Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 372 Secret Techniques and Treasures

Wang Cheng chatted with the leader of the Falcon Kingdom for a long time, and the other person had unparalleled knowledge. After chatting with him deeply, Wang Cheng felt that his thinking suddenly broadened a lot, and his plans for the future became countless times clearer.

Then, under the guidance of the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom, Wang Cheng chose three secret techniques and prepared to practice them.

The first two are the secret techniques of enslavement, one is the secret technique of will enslavement "Light in the Heart", and the other is the secret technique of soul enslavement "Nine Rivers Realm"!

The secret technique of will enslavement is one of the most popular methods of the Falcon Kingdom Lord. According to the Falcon Kingdom Lord, there are very few people who master this secret technique.

Of course, there are several secret techniques of will slavery created by the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom, but most of them require the will of the Eternal True God level to get started. Wang Cheng's will is not at the level of the Void True God at the moment, so he can only choose the weaker "Light in the Heart" for the time being. 》!

Choosing the secret technique of soul enslavement was the suggestion of the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom.

Although the secret technique of will enslavement is against the heavens, even a soulless life cannot escape slavery, but it has great restrictions when it is used. Not only does the enslavement process take enough time, but the will of the enslaved must be one level lower than the enslaver. Only then can there be hope for the success of slavery.

Just like Wang Cheng now, even if he has cultivated the "Light in the Heart", he can only attack those whose will does not exceed the limit of a true god!

Therefore, the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom suggested that Wang Cheng choose a secret technique of soul enslavement. When encountering a being with a soul and a strong will, he could also choose to use the secret technique of soul enslavement.

The Lord of the Falcon Country highly praised the secret art of soul enslavement, "Nine Rivers Realm". He believed that its conception was extremely mysterious and that it was the pinnacle of techniques in enslaving living beings.

Therefore, Wang Cheng chose "Nine Rivers Realm".


In addition to the two enslavement secret techniques, Wang Cheng also chose the top-notch divine burning secret technique "Ember".

Wang Cheng is also following the flow of divine power, and there will definitely be no shortage of divine power in the future. Naturally, Wang Cheng cannot let go of this secret technique that can temporarily significantly increase combat effectiveness.

"Ember Destruction" is divided into nine levels. When burning, the consumption of divine power is tens of millions of times faster than the previous one. According to the Lord of the Falcon Country, once the ninth level of "Ember Destruction" is used, even in his heyday, he can sustain Not long.

Of course, that is very far away from Wang Cheng. With his current level, it is already quite good to be able to reach one or two levels!


Among the more than 3,000 kinds of secret techniques, Wang Cheng has only chosen three kinds of practice for the time being.

Among the many treasures, apart from the Starfall Mountain that the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom had given him before, Wang Cheng only chose one.

Tianming wood is a treasure that contains strange power. Wang Cheng only needs to inject a trace of his soul into it. If his original body dies, the Tianming wood will complete the remnant soul of Wang Cheng, in order to achieve this goal. The purpose of rebirth.

In fact, among the secret techniques provided by the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom, there are many secret techniques that can "resurrection" people. However, none of these secret techniques have shortcomings and will be restrained by others in various ways. Although they are known as immortal , but far from true immortality!

So Wang Cheng simply didn't choose those secret techniques to save his life, but directly chose this "Tianming Wood".

At the very least, this Tianmingmu does not have the flaws of those secret techniques. If Wang Cheng really dies, it will be able to resurrect Wang Cheng no matter what.

Of course, this "Tianming wood" also has shortcomings.

First of all, if Wang Cheng reaches the realm of the God King, then this Tianming wood will be useless. The strange power it contains is far from enough to revive the souls of those powerful people.

Secondly, it is precisely because that special power is limited that the number of times the "Tianming Wood" can be used is also limited. If Wang Cheng dies when he is in the Chaos Realm, it only takes one time for the "Tianming Wood" to be scrapped.

Of course, now that he is just the master of the universe, it would be no problem for Tian Mingmu to resurrect him a hundred and eighty times at will.

"Although it is unlikely that I will die, with this Tianmingmu, I no longer need to worry!" Wang Cheng left the Tianmingmu at Shenmu Mountain. At this time, he felt that he was in the universe sea. It is truly worry-free.

His strength has greatly increased, and his ability to save lives is incredible. Wang Cheng doesn't even know how he will die in the universe sea!

. . .

"Secret books and treasures are all foreign objects. The most important thing is yourself, remember!" The leader of the Falcon Kingdom looked at Wang Cheng and said.


Wang Cheng calmed down and nodded slightly.

Indeed, in practice, realm is the foundation. As long as you can continue to make progress, all treasures and secret techniques will be eliminated. Secret techniques and treasures can greatly improve your own strength. It is right to value them, but you must not equate them with yourself.

"In that case, come with me!"

The Lord of the Falcon Kingdom said something, and then he slowly stood up from his throne.

tread! tread! tread!

The Lord of the Falcon Kingdom stepped down from the height step by step and turned towards the back of this space. Seeing this, Wang Cheng quickly followed him.

The two of them walked for who knows how long. Finally, after Wang Cheng felt in a trance, they came to a seemingly ordinary courtyard.

When Wang Cheng saw this courtyard, he instantly recalled the tribe where he was born when he was watching the life of the Falcon King from a high tower outside.

This is exactly what the leader of the Falcon Kingdom looked like when he first lived in that tribe.

"It is the core of the entire Shenmu Mountain!"

The Lord of the Falcon Kingdom pointed to an inconspicuous millstone in the courtyard and said: "If you can completely refine it, it means that you can control the entire Shenmu Mountain!"


Wang Cheng nodded slightly, but he didn't say anything. Who would have thought that the towering and incredible Shenmu Mountain in the outside world has a millstone at its core...

"I've said what needs to be said, you still have to walk the road on your own!" The Lord of the Falcon Kingdom looked at the entire courtyard, a trace of nostalgia flashed in his eyes.

"I will continue to sleep. You probably won't encounter any big things in the universe sea. When you decide to go through reincarnation, wake me up!" After the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom finished speaking, he then turned into dots of brilliance, Dissipated in this space.

"Congratulations, teacher!"

Wang Cheng bowed respectfully to the void.

Wang Cheng has had a total of three teachers so far, namely the Lord of Chaos City, the owner of the Nameless Heritage Land, Dong Shenyu, and the Lord of the Falcon Country.

Among the three teachers, the one who has the deepest relationship with Wang Cheng is undoubtedly the Lord of Chaos City. On the contrary, Wang Cheng has almost no relationship with Dong Shenyu. He has never even seen each other in person. It can be said that the two of them are only master and disciple. name.

The leader of the Falcon Kingdom is the most special.

In terms of help, he is the greatest to Wang Cheng. In terms of affection, the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom is not as good as the Lord of Chaos City. Moreover, the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom has also made it clear that he accepts Wang Cheng as his disciple. The ultimate goal is to hope that Wang Cheng can resurrect him one day.

However, the leader of the Falcon Kingdom had a deep conversation with Wang Cheng before, and he was trying his best to help Wang Cheng plan his future path. He sincerely hoped that Wang Cheng could go on smoothly until he surpassed him.

Therefore, although the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom is not as close to the Lord of Chaos City in Wang Cheng's heart, Wang Cheng sincerely regards him as his teacher, and Wang Cheng also respects him very much!

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