The leader of the Falcon Kingdom was still very talkative. After Wang Cheng asked, he directly agreed to Wang Cheng's request, and at the same time, he also took the initiative to teleport a clone sent by Wang Cheng to the outermost edge of Shenmu Mountain.

"It seems that this test is really stable!"

Wang Cheng sighed again in his heart, but he didn't think too much and directly controlled the clone to leave Shenmu Mountain quickly and headed straight for the space ship.


Although the place where the Duandonghe inheritance was born was in the inner domain of the cosmic ship, Wang Cheng was extremely powerful. He moved forward quickly, and it didn't take long before he arrived at the place where the Duandonghe inheritance was born.

Here, a tomb boat is suspended, and the gate of the tomb boat is also open.

However, outside the tomb boat gate, there are a bunch of universe masters blocked by two true gods, unable to enter.

"They are the two true gods from Ziyue Holy Land and Dongdi Holy Land!" Wang Cheng looked at the two people blocking the door. He was not surprised.

The Lord of Chaos City had already told him the information here. The True God of the Eastern Emperor Holy Land had been blocking the door from the beginning, and later it evolved into the two holy places jointly blocking the door!

Moreover, the two holy places are rich and powerful. Each of these two true gods has several powerful treasures. They have no weaknesses at all. If you want to pass their blockade, the only way is to attack them head-on!

The strong men who come here at the beginning will be blocked outside. Only when the strong men outside gather to a certain number can they join forces to break through their obstruction.

Before, several groups of strong men had broken through the two of them and entered, but the breakthroughs of the previous groups did not prevent them from continuing to block the door. If the two holy places wanted to inherit, naturally the fewer people who entered, the better.

Even if it cannot be stopped in the end, it can at least be delayed for some time. The two holy places are naturally willing to do this kind of thing at no cost.



Wang Cheng did not stop and flew over quickly, and his arrival quickly attracted the attention of the powerful people here.

"Ah! It's the Lord of the Human Race, no, it's the Forefather of the Universe!" A cosmic center from the second era of reincarnation was instantly overjoyed.

In the current universe, who doesn’t know about this newly rising powerhouse?

Although there is no definite evidence so far that the Lord of Infernal Affairs has broken through to the True God, no one has doubts about his strength!

And with the arrival of such a strong man, the two holy places may not be able to block the door for much longer!


The Lords of the Universe who were blocked outside saw Wang Cheng's arrival, and the two true gods who were blocking the door naturally also discovered Wang Cheng.

"It's Wu Jian of the human race!" Beizhen Star Master of the East Emperor Holy Land frowned slightly. Although he has not left the Holy Land universe for ten reincarnation eras, now that he has come out, he naturally knows the powerful people in the current universe sea. of.

This Human Race Wujian is definitely one of the top strong men in the universe sea now. Among the many strongest men in the universe, few can compare with him!

"My ancestor said that at all costs, we must keep this person out of the outside world and not let him enter the tomb boat!" The white-clothed true god from the Purple Moon Holy Land said with a slightly solemn expression.

"Oh? The ancestor of Ziyue has paid attention to this person?" Beizhen Star Lord was a little surprised. If he could achieve the Holy Land Universe, he had already transcended the cosmic sea. The ancestor of Ziyue actually paid attention to the powerful people of the cosmic sea?

"Things are very complicated, Beizhen. If you block him, it will do no harm to your East Emperor Holy Land universe. If you let him in, my Ziyue Holy Land will not get the inheritance, and you, the East Emperor Holy Land, will not get it either!" The white-clothed true god didn't have much. What he meant was that Star Master Beizhen frowned slightly when he heard it.

What this guy means is that once this human race enters it, there is a high chance that it will be inherited?

"He is most likely the Lord of the Universe!"

Seeing the Beizhen Star Master's hesitation, the white-clothed true god said something instantly.

"Are you kidding me?" Beizhen Star Master was instantly startled. Human Race Wujian is already one of the top powerhouses in the Universe Sea, or is he the Lord of the Universe?

"Believe it or not!"

The True God in White didn't mean to say more. In fact, he didn't really believe it, but they at Purple Moon Holy Land had been searching near the original universe. Now, thousands of years have passed, but they haven't found even a single hair.

It was a small universe with a diameter of 100 million light years, and it was not a small treasure. Logically speaking, it couldn't be hidden anyway, but they found nothing.

In this case, the possibility that the human race is still the master of the universe is naturally very high.

"Then stop him!"

After Beizhen Star Master's face changed for a while, he also became serious. Regardless of whether this matter was true or not, he believed that Ziyue Holy Land would never cheat him on such a matter.

After all, this matter is also related to the interests of Ziyue Holy Land!

. . .

The two true gods communicated very quickly. After they reached a consensus, it took a while before Wang Cheng came to the tomb boat.

"Lord of Infernal Affairs, these two old guys are blocking the door and destroying our opportunity. I'll take action together!"

"Ancestor of Infinity, I'm here to help you..."


When many universe masters saw Wang Cheng's arrival, they felt as if they were seeing their relatives, and they all geared up to kill the two old guys blocking the door with Wang Cheng.

Wang Cheng naturally knew what these masters of the universe were thinking, but he didn't say much. Instead, he took out a black strange object with his backhand and killed it directly.

Wang Cheng knows very well that he is the main force to break through the obstruction of the two true gods. The other universe masters seem to be numerous, but in fact they are just supporting...


Facing Wang Cheng who was coming to kill him, the true gods of the two holy places were not afraid at all.

"Stop it!"

The two true gods shouted loudly, and instantly, two terrifying realms suppressed them.

"As expected of someone from the Holy Land Universe, he is really rich!"

Wang Cheng felt the terrifying pressure on his body. He instantly understood that this was the pressure caused by two powerful treasures in the field. Although his clone carried nearly one-third of his original power, it was also suppressed in an instant. Movement became sluggish.

"Human Clan Wujian, you alone want to rush in? Just wait outside!" Star Master Beizhen sneered.

"Just these two most powerful treasures in the field?" Wang Cheng also sneered, and the next moment, he thought directly.


A five-color flag appeared in Wang Cheng's hand.


When Wang Cheng came out this time, he certainly wasn't unprepared. His will broke through to the level of the True God of the Void, and several of the most powerful treasures that could not be recognized as their owners before have been recognized as their own.

This "five-color flag" is one of them!

Wang Cheng, a master of the universe, must possess the will of the void true god level to recognize this banner as its master. It is at least a divine weapon at the eternal true god level.

Although this kind of divine weapon Wang Cheng is far from able to exert its true power, it is definitely much more powerful than the true god-level weapons of the same level.

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