Being stared at by one after another, the Lord of the Universe in front of Wang Cheng felt a little ashamed and angry, and even his smile became forced.

But thinking of the ancestor's firm order, this person could only hold back at the moment and continue to wait for Wang Cheng's reply.

"It's okay for Purple Moon Holy Land to seek peace, but it has to show some sincerity. Is it just a little treasure that our human race needs?" Wang Cheng sneered.


The Lord of the Universe almost couldn't hold back his anger, but considering the difference in strength between the two, he endured it.

He really didn't expect that Ziyue Holy Land would be rejected even if it took the initiative to seek peace!

"Lord of Infernal Affairs, I, Purple Moon Holy Land, am not a soft persimmon. Although you are powerful, what about the entire human race?" asked the Lord of the Universe.

"Threatening me with the human race?"

Wang Cheng sneered, and the next moment, he slapped out a palm without any warning.

Under the endless white light, the Lord of the Universe was filled with fear for a moment. He tried his best to resist, but the terrifying power still fell on his divine body.


The Lord of the Universe turned into a stream of light and was instantly thrown away for an unknown distance.

"Don't bother me again, get out!" Wang Cheng snorted coldly.


The Lord of the Universe saved his life. Without saying anything else, he quickly returned to the team in the Purple Moon Holy Land.

"Hiss, this ancestor of Wujian is so cruel. He just refused to accept the peace request from the Purple Moon Holy Land, but he even took action to blast away the peace envoy... Now, the two sides are really fighting to the death!" Many people They were all frightened at the moment.

"The ancestor of Wujian is still impulsive. What's the use of being strong alone? The overall strength and foundation of the human race are far inferior to that of the Purple Moon Holy Land. If the Purple Moon Holy Land targets the human race, then the human race will not be able to survive in the universe sea! "

"That's true. It depends on what Ziyue Holy Land will do next!"


Amid the expectations of each and every strong man, after several more days, the Purple Moon Holy Land finally responded again - they sent another envoy, and they also asked for peace!

"Really asking for peace?"

Wang Cheng also looked at the visitor with some surprise. This time the other party brought more treasures and treasures, and his attitude was much better.

"Lord of Infernal Affairs, our Purple Moon Holy Land really has no intention of being an enemy to the human race. The ancestor of my family said that she is very optimistic about you, Lord of Infernal Affairs. It was all a misunderstanding before!" The Lord of the Universe said:

"The ancestor also asked me to tell you, the Lord of Infinity, that if you are willing to come to Ziyue Holy Land, the ancestor will personally receive you!"


Wang Cheng looked at the sincere envoy. After thinking for a moment, he immediately said: "In that case, let everything go past. However, there is no need to go to the Purple Moon Holy Land!"

"Then I won't disturb you, Lord of Infernal Affairs!" The messenger put down the treasure, and then quickly left here without looking back.


Wang Cheng looked at the departing figure of the envoy from Purple Moon Holy Land, and he also began to ponder.

Ziyue Holy Land indeed had an attitude of not wanting to continue fighting with him, and even lowered its posture to the lowest level. If he was a normal Cosmic Sea powerhouse, he might actually believe what the other party said.

But Wang Cheng knew that the ancestor of Ziyue was not that easy to talk to.

"Being patient on the surface, there must be a bigger plan behind it!" Wang Cheng was thinking about everything quickly, and suddenly, he thought of something.

"The ancestor of Ziyue has always planned to seize the original universe. Does she regard me as a competitor, so she wants to deal with me?" Wang Cheng's heart moved slightly.

If you think about it this way, Ziyue Holy Land's actions today are somewhat understandable.

The other party obviously wanted to show goodwill first, make him numb, and then give him a fatal blow at the critical moment...

"It's a beautiful thought, but unfortunately, you don't have a chance!"

Wang Cheng shook his head slightly, not to mention his trump card, but simply saying that he had seen through Ziyue Holy Land's plan, then he would naturally not give the other party a chance.

After a while, Wang Cheng has accumulated enough in the Lord of the Universe, and he breaks through to the True God. The mere Purple Moon Holy Land will be completely useless.

. . .

While Wang Cheng was thinking about it, everyone who was waiting to see Ziyue Holy Land's reaction were shocked.

The begging for peace was blown away, only to beg for peace again with your face licked?

Purple Moon Holy Land, it turned out to be "Hahaha, so this is the Holy Land. Fortunately, I thought they were so powerful before. I kept avoiding them when I met them in the Universe Sea!"

"The longer you live, the more useless you become!"

"It's just rubbish!"


Many strong men who had been bullied by the Purple Moon Holy Land began to mock fiercely, and every universe master in the Purple Moon Holy Land turned blue with anger.

But there was no way, who made them really do such a shameful thing?

"A bunch of garbage who can't survive three reincarnation eras are worthy of mocking us? Who will remember this when the three reincarnation eras are over?"

The universe masters of the Purple Moon Holy Land can only comfort themselves in this way. Each of them has lived for at least ten reincarnation eras. At worst, after this time, they will return to the Holy Land and not come out for three reincarnation eras.

By then, naturally no one will remember this!


"Purple Moon Holy Land is really weird this time. What are they thinking?" At this time, the Masters of the Universe in East Emperor Holy Land were also wondering.

Unlike other cosmic sea powerhouses, they have a clearer understanding of the Ziyue Holy Land's behavior.

Compared with their Eastern Emperor Holy Land, Ziyue Holy Land has always been more extreme in its actions. Why did it give in this time?

"Perhaps the founder of Ziyue doesn't want to suffer any losses in this inheritance, so he can only endure the Lord of Infernal Affairs for a while, and wait for his revenge in the future!" Someone speculated.

"No matter what, our Holy Land of the Eastern Emperor does not need to seek peace from the Lord of Infinity. Once the 'Realm of the Gods' is delivered, we can feel at ease and understand it again!"




. . .

Time continued to pass, and soon the treasures from the Eastern Emperor's Holy Land arrived.

At this time, the masters of the universe in the East Emperor's Holy Land collectively hid in the "Holy Temples". Wang Cheng's use of soul attacks again had little deterrent effect on them, and they began to practice with peace of mind.

There is no need to say more about material attacks. Unless it is sealed, it is impossible to obtain the most powerful palace-type treasures with material attacks.

Seeing this, Wang Cheng also temporarily gave up targeting the Eastern Emperor's Holy Land.

The fundamental purpose of his action this time was to frighten the many ethnic groups in the universe sea, so that no one else would have the courage to attack the human race casually.

Although the purpose was impure, Purple Moon Holy Land took the initiative to give in, and the effect of Wang Cheng's shock this time was far beyond expectations.

In the future, any race or strong person in the universe will have to think carefully about what happened today when they want to take action against the human race.

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