !

This is safe!

. . .

Wang Cheng continued to immerse himself in his practice. At this time, in the Universe Sea, Luo Feng, whose body had more wings again and turned into six wings, was quickly heading towards the location of Shenmu Mountain.

Suddenly, a mountain peak appeared in front of Luo Feng. At this time, the mountain guest was on the mountain, looking at Luo Feng with a smile.

"Teacher, why are you here?" Luo Feng quickly came to the mountain guest.

"I came to the Universe Sea to find some materials, and I just happened to come to see you!" Mountain Rider smiled and said, "Are you going to Shenmu Mountain?"

"I heard that Shenmu Mountain is a new and dangerous place. It just so happens that I also have a clone. I plan to go and have a look!" Luo Feng nodded directly.

"I happen to know a little bit about Shenmu Mountain!" Mountain Guest said: "It is a super Jedi. Not to mention you, even if your human race's giant ax goes into it, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out of the foot of the mountain... Shenmu Mountain, whoever enters will die!"


Luo Feng was slightly startled, but a trace of doubt soon arose in his heart. How did Teacher Sishanke know about this?

"You don't have to think too much, I won't harm you!" Mountain Guest said as if he knew what Luo Feng was thinking, "It's just that I can't tell you now, and I can't tell you the answer!"


Luo Feng nodded slightly, he still believed most of what he said to the mountain guest.

Luo Feng knew very well that if he hadn't been cultivated by Sitting Mountain Guest and had just ventured on his own, he would have been lucky enough to become the Master of the Universe!

Become the master of the universe, and even venture into the cosmic sea? That's a dream!



Luo Feng asked the mountain guest some more questions, and soon he changed direction and headed straight for the space ship.

At this time, the mountain guest was sitting on Baoshan, staring in the direction of Shenmu Mountain with a deep expression.

"Shenmu Mountain, the legendary territory of the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom..." The mountaineer pondered for a long time, and finally shook his head.

If he were in his prime, he would not hesitate at all when he saw Shenmu Mountain, and would definitely explore it inside and out, but now, his divine body is too weak.

Entering Shenmu Mountain can almost be said to be courting death!

"Luo Feng, don't let me down!" The mountaineer thought to himself, and he quickly controlled the mountain below him and quickly disappeared into the void.

. . .

Time continued to pass, and in the blink of an eye, more than a thousand years passed.

Suddenly, something happened in the spaceship that spread within a small area, but had a huge impact on those who knew about it——

A Tomb Spirit Boat appeared, and, unlike previous Tomb Spirit Boats, this Tomb Spirit Boat contained inheritance from the "ancient" civilization.

Those who didn't know about this thought it was just an ordinary Lord of Tomb Spirits being born. However, the forces who knew about this madly sent people to the space ship to participate in the inheritance.

Purple Moon Holy Land and East Emperor Holy Land reacted the most intensely. After learning about this, they directly sent a bunch of inheritors there. From the Lord of the Universe to the Immortal, they were not stingy at all.

After the reaction of the two holy places spread, many forces in the Universe Sea also reacted belatedly, so they sent inheritors there one after another.

The human race also knew about this. At first, only one Luo Feng entered, but gradually, the Lord of Ice Peak, Lord Peng Gong and others also rushed over, and a lot of the Lords of the Universe from Hongmeng also went there. .....

For a time, the entire universe sea was extremely lively!


At this time, in the original universe, an avatar of Wang Cheng left in the original universe opened its eyes. Soon, this avatar logged into the virtual universe and met the Lord of Chaos City and Luo Feng on Thunder Island.

"The Duan Donghe inheritance appeared in the space boat?" Wang Cheng was a little surprised. His incarnation in the original universe was usually asleep, and his clone near the black-grained stone pillar had long been removed by Wang Cheng on his own initiative.

After all, Wang Cheng broke through the divine power gene level once a thousand years ago, so it was impossible for him to leave his clone in the outside world.

Therefore, this was indeed the first time he knew about this.

"Senior brother, I see that many people from Hongmeng have passed by, but you are nowhere to be seen. That's why I came to ask the teacher!" Luo Feng said:

"The opportunity is rare. With your talent, senior brother, wouldn't it be a pity not to give it a try?"

"If I go, won't I have to compete with you?" Wang Cheng asked with a smile.

"Both the Human Race and the Hongmeng have strong men. We are all competing fairly!" Luo Feng said with a smile: "Senior brother, you go, we are also competing fairly. Moreover, we are two senior brothers. No matter who wins, it will be fair. Big profit!"

"Luo Feng is right!" The Lord of Chaos City also said: "This opportunity is too rare. Wang Cheng, you must not miss it. Besides, you can also help Luo Feng when you go!"

"Why, Luo Feng needs my help?" Wang Cheng was slightly surprised.

"Luo Feng was one of the first people to enter the tomb spirit boat. Now he is being targeted by many powerful people. Bingfeng and Peng Gong see it, but there is nothing they can do!" The Chaos City Lord said helplessly:

"The giant ax can't go over to help. He doesn't have a clone. If there is an accident in the Tomb Spirit Boat, it will be terrible!"

"I see!"

Hearing what the Lord of Chaos City said, Wang Cheng suddenly understood.

After pondering for a while, Wang Chengxuan said: "I am in an emergency, and I don't have a clone in the universe sea...Teacher, please wait a moment, I will see if I can send a clone there!"

"Is there something urgent for you?"

The Lord of Chaos City was a little shocked. Although there has been no news about Wang Cheng in these thousands of years, the Lord of Chaos City didn't care. At Wang Cheng's level, no news for thousands of years is nothing. Even if there is no news for tens of millions of years, it is normal.

Moreover, Wang Cheng had just killed the ancestor of Blood Orchid and had to run for his life not long ago. With his strength reaching this point, what could happen that would prevent him from running away?

"Senior brother, I actually don't have much of a problem!" Luo Feng said quickly: "If you have something to do, you don't have to come over!"

Luo Feng felt a little ashamed. He was actually fine. He relied on the Star Tower and was not afraid of harassment at all. Just in order not to expose the existence of the Star Tower and confuse others, he deliberately acted in a difficult manner. Unexpectedly, Wang Cheng was now in trouble.


Wang Cheng didn't speak. At this time, his original self had already asked the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom if he could send a clone out of Shenmu Mountain.

PS: The exam went well, but I am so tired... I will update twice today.

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