Listening to the angry shouts in the distance, Wang Cheng felt no fluctuation in his heart.

He instantly appeared next to the fallen Nine Soul Hall Master and directly waved his hand to put him away.

At this time——


A ray of silver bolt burst through the air and suddenly suppressed Wang Cheng's body.

"Field type treasure!"

Wang Cheng sneered disdainfully, and the next moment, he took out a five-color flag.


Under the waving of the big flag, the endless five-color river rolled out instantly.

call! call! call!

All the silver horses were suppressed instantly, and at the same time, the colorful river swept across dozens of light-years in the blink of an eye. In an instant, the figures that were speeding towards Wang Cheng just now were forced to stop.

"This five-color the treasure of Lord Wujian?" A Lord of the Universe from the Northern Xinjiang Alliance recognized this treasure.

Although Wang Cheng only used the "Five-Colored Flag" once in the Cosmic Sea, its power was terrifying. With one against two, he managed to withstand the siege of two domain-level supreme treasures.

Suddenly, Wang Cheng's five-color flag became famous.

Although no one knew the name of the "Five-Colored Flag", its effect was widely spread. Therefore, as soon as the Lord of the Universe was suppressed, he immediately recognized the origin of this domain-like treasure.

"What? Is it him?"

The Lord of Qishen was instantly shocked. He was the Lord of the fifth-level universe. In the original universe, there were not many people he could fear. Even the strongest person in the universe would find it very difficult to kill him in the original universe.

With a one-level gap, the opponent can ravage him, but it would be too difficult to kill him.

But the "Lord of Infernal Affairs" of the human race is one of the few people that the Lord of Qishen is afraid of. There is no way, because the other party is famous for being the most powerful and precious.

And with more treasures, it will be easy to find ways to restrain any enemy.

When restrained, the one-level gap can be fatal!

For example, right now, he is restrained by an extremely terrifying domain-type treasure, and he cannot escape even if he wants to. The other party has every hope of grinding him to death.

"Hurry and contact the leader..."

The Lord of Qishen quickly said something to the other Lords of the Universe, and at the same time he also looked into the distance.

Covered by the endless five-color ocean, he could not see things in the distance at all, but through the previous events, Lord Qishen knew that the person who just attacked the "Master of the Nine Souls Palace" was the Lord of the Human Race. And the other party is right over there right now!


"Lord of Wujian, what do you mean by coming to Waqi Mysterious Realm and attacking the Lord of Nine Souls Palace?" The Lord of Qishen asked:

"Is it possible that the human race wants to start a war with my Northern Xinjiang Alliance?"

"Start a war? Haha!"

Wang Cheng's sneer came, and the Lord of Qishen hesitated for a moment. He just said that just to scare the other party, but from the sneer of the Lord of Wujian, he actually heard a trace of indifference.

It seems like even starting a war is no big deal.

"It's really arrogant. Although the human race is powerful now, in the original universe, our Northern Xinjiang Alliance is not easy to mess with!" Lord Qishen thought in his heart, and he immediately spoke again:

"Lord of Wujian, what is your identity? You are so shameless in coming to the Mystic Realm of Qi to deal with a Universe Venerable! The Lord of the Nine Souls Palace has not left the Mystical Realm of Qi for countless years. Is it possible that he has offended you?"

"You're right, this guy really offended me!"

Wang Cheng's voice came again, but it was much more ethereal, which made the Lord Qishen feel bad. The other party was probably far away by now.

"Even so, you forcefully broke into the mysterious realm of Qi, and you still don't take our Northern Xinjiang Alliance seriously?" The Lord of Qishen continued to speak, but Wang Cheng did not respond. After another moment, the vast colorless ocean quickly disappeared. , the entire Qi Mysterious Realm returned to its previous calm.

The only difference is that the Master of Nine Souls Palace is no longer here.


Without the suppression of the five-color flag, soon, the masters of the universe teleported to the front of the palace where the master of the Nine Souls Palace was.

Everyone looked ugly. They knew that the master of the Nine Souls Palace had been forcibly taken away, and that he was in the core secret realm of their Northern Xinjiang Alliance.

This was like a slap, hitting them hard in the face.


"We in the Northern Xinjiang Alliance can't just let this matter go. Come with me to see the leader!" The Lord of Qishen looked at the other Lords of the Universe with a cold expression.

"Yes, go see the alliance leader. The human race has to give us an explanation for this matter!" The masters of the universe agreed one after another. It would be fine if the master of the Nine Soul Palace was killed or kidnapped in the outside world, such as the primitive star. , but in their Qi Mysterious Realm, this is too little regard for the Northern Xinjiang Alliance.

. . .

The leader of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance had already received requests for help from Lord Qishen and others, so it didn't take long for him to rush over.

"The Lord of Infinite Realm has indeed crossed the line in this matter, and I will ask the human race for an explanation!" The leader of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance expressed his attitude.

"Leader, do you just want an explanation?" The Lord of Qishen was not satisfied.

"Then what do you want? Start a war with the human race? Can you persuade others?" the leader of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance asked with an unhappy expression.


The Lord of Qishen suddenly fell silent. The Northern Xinjiang Alliance actually has more powerful people than any other alliance, but it is precisely because there are too many strong people that the Northern Xinjiang Alliance can protect itself. What if they want to unite with the outside world? That would be too difficult!


The leader of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance glanced at the Lord Qishen, and he secretly shook his head.

In fact, even if other universe masters in the Northern Xinjiang Alliance agreed to declare war on the human race, he would not agree.

He serves as the leader of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance purely because he values ​​some of the benefits of this position. Do you want him to fight hard? That is impossible!

The human race has a giant ax and a seamless one. They are both extremely terrifying existences in the universe sea.

It’s not like he won’t go to the Cosmic Sea in the future. Now to start a war with the human race would be to form a deadly feud... Will he go to the Cosmic Sea in the future?

Just like the Queen of the Zerg and the Godfather of the Mechanical Tribe, they will probably never leave the original universe unless they have to!

"Don't worry, if the Lord of the Nine Souls Palace dies, I will resurrect him!" The leader of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance promised again, and then he disappeared in front of several Lords of the Universe.


The few people discussed for a while, and finally came to the conclusion that they really had no choice but to wait for good news from the alliance leader.

The best outcome of this matter is naturally that their alliance leader can bring back the Nine Soul Palace Master.

Otherwise, after the Nine Soul Palace Master dies, their alliance leader can resurrect him!

Just be afraid, the Lord of the Nine Souls Palace will be permanently suppressed... Moreover, the possibility of this is not small. If the Lord of Infernal Affairs just wants to kill people, then the Lord of the Nine Souls Palace will be dead by now. .

But the other party just kidnapped the master of the Nine Souls Palace... This was obviously to make him unable to stand up forever!

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