Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 362: Harming others but not benefiting oneself?

Not long after Wang Cheng left, Luo Feng passed the list of people who harassed him to Wang Cheng.

It seems that Luo Feng has accepted this huge pressure.

However, Wang Cheng didn't care too much. No matter whether there was this pressure or not, as long as nothing unexpected happened, Luo Feng should not fail.

Luo Feng was very talented, and he was just a Universe Master, so he had much greater advantages than those Universe Lords.

As for the few true gods... they have no hope at all!

The most important thing for a true god is the small universe structure. Because there is no inheritance, the small universe structure of these people is in a mess, and there is no potential at all. These people are destined to miss the inheritance from the beginning!


Without thinking much, Wang Cheng quickly looked at the list Luo Feng gave him.

Most of the names on this list are unfamiliar to the Lord of the Universe, Wang Cheng, but they have one thing in common, that is, they come from the two holy land universes.

These masters of the universe should be the accumulation of the two holy places. They have not come out for countless reincarnation eras, so Wang Cheng naturally does not recognize them.

However, this is not a big deal.

Wang Cheng quickly browsed through the entire list. What surprised Wang Cheng was that no one from the Divine Eye Clan took action.

"The Divine Eye Clan didn't take action?" Wang Cheng was also a little surprised. If the Divine Eye Clan gave in to the human race on other matters, Wang Cheng would not be surprised.

The Universe Sea only reports about his pursuit of the ancestor of Blood Orchid, but no one knows that he has also done something even more shocking - one person against the three gods of the War God Eye Clan.

Even forcing them to give in.

Among them, there are also the First Allah and the Third Allah, the two most powerful beings of the Divine Eye Clan!

Given this matter, it is normal for the Divine Eye Clan not to want to offend the human race on some matters, but this Dongdong River inheritance is related to the opportunity to transcend reincarnation, and Luo Feng is indeed ahead of everyone... ...In this case, will the Divine Eye Clan let Luo Feng go?


Wang Cheng's eyes swept across the many powerful people in the outside world, and soon he discovered the people of the Divine Eye Clan.

After all, it is the first generation of the ethnic group. This time, the Divine Eye Clan not only sent the Lord of the Universe and the Lord of the Universe, but even two of them came.

"The Fifth Allah..." Wang Cheng looked at the familiar figure, and he had a vague feeling in his heart that the Shenyan clan's failure to take action might have something to do with the Fifth Allah.

After all, he almost killed him last time.

"There may be other reasons!"

Wang Cheng shook his head slightly. He didn't think much about it. In any case, the Shenyan Clan didn't take action, so he naturally wouldn't go looking for trouble.

. . .

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, many of the Masters of the Universe who came in the same batch as Wang Cheng passed the test of the first two levels and came to the third level.

"What's going on with the Masters of the Universe at Purple Moon Holy Land and East Emperor Holy Land?"

These new Lords of the Universe soon discovered the anomaly. While the other Lords of the Universe were all trying to comprehend, the Lords of the Universe in the Purple Moon Holy Land and the Eastern Emperor Holy Land were all as if they were faced with a formidable enemy. His face was solemn and on guard.

"It's to guard against the Infinite Ancestor of the human race..."

Some familiar Masters of the Universe explained to them that just now, this place had been lively for a while. The Infinite Ancestor of the human race did not go to understand the rhinoceros emperor's situation, but kept causing some troubles for the Master of the Universe here.

The most terrifying thing is that the Infernal Ancestor is not only good at physical attacks, but his soul attacks are also extremely terrifying, no worse than some of the strongest people who are good at souls!

Such a soul attack cannot be easily resisted by the Master of the Universe. Even if most Masters of the Universe can block it with the help of treasures, their souls will still suffer some damage.

Under such circumstances, the Lords of the Universe in Ziyue Holy Land and East Emperor Holy Land naturally did not dare to comprehend it easily.

At this critical moment of accepting inheritance, once the soul is injured, it will be really bad!

Only by temporarily uniting and being vigilant, and joining forces to resist when Wang Cheng attacks them, can they be safe for the time being.

"This ancestor of Infernal Affairs has done a great job. Those bastards from the two holy places should do this to them..."

The new Lords of the Universe were all very happy. After all, they had been blocked by the two true gods of the two holy places for a long time in the outside world, so naturally they had a lot of resentment in their hearts!

"The First Ancestor of Wujian must be enlightened himself. This confrontation should not last long!" Someone quickly shook his head.


Many people nodded, but even though this was the case, they still felt a lot happy when they saw that the Lords of the Universe of the two Holy Lands were now unlucky.



After the new batch of universe masters arrived one after another, Duan Donghe also quickly reappeared. He also discovered the situation here, but he ignored it.

As long as Wang Cheng doesn't kill anyone, he won't care!

The test of the Rhinoceros Bureau originally included all aspects. The reason why Luo Feng was targeted before was simply because Duan Donghe deliberately leaked Luo Feng's information.

Otherwise, if Luo Feng can understand with peace of mind, who knows where he will go?

From Duan Donghe's point of view, this is completely normal!

If you can't even solve the problem, what kind of inheritor can you be?

Duan Donghe wants real geniuses who are top-notch in all aspects. Even if Duan Donghe's inheritance is cut off, it cannot be handed over to waste!


At this time, where the God-Eye Clan gathered, the Seventh God and the Fifth God were exchanging their experiences in understanding the Rhinoceros Emperor’s situation. After communicating for a while, the Seventh God suddenly said with emotion:

"Duan Donghe really let this matter go. Fortunately, I listened to you and didn't provoke Na Luo Feng. Otherwise, we, the God Eye Clan, would be in trouble now!"

"The Lord of Infernal Affairs is very vengeful, and he must avenge himself! In addition, Na Luo Feng is his junior brother, and it is said that the relationship between the two is very good...I am not surprised that things have turned out like this!" Fifth Lord Weiwei Shaking his head, the ancestor of Bloodland has personally experienced the matter of the Lord of Infinite Bearing a grudge, so naturally the Fifth Lord will not be careless.

"In any case, the current situation is a good thing for us. The Lord of Infernal Affairs has held back the two Holy Lands by himself. He himself, the biggest threat, does not want to understand the situation of the Rhinoceros Emperor. We must seize all the time to understand it. !” The Seventh God said: “As long as we understand enough, no matter how genius the Lord of Infinity is, he will not be able to catch up with us easily!”


The Fifth God nodded slightly, and the two soon stopped communicating, and each went back to continue to understand the rhinoceros bureau.

. . .

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, more than ten years passed.

At this time, the universe masters of the two holy places who were not too panicked at first became a little unable to sit still. They thought that Wang Cheng was just threatening them to vent their anger.

Now that the other party has come in, it is definitely impossible to waste time with them.

But who would have thought that Wang Cheng would now be fighting to the end...

It harms others but does not benefit oneself. Even the madmen in the first reincarnation era did not do this!

"what to do?"

The masters of the universe in the two holy places were also a little panicked, and they communicated through messages one after another.

"There is no other way, please ask the ancestor for help!"



A bunch of universe masters discussed for a long time, and finally they all decided to go to the ancestors of their respective holy places to ask for countermeasures.

Wang Zheng is too powerful. They, the masters of the universe, cannot solve this problem no matter what. They must ask for help!

PS: Three updates.

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