Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 360 Expectations and Fears

After Duan Donghe released him, Wang Cheng quickly headed towards the next test.

"I hope Luo Feng will be the one who gets the inheritance in the end..." Duan Donghe watched Wang Cheng leave, and this thought flashed through his mind.

Luo Feng was originally a successor that Duan Donghe valued very much, and now that Wang Cheng appeared, Duan Donghe unknowingly had a preference for Luo Feng.

When choosing a successor, sometimes the background has no impact, and sometimes it does.

For example, at the beginning, those who came to participate in the inheritance were all beings from the Cosmic Sea. To Duan Donghe, it didn't matter what background he had, because there couldn't be a big force in the Cosmic Sea that everyone from Duan Donghe's lineage would take seriously.

However, after Wang Cheng appeared, Duan Donghe's mind changed slightly.

Luo Feng has a promising senior brother, so if he can become the inheritor, he will naturally be more likely to carry forward the inheritance. But compared to Luo Feng, others do not have this advantage at all!

Naturally, Duan Donghe would change his mind.

Of course, it is just a subtle change. If the gap between Luo Feng and another person is very small, Duan Donghe will definitely choose Luo Feng, but if someone is much better than Luo Feng, then Duan Donghe It is definitely impossible to choose Luo Feng!

In the final analysis, for inheritance to be passed on, it ultimately depends on the inheritor himself!

"So far, Luo Feng should be the best inheritor, and he has the greatest hope of inheriting my lineage, Duan Donghe. I wonder if someone better than him will appear in the future!" Duan Donghe thought in his mind. .

. . .

At this time, Wang Cheng had arrived at the third test, which was the "Rhinoceros Emperor Bureau".

At this time, Wang Cheng saw a tower at a glance. Just now, a Lord of the Universe from the Purple Moon Holy Land attacked the tower while comprehending it, causing it to tremble for a long time.

"This tower should be the Star Tower disguised... Fortunately Luo Feng is smart enough, otherwise he would really be interfered with by them!" Wang Cheng thought in his heart. He actually knew that Luo Feng was not afraid of this at all with the Star Tower. Harassment.

However, these aliens behaved like this because they did not take the human race seriously. Therefore, even though he knew that Luo Feng did not need help, Wang Cheng still came.

If you don't teach these people a lesson, they won't know that the human race is not easy to bully!



Wang Cheng flew over quickly.

"Another group of people are here!"

A considerable number of practitioners who are trying their best to understand the rhinoceros emperor's bureau do not pay any attention to who is coming. They are now completely immersed in their understanding of the rhinoceros emperor's bureau. As long as it does not affect their understanding, what happens in the outside world? None of their business?

Just like the human Galaxy Lords, they are attacked from time to time, and the movement is very loud. If they pay attention every time, then what is the point of understanding?

Of course, many people now spared some energy to pay attention to the new inheritor, and this attention instantly surprised everyone.

"The Infinite Ancestor of the human race, why is he here?"

Many people are a little confused. Now in the cosmic sea, most of the beings who judge that Wang Cheng is already the strongest person in the universe, and this time the Duan Donghe inheritance is born, the strongest person in the universe will not come in.

In the two holy places, there is no one who is the strongest. In the third era of reincarnation, there is no one who is the strongest. In the second era of reincarnation, there is only one who is the strongest!

The only exception was the first era of reincarnation, where the strongest came from each of their major forces.

But the life in the first reincarnation era is approaching the end, and they will die if they don't fight hard... This is completely a special situation!

Therefore, it is absolutely incredible that Wang Cheng, who is considered by many to be the strongest man in the universe and belongs to the third era of reincarnation, is here now!


"This is bad!"

At this moment, everyone who noticed Wang Cheng's heart skipped a beat.

Some of these people were those who had harassed Luo Feng.

Today's human race is really not weak in terms of top-level combat power. After all, a giant axe and a Wang Cheng are both the top experts in the universe sea!

Two people are enough to make the human race one of the most unprovoked forces in the universe sea!

But these people still dared to harass Luo Feng continuously before. The reason for this is that in addition to Luo Feng's outstanding performance and being resented, there are also these people who feel that neither Wang Cheng nor Juaxe will take the risk to come here. reason.

How could two people who are already the top experts in the Universe Sea, and who are both from the Third Reincarnation Era, who have a lot of time in the future and whose future can be said to be boundless, come here to take risks?

But the reality deviated greatly from what they predicted. Not only did one of the top warriors of the human race come, but the one who came was the Infinite Ancestor, who had a more promising future than the giant axe.

And some people are uneasy precisely because of this!

Many people know that Human Race Wujian is not only powerful, but most importantly, he has a terrifyingly short training time. It can be said that he is a person with extremely terrifying talents.

Human Luo Feng is already evil enough, right? They had previously regarded him as a formidable enemy, so many people would harass Luo Feng non-stop.

But compared to Wu Jian, Luo Feng was far behind.

When Duan Donghe chooses the successor, he must choose someone with strong talent. He is a monster, and a very powerful monster. This is definitely his biggest competitor, and he is much scarier than Luo Feng!


In a very short period of time, a large number of thoughts flashed through the minds of many strong men, and at this time, Wang Cheng had already arrived near the "Rhino Emperor Bureau" test.

In an instant, a burst of virtual divine power burst out from Wang Cheng's body.


The Lord of the Universe who had just attacked Luo Feng suddenly screamed, and his breath suddenly became much weaker.

"Lord of Infinity, you..."

The Lord of the Universe looked at Wang Cheng, his face full of pain.

In fact, he had been extremely vigilant from the moment he noticed Wang Cheng's arrival, and was even ready to hide in a palace-like treasure at any time.

But who would have thought that Wang Cheng would come up and give him a terrifyingly powerful soul attack!

Although this soul attack would not kill him, it did seriously damage his soul.

At other times, it would be troublesome to have his soul injured, but it would not be unbearable. But now, he is accepting the inheritance, and his soul is damaged, and his enlightenment speed will definitely drop countless times.

This almost means that he has no chance with this inheritance!

"How am I doing?"

Wang Cheng stopped in mid-air and looked at the other party with an indifferent expression.

"Purple Moon Holy Land will not let you go..." Although the Lord of the Universe was extremely angry and wanted to fight Wang Cheng, his remaining sense made him give up that idea.

Desperately? Just to die!

It's better to remain useful and wait to see the other party perish!

The Purple Moon Holy Land is eternal, and although the Lord of Infinity is a genius, he may not be able to achieve the Holy Land universe. After three reincarnation eras, he will be nothing more than withered bones in the grave!

Fight him desperately? not worth it!

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