Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 371: The Lord of the Falcon Kingdom

"that's all?"

Wang Cheng was a little stunned. What kind of request is this? Even if there is no leader of the Falcon Kingdom, is it possible that he will give up on cultivation?

"If you can really surpass me, then you must find a way to resurrect me!" The Lord of the Falcon said again.


Wang Cheng was stunned for a moment.

"Do you agree?" asked the leader of the Falcon Kingdom.

"If the disciple really has the ability to do it, he will naturally do his best to resurrect the teacher!" Wang Cheng said seriously.

"Very good!" The leader of the Falcon Kingdom nodded with satisfaction. All he wanted was a promise.

Even if this promise is illusory, the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom doesn't care. Having hope is better than having no hope.

As for whether Wang Cheng would keep his promise or not, the Falcon King didn't bother to think too much.

Normally speaking, there is a high probability that Wang Cheng will not reach that step. After all, no matter how talented he is now, the road ahead will be extremely long. Many geniuses will fall during the journey of cultivation.

And if Wang Cheng really gets to that point, then any means of restraining him now are unlikely to work.

Therefore, it is enough to have a promise!

. . .

The Lord of the Falcon Kingdom didn't think much. Soon, he waved his hand and two virtual screens appeared in the void in front of Wang Cheng.

On the screen, there are names, secrets, or treasures!

"When I stayed in Shenmu Mountain, there were a total of 3,451 kinds of secret techniques and secret techniques, which could help practice, increase combat effectiveness, or save lives. There were 12 kinds of top-notch treasures and 1,834 kinds of second-level treasures. !” The Lord of the Falcon Kingdom said: “All the secrets and treasures are here, you can take your time and take a look!”

"Teacher, give these to me?" Wang Cheng glanced at the screen, and the things inside were simply crazy.

"I will give you the top twelve treasures when you break through the realms of True God, True God of Void, True God of Eternity... and you can do whatever you want with the rest!" the Lord of Falcon Country said calmly. After a few words, he immediately said:

"But I want to remind you that you are still too weak now, as long as the treasure is enough, if you go out with a treasure that is too precious, you will only be seeking death!

The same goes for secret techniques and secret techniques. These secret techniques and secret techniques are more than you can chew. Based on your current strength, just choose one or two secret techniques and secret techniques that are most suitable for you to practice! "


After hearing the reminder from the leader of the Falcon Kingdom, Wang Cheng also calmed down.

Although he is not afraid of others coveting his treasures in the Universe Sea, it is indeed useless to have too many treasures. After all, he only has so much divine power. Is it possible that he can use hundreds or thousands of top-notch treasures at the same time?

This is especially true for secret techniques and secret techniques. Just choose the right one for this, and you can learn the rest later.


"There is one more thing you need to pay attention to!" the leader of the Falcon Kingdom suddenly said.

"Teacher, please speak!" Wang Cheng raised his head and said.

"Shenmu Mountain is quite famous. Without Dao Ming's protection, you will never be able to defend it!" said the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom:

"While no one is discovering this place now, you should improve your strength as soon as possible, refine Shenmu Mountain, and hide it!"

"Teacher, can't I refine Shenmu Mountain now?" Wang Cheng asked.

"No, you can at most control some unimportant places now. If you want to completely refine Shenmu Mountain, you must at least reach the realm of chaos!" The Lord of the Falcon Kingdom shook his head.

"That's too far away!" Wang Cheng thought for a moment, and then said: "Teacher, you may not know that the current Shenmu Mountain is actually in the Universe Sea!"

"Cosmic Sea?"

Hearing this name, even the leader of the Falcon Kingdom was slightly startled.

"Are you a cosmic sea creature?" The leader of the Falcon Kingdom looked at Wang Cheng in astonishment.


Wang Cheng nodded.

"You have the inheritance of the Time Path from an old acquaintance of mine, and you also have a strong Void Dao inheritance, and you are actually in the Universe Sea?" the Lord of the Falcon asked again.

"It is indeed the Universe Sea!" Wang Cheng confirmed again.


The Lord of the Falcon Kingdom did not speak. He believed in his heart that there should be a big secret in Wang Cheng. Otherwise, how could a cosmic sea life be given so many opportunities?

It’s not that the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom looks down on the beings of the Universe Sea. Strictly speaking, the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom himself was once a creature of the Universe Sea. It was only because he was reincarnated as a true spirit after he failed in reincarnation that he achieved what he is today.

Logically speaking, the universe sea should be a desert for cultivation. It is almost impossible for the beings in it to obtain any simple inheritance. What's more, what Wang Cheng has obtained is the two top inheritances.


"Since we are in the Universe Sea, there is no need to worry about the safety of Shenmu Mountain!"

The leader of the Falcon Kingdom said that he didn't think much about it. The big secret about Wang Cheng had nothing to do with him. In other words, the bigger the secret about Wang Cheng, the better, so that it would be easier to achieve his goal.


Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

"The thing I was most worried about before was that you were killed when you were weak!" The leader of the Falcon Kingdom sighed: "But now that you are in the universe sea, I am relieved!"

"There are indeed very few people in the cosmic sea that can threaten me!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.

"It's not enough that the Cosmic Sea does not threaten you. You must take advantage of the opportunity in the Cosmic Sea to grow up!" said the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom:

"The Shenmu Mountain is a treasure that I have spent endless efforts refining. It can shield the influence of the Supreme Rules to a certain extent. You can practice in the Shenmu Mountain to reach the realm of chaos and then go through reincarnation!"

"Is this... possible?" Wang Cheng was stunned.

"Of course you can!" The Lord of Falcon nodded.

"I understand!" Wang Cheng nodded without hesitation.

Relying on the opportunity grabbing system, Wang Cheng's practice has always focused on "stability", but according to the supreme rules, as long as the life in the universe sea breaks through the True God of the Void, he must go through reincarnation in a short time.

This cannot be disobeyed.

At most, if you accumulate a little more in the True God stage, you will cross over to the Void True God as soon as you break through, and directly become the Eternal True God.

The Eternal True God is already considered a strong person no matter where he is.

Wang Cheng's plan was originally like this. He wanted to become the eternal true god in the universe sea, and then go through reincarnation!

But now, the Lord of the Falcon Country has provided him with a new path, and this path is obviously much more reliable than the previous one.

If the Eternal True God is considered a strong person no matter where he is, then the Chaos Realm can be called a giant. It is definitely stable enough to go through reincarnation after reaching the Chaos Realm.

Generally speaking, it takes a lot of time to achieve the realm of chaos, but with Wang Cheng's "Tree of Time", he doesn't need to worry about this problem at all.

It is more than enough to turn an era of reincarnation into a realm of chaos!

PS: Two updates, I feel almost better, updates should resume tomorrow!

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