Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 365: Suggestions from the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom

All disputes have been eliminated for the time being, and the attention of many powerful men in the Universe Sea has been devoted to cracking the rhinoceros emperor's situation.

And Wang Cheng once again devoted himself wholeheartedly to his own practice.

In the blink of an eye, five hundred years have passed, and Luo Feng was the first to meet the requirement of cutting off the Donghe River, once again arousing the jealousy of many powerful people in the universe sea.

However, this time, Duan Donghe took the initiative to protect Luo Feng, and no one could take the initiative to interfere with Luo Feng.

Moreover, Wang Cheng was sitting cross-legged in the distance. Not only did everyone dare not take action, they did not even dare to curse. What happened five hundred years ago was still fresh in their minds, and no one dared to risk offending Wang Cheng.


The test continues, and time continues to pass.

Soon, more than five thousand years passed.

"Finally, the divine power exceeded 60,000 times!"

On the Shenmu Mountain, Wang Cheng's true form opened his eyes. At this time, he felt a little emotional in his heart.

This flow of divine power is indeed difficult to move forward. Although it only lasts five thousand years, Wang Cheng's will is now at the level of the True God of the Void, and his consciousness deduction speed is much faster than before!

Moreover, under the Tree of Time, Wang Cheng can enjoy a million times acceleration effect, which is ten times faster than before.

At this moment, Wang Cheng has been practicing for five thousand years, which is almost comparable to the hundreds of thousands of years he spent before comprehending the "One Way of Time". It took such a long time for his divine power to break through the level of 60,000 times.

"The bottleneck between 60,000 and 90,000 times at the genetic level is not big. I should be able to break through it soon, but 89,999 times to 90,000 times..." Wang Cheng frowned and thought, this is a super big hurdle. .

Although the final stage of the divine power flow is 100,000 times the genes, in fact, 90,000 times the genes is already as difficult as reaching the sky.

Only one million practitioners of the divine power stream could give birth to a person with 90,000 times the gene!

If he had enough training resources, Wang Cheng would have enough confidence to cross this big hurdle. However, Wang Cheng had only collected the genes of seventy-two major types of life before, and now it was difficult to get to this point.

Continuing on will only make the efficiency inefficient.

"Next, major in Void Dao, and let Void Dao reach a level comparable to time as soon as possible!" Wang Cheng made a decision in his heart.

Soon, he started practicing again.


In a flash, eleven thousand years passed.

In the Seven Temples, Wang Cheng punched out.


Ripples emerged in the void, and with this punch, endless overlapping power erupted from different spatial layers in an instant.

Countless powers were combined, and the power generated instantly reached an incredible level.

"The combination of the two routes of the Void Path is much more terrifying. This move may reach the top level of the eighth level!" This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind.

At the same time, he was also thinking about his next practice.

Wang Cheng's path of cultivation has long been clear. He must understand the perfect structure of the small universe, otherwise he will not make a breakthrough.

However, the flow of divine power is temporarily put on hold. If it is the flow of law, it will have to take the path of combining the two paths of void and time.

However, Wang Cheng had inheritance guidance for his previous practice, and now it was all up to him.

Wang Cheng has seriously thought about this path before, and he thinks it is completely feasible.

Time is time, and void is space. As the two most important elements that constitute the universe, time and space can naturally be combined.

Of course, the difficulty is unpredictable.


Wang Cheng raised his head and glanced at the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom outside the Seven Temples. The other party was still making the same movements as before, and time seemed to have no meaning to him.

"Senior Falcon!"

Wang Cheng suddenly spoke.

"What's the matter?" came the voice of the Lord of the Falcon Country.

"Senior should be able to tell that I have been cultivating the Void Path before. Now, both my Time and Void Paths have reached the ultimate level of Lord of the Universe. I want to combine the two paths. Does Senior have any suggestions?" Wang Cheng asked .

"I am not good at time or void!" The Lord of the Falcon Kingdom said lightly: "But I have seen practitioners who combine these two paths!"


Wang Cheng's eyes lit up slightly.

"I have to warn you, the combination of these two paths is indeed extremely powerful, but it is also extremely difficult!" said the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom.

"Difficult?" Wang Cheng asked.

"Did you know that one path, the ultimate in cultivation, is the level of the God King?" asked the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom.

"Know something!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

Just like the path of "time consciousness", if he practices to the extreme, he can use this to break through to the level of the God King.

The same goes for practicing the two paths of "Multiple Void" and "Line Phase Void" to the extreme.

If you take all the five paths of time to the extreme, or take all the nine paths of the void path to the extreme, and then integrate them all, you should be able to reach the realm of the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom.


"This is a road that has not been traveled. As far as I know, in the endless years, many people who practice this road have been stuck, and no one has ever reached the realm of the God King through this." Falcon Zhi. The king said calmly.


Wang Cheng was slightly startled. It is conceivable that a person who can combine void and time is definitely a terrifying genius.

And even among these geniuses, no one has mastered it...

Is it possible that this road is really so difficult that countless incredible geniuses have fallen on it? Or are there other reasons?

"Law flow, your accumulation in the Master of the Universe stage is already terrifying enough. Next, you only need to make further achievements in the divine power flow. In the future, your future will be limitless. I was only on par with you at the beginning! "The lord of the Falcon Kingdom said:

"I advise you to give up this path!"


Wang Cheng didn't speak, he started thinking silently.

The Lord of the Falcon Kingdom was not in a hurry. He was waiting for Wang Cheng's answer, and Wang Cheng did not let the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom wait too long. He soon had the answer.

"Senior, in this world, every road must be passed by others. If others can't do it, it doesn't mean that I can't do it!" Wang Cheng said with an unchanged expression. The Lord of the Falcon Kingdom did not speak. He looked at Wang Cheng, For a moment, Wang Cheng felt a terrifying pressure coming on him.

This is the terrifying will of the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom that has escaped slightly. If Wang Cheng's will is not firm enough, he will definitely feel extremely uncomfortable at this moment.

However, he had indeed made a decision and his will was extremely firm. Therefore, although the pressure from the leader of the Falcon Kingdom was a little uncomfortable for Wang Cheng, it was nothing.

"Okay, not bad!"

The Lord of the Falcon Kingdom suddenly smiled. He waved his hand, and in an instant, a black light appeared from the void and shot towards Wang Cheng.


The black light passed directly through the barriers of the Seven Temples and suddenly fell in front of Wang Cheng.

This is a huge black stone mountain, with countless stars and dots of light shining in it. At a glance, Wang Cheng felt that there was endless mystery contained in it.

A large amount of insights poured out of his heart, almost overwhelming him.

"Is this?" Wang Cheng was a little shocked, but after just one glance, so many new insights emerged in his heart? What the hell is this?

"This may be helpful to you!" The Lord of the Falcon Kingdom didn't mean to say more, and Wang Cheng didn't ask any more questions. After giving a slight salute to the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom, he sat down cross-legged under the black stone mountain.

PS: Three updates.

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