Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 367 An unexpected discovery

Wang Cheng was not in a hurry to go to the primitive secret realm to get those fifteen special lives. After he returned to the primitive universe, he continued to search for various special lives in various dangerous and hidden places.

Most of these dangerous and secret places have owners, and some are extremely exclusive to outsiders.

But with Wang Cheng's current strength, he doesn't care about this at all.

He went in quietly, found something and left. Even if he was discovered, no one could do anything to him.

And in Wang Cheng's search, time is also passing rapidly.


One thousand years, two thousand years, three thousand years... ten thousand years, twenty thousand years, thirty thousand years...

Time continued to pass in units of ten thousand years. At this time, both the original universe and the cosmic sea were very peaceful, and nothing major happened.

There is no need to say more about the original universe. In the universe sea, many forces are focusing on the final ownership of the Duandonghe inheritance, and no one wants to pay attention to other things.

Wang Cheng's true self has always been comprehending the mystery of the combination of void and time in Shenmu Mountain, and now he is completely immersed in it, with no interest in paying attention to the external situation.

In such an environment, one hundred and ten thousand years passed in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, Wang Cheng's own search, coupled with the help of the human race, Wang Cheng still has 7 categories of life to find before he can find all 108 categories of life.

Originally, Wang Cheng would not do anything unnecessary, and he would continue to search like this.

But when Wang Cheng was searching for special beings in a core secret realm controlled by the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, he suddenly discovered something related to him.


The core secret realm controlled by the Northern Xinjiang Alliance is called the "Qishen Mysterious Realm". There are seven or eight universe masters sitting in this secret realm, and the strongest one is undoubtedly the fifth-level universe master "Qishen Lord".

At this time, Wang Cheng was standing in the void in the mysterious realm of Qi. Relying on the ability of the "Universal Messenger", he was searching for everything in this mysterious realm bit by bit.

In fact, the scope of the universe that Wang Cheng can now control through the "Cosmic Messenger" is extremely large. It stands to reason that even outside the secret realm, he can easily cover the entire secret realm.

However, the core secret realms of these peak forces are covered by special means. It is still very difficult for Wang Cheng to explore their interiors from the outside. He can only explore them bit by bit by entering them.

Although this is the core secret realm of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, with Wang Cheng's ability, it is not difficult to enter it.

After all, secret realms like this are usually not completely sealed off, but there are many immortals or cosmic lords coming in and out, and there are even some geniuses cultivated by the Northern Xinjiang Alliance... These are the biggest flaw.


"Master of the Nine Souls Palace?"

Suddenly, Wang Cheng's attention was attracted by a gorgeous palace.

Living in this palace is one of the top overlords of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, the Lord of the Nine Souls Palace.

This person has a special life background and a very high genetic level. Relying on his extremely high genetic level, after he created the ultimate secret method for the overlord of the universe, he will naturally become the top overlord.

What's even more rare is that the Lord of the Nine Souls Palace is also a soul master, who is said to be no less than the Mother Queen of the Zerg at the same level.

Of course, all of these are trivial matters to Wang Cheng. Based on these alone, the Lord of the Nine Souls Palace cannot attract him.

What really caught Wang Cheng's attention was that the Master of the Nine Souls Palace seemed to be one of the seven types of special beings that he lacked.

"Star vine lifeforms..."

Wang Cheng thought about everything about this kind of life in his heart. At the same time, he also investigated everything about the Nine Souls Palace Master in the virtual universe. Soon, Wang Cheng determined that the Nine Souls Palace Master was the star vine life he was looking for.

"It's a pity that the Lord of the Nine Souls Palace is already the Lord of the Universe!" Wang Cheng shook his head with regret.

The body of the Lord of the Universe must have been completely transformed into divine power. In the "divine power flow" inheritance that Wang Cheng received, although there are corresponding means to return to the origin and extract the life genes contained in his divine power, it is still troublesome. some.

"Old rule, take away part of the divine body of the Lord of the Nine Souls Palace!" Wang Cheng thought in his heart, and then he took a step and quietly arrived outside the temple of the Lord of the Nine Souls Palace.

If it were an ordinary true god, even if he was stronger, he would definitely be discovered if he teleported unscrupulously in someone else's "home".

But Wang Cheng is different. His realm of "Void Dao" is already extremely high. When he teleports, he can instantly erase all space fluctuations. It is impossible for the Lord of the ordinary universe and the true God to discover him based on this.


Although the Master of the Nine Souls Hall is a soul master, he is still in the realm of the Venerable, and his attainments in the soul are still far behind. Therefore, at this moment, Wang Cheng is ready to use soul means to enchant him without hesitation.

However, just before Wang Cheng took action, he suddenly stopped.


Wang Cheng looked a little strange. At this time, a figure wearing a black robe suddenly appeared in front of the master of the Nine Soul Palace. His aura was vague and there was no soul fluctuation.

Wang Cheng recognized at a glance that this was a demon-killing clan!

"The Lord of the Nine Souls Palace actually has a clone of the Demon Killer Clan, and this Demon Killer Clan clone seems to be...the Dark Lord!" Wang Cheng was a little surprised.

The Dark Lord is a notorious killer in the original universe. He is the clone of a strong man and is not afraid of soul attacks. He has no flaws at all.

As a killer, the Dark Lord dares to take on any task, and relying on the special characteristics of the demon-killing clan, his task completion rate is also extremely high. This person is simply hated by all the races in the universe!

The most important thing is that the Dark Lord assassinated Wang Cheng.


"It's really hard to find a place after trying hard to find it. It takes no effort at all!" Wang Cheng was slightly surprised. Considering his current strength and status, the Dark Lord is just a small role in front of him.

Not worth mentioning at all!

But unfortunately, even if Wang Cheng wanted to take revenge on the other party before, he could not find anyone. Without him, no one would know who the Black Lord is.

Therefore, Wang Cheng could only forget about it for the time being.

But Wang Cheng didn't expect that he would discover the Dark Lord himself by chance.

"Master of the Nine Souls Palace, he hid it deep enough!" Wang Cheng shook his head. Originally, according to his principle, it would be enough to take only part of the divine power of the Master of the Nine Souls Palace, but now, Wang Cheng is ready to kidnap him directly.

The Dark Lord had assassinated him, and there was a grudge between the two parties. Now that the other party was caught by him, he naturally had no reason to let him go.

"Fall down!"

Wang Cheng thought, and in an instant, a void divine power quietly penetrated the temple where the master of the Nine Souls Palace was, and invaded his soul at the same time.

Wang Cheng has created seventh-level soul-like secret arts. His level of soul is much higher than that of the Nine Souls Palace Master. Just like if the Demon God of Xu Zhen wants to assassinate any of the Universe Venerables, as long as he uses soul attacks, he will not be able to kill him at all. No one survives this.

The same goes for the Master of the Nine Souls Palace. Under Wang Cheng's penetration, the Master of the Nine Souls Palace felt nothing from the beginning to the end.

Until finally, deep in the soul of the Nine Soul Palace Master, a small dark blue tower suddenly burst out with a terrifying light, and the Nine Soul Palace Master suddenly woke up.

"Pour it for me!!"

Wang Cheng frowned, and he instantly increased the intensity of his enchantment. Now, after a brief struggle, the Master of the Nine Souls Palace stopped making any movement and fell down directly.

"A top overlord actually has a soul defense treasure, and it is a high-level treasure!" Wang Cheng shook his head slightly. This high-level soul defense treasure was indeed beyond Wang Cheng's expectations.


At this time, a huge breath suddenly burst out from the distance of Qi Mysterious Realm.

Obviously, although the high-level soul defense treasure could not stop Wang Cheng's enchantment method, it also bought a little time for the Lord of the Nine Souls Palace, and it was with this little time that the Lord of the Nine Souls Palace directly asked for help.

PS: In the original work, when Luo Feng was still ostensibly the Lord of the Universe, the human race gave him a high-level soul defense treasure "Afterimage"... It was said that even if the Demon God of Xu Zhen came again, he would still have time to self-destruct, so There should be no problem here.

In addition, I suddenly had a toothache today. I endured the pain and reluctantly wrote two updates... The third update should be gone!

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