When Wang Cheng saw that the Lord of the Universe endured it, he didn't do anything. After sneering, he immediately flew towards Luo Feng's Star Tower.

"Senior brother, you're really here!" Luo Feng was a little excited when he saw Wang Cheng.

Although he is not afraid of harassment from those people, it is very annoying to be attacked all the time. He is also the Lord of the Galaxy now, but he ends up becoming someone else's punching bag...

"If I don't come, some people really think that my human race is easy to bully!"

Wang Cheng said something coldly. His words were spread deliberately with divine power. Every inheritor present could hear them clearly. Now, even those strong men who had ignored the outside world at first knew it. The arrival of Wang Cheng.

"Ancestor of Infernal Affairs, our First Ancestor God Clan did not bully your human race!" A Lord of the Universe said quickly.

"Neither do I, the Green Clan!"

"The same goes for the Xing clan!"


A master of the universe quickly distanced himself from the relationship, and the originally quiet Rhinoceros Bureau inheritance place suddenly became a lot noisier. Of course, the faces of those ethnic groups who had taken action now became ugly, but now No one jumped out and said anything.

Most of the strongest members of their tribe didn't come in, so they don't have much confidence at all right now!

Moreover, even the strongest members of their tribe would most likely be ravaged when fighting against the Lord of Infernal Affairs, let alone them...


"Awesome, this is a deterrent!"

At this time, Lord Peng Gong, Lord Bingfeng and other Human Universe Lords who were also present looked at all this and were also excited in their hearts.

This is the intimidating power of the most powerful person in the universe sea. As soon as he appears, many powerful races will instantly give in...

At the same time, some universe masters who came from foreign races but joined Hongmeng were also quite shocked at this moment. Unknowingly, the human race had already had such a terrifying influence in the universe sea. If they followed the human race, they would not... wrong!


"Whether you are bullying my human race, I will naturally tell the difference!" Wang Cheng said slowly, and soon the scene calmed down.

Wang Cheng didn't say much. He and Luo Feng entered the Star Tower together.

"Luo Feng, every bit of your time is precious now. I won't waste your time. Please make a list of those who have attacked you!" Wang Cheng didn't waste any words. He said directly.

"Senior brother, do you really want to trouble them one by one?" Luo Feng asked.

"Of course, otherwise what would I do here?" Wang Cheng asked.

"Of course you are going to participate in the test and obtain the inheritance!" Luo Feng said with some worry: "With your strength, senior brother, you are naturally not afraid of these people, but if you get entangled with them, I'm afraid you won't be able to understand the rhinoceros emperor's game with peace of mind, right? ?”

"It doesn't matter!" Wang Cheng smiled.

"Senior brother, you can settle this account slowly after this inheritance is over. Now is not the time to worry about it!" Luo Feng said seriously.

Although Luo Feng also wished to make those who had harassed him look good, he felt that now was not the time for revenge.


Looking at Luo Feng who was serious, Wang Cheng thought for a while and then said: "In that case, let me tell you the truth. I never wanted the inheritance of breaking the East River from the beginning!"


Luo Feng was a little confused. Judging from the reactions of the two holy places and the various signs shown in the Duandonghe inheritance, this inheritance was absolutely incredible.

In the end, Wang Cheng actually said he didn’t want it?

"Now a considerable number of people in the universe think that I am already the strongest person in the universe, but you should know that I am not!" Wang Cheng said.

"I know, senior brother, you have reached this point by relying on the flow of dense patterns!" Luo Feng laughed. He was very confused about this matter at first. After all, according to the common sense of the universe sea, the Lord of the Universe The strongest is only level six, reaching level nine is impossible no matter what!

Therefore, Luo Feng also asked the Lord of Chaos City.

The Chaos City Lord's answer was that Wang Cheng relied on the "Micro Pattern Flow" to get to this point. It was also at that time that Luo Feng realized that there were actually more advanced cryptograms in the human race than the one he had comprehended. inherited.

And this inheritance is exactly what Wang Cheng contributed to the ethnic group!

And after learning about the more advanced inheritance of the dense pattern flow, Luo Feng also suddenly understood.

He himself relied on the inheritance of the dense pattern flow to possess the combat power of the Lord of the Universe in advance. Then it is entirely possible for his senior brother to rely on the more advanced inheritance to possess the combat power of the strongest level in advance!


"Teacher, Giant Axe, and other insiders of the human race probably all think so!" Wang Cheng smiled, but his tone changed and he shook his head: "But it's not!"


Luo Feng was stunned for a moment.

"The Lord of the Universe can fully understand higher-level secrets on his own!" Wang Cheng said seriously: "What I have achieved now is purely a method of law flow, and has little to do with the secret pattern flow."


Luo Feng was shocked, but soon he became confused again. Why did Wang Cheng suddenly tell him this?

"However, if the Lord of the Universe wants to create a sixth-level secret method, it is almost as difficult as climbing to the sky by himself. Creating an eighth-level secret method... This is even more difficult than breaking through to the True God. I don't know. How much, not to mention I did it in a short time!" Wang Cheng looked at Luo Feng and asked:

"Do you understand it?"

"Senior brother, you have received other inheritances!" Luo Feng suddenly understood.

"That's right!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly, and then said: "That's why I'm not very interested in the Duandonghe inheritance! Compared with the inheritance I got, the only advantage of the Duandonghe inheritance is that it is numerous and complex enough. Our human race has brought about huge changes, and in one fell swoop we have become the most powerful super force in the original universe and even the cosmic sea!"

"Is the Donghe Duan inheritance so powerful?" Luo Feng's eyes lit up slightly, and he quickly said: "Isn't this advantage big enough?"

"It's big enough, but if you get this inheritance, wouldn't it have the same effect?" Wang Cheng said with a smile.

"What if I fail?" Luo Feng frowned. Although he was confident and maintained some leading advantages now, he didn't know what would happen in the future.

In fact, he is not very sure about this matter!

"You have enough talent, I believe you can do it!" Wang Cheng didn't say any more, he stood up and disappeared in front of Luo Feng in an instant.

"Brother, you..."

Luo Feng wanted to say something else, but found that Wang Cheng had already left to mind his own business.

Obviously, Wang Cheng was putting pressure on Luo Feng.

"A legacy that can lead the human race to rise?" Luo Feng's heart was slightly agitated. Wang Cheng trusted him so much, which indeed made him feel tremendous pressure.

However, for Luo Feng, pressure will not affect him. He is very tough-minded. The greater the pressure, the greater the motivation!

"We must get this East River-breaking inheritance!" Luo Feng made up his mind.

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