Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 373 Endless Time and Space

After the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom left, Wang Cheng did not hesitate for too long. He quickly came to the millstone.

If you just look at it from the outside, or use your consciousness to explore, this millstone is indeed just a millstone, but the moment Wang Cheng stretched out his hand to touch the millstone, endless dense patterns were instantly revealed from it.

The originally ordinary millstone instantly turned into a crystal light pillar that exuded endless mysterious light.


"so complicated!"

Wang Cheng looked at these dense lines and felt dizzy for a moment. With his current state, he couldn't even see much clue.

"The teacher is right. With my current level, it will be great if I can master even a little bit of this core!"

Wang Cheng thought silently, and soon, with a thought, he took out the Tree of Time from the Seven Temples. He sat down cross-legged, and his divine power penetrated the dense lines and refined it silently.

Time flies so fast, decades pass in the blink of an eye.

Finally, Wang Cheng shook his head and stood up.

"In a short period of time, this is my limit!" This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind.

Decades seem to be a short period of time, but with the blessing of the Tree of Time, it has been quite a long time. During this period of time, Wang Cheng mastered a total of two abilities related to Shenmu Mountain.

First, Wang Cheng can teleport himself from the entrance of Shenmu Mountain to this small courtyard at any time, or from this small courtyard to the entrance.

Second, Wang Cheng has been able to initially control some dangerous places at the foot of Shenmu Mountain, making them more dangerous.


"If I continue to comprehend, maybe it will take tens of thousands of years for me to master more, but it is not necessary. When I break through to the true god, I can easily achieve that step!" Wang Cheng naturally does not intend to continue to follow the core of Shenmu Mountain. Despite the competition, his foundation is still cultivation.

"There are two things I have to do now. The first is to continue practicing the divine power flow, and the second is to try to create a perfect small universe structure!"

Wang Cheng sat cross-legged, thinking quietly.

There is no need to say much about the divine power flow, it must be done.

The method of constructing a perfect small universe was Wang Cheng's original goal to combine the two paths of time and void.

The reason why Wang Cheng feels that by combining the two paths, there is hope to create a perfect small universe structure method, the reason is also very simple. Most of the masters of the universe have to create their own small universe structure when they break through to become true gods, and only a few have inherited it.

The higher the realm, the more perfect the structure of the small universe created.

Wang Cheng had created his own eighth-level secret method before, and his realm had almost reached the ultimate level of Lord of the Universe. The small universe structure method he created at that time would definitely not be much worse than the inherited small universe structures of some big forces.

In that case, Wang Cheng naturally felt that if he went further, there was hope of creating a perfect small universe structure.

Now, Wang Cheng has successfully combined time and void, and it's time to test the results!


"First create the ninth-level secret method, and then create the structure of the small universe!" Wang Cheng planned in his heart, and then he started practicing directly in the small courtyard.

The previous Starfall Mountain was not taken back by the Falcon King, so Wang Cheng also took out the Starfall Mountain as a supplement.

In the end, after spending more than three hundred years, Wang Cheng created the ninth-level secret method "Time and Space Destruction". Although it is based on the combination of time and void, this secret method is a very pure offensive secret method, with the characteristics of time and void. None of them are obvious, but the power has indeed reached the ninth level.

This is a pure secret method that has reached the ninth level. If it uses the most powerful treasure at the level of the Void True God, Wang Cheng's current attack can completely reach the tenth level, which is already close to the original tenth level of the original ancestor.

Of course, Wang Cheng is very calm now. First, he had expected to create the ninth-level secret method. There is nothing to be excited about now. Secondly, the original ancestor relied on pure secret method to reach the top of the tenth level. , In comparison, Wang Cheng is still a little behind.


Without doing anything extra, Wang Cheng soon devoted himself to practice again.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of years have passed.

"The origin of life and death, endless time and space!"

Wang Cheng opened his eyes. At this time, in his heart, there was a small universe structure that he thought had reached its extreme.

A point of origin absorbs the power of endless chaos, and derives endless time and space. The endless time and space cycle of birth and death, and constantly feeds back to the origin, growing the small universe.

"This structure is already at its limit!"

Wang Cheng was slightly happy in his heart. Although he could not know for the time being whether this small universe structure was a perfect small universe structure and whether it could withstand the swallowing of world beasts, Wang Cheng was still happy because the structure of this small universe was so mysterious, and Completely created by him.

This is Wang Cheng's own masterpiece. He is naturally delighted when a masterpiece comes out.

"What an amazing structure!" Wang Cheng couldn't help but boast, and then he quickly wanted to know whether this structure was a perfect structure.

To verify this, Wang Cheng has a way.

The first thing Wang Cheng knew was that the universe structure of "The Beginning of One Yuan" was perfect and complete. If he wanted to verify whether the structure of the small universe he created was perfect, he only needed to compare it with "The Beginning of One Yuan".

And the universe with the structure of "The Beginning of One Yuan" also exists in the current sea of ​​universe.

The structure of the original universe is exactly the "beginning of one yuan"!

Through the "Cosmic Messenger System", Wang Cheng can view everything in the original universe on a large scale, and he can also enter the origin of the original universe with his consciousness.

The key to the cultivation of the "Cosmic Messenger System" is the will and the soul. Although Wang Cheng's soul has not changed at this moment, his will has broken through to the level of the True God of the Void. If he returns to the original universe and continues to practice the Cosmic Messenger System, there will be Hope to go further.

By then, he would naturally hope to glimpse the structure of the original universe.


"I don't need to see the whole picture, I only need partial comparison, and I can determine the level of my 'endless time and space' structure!" Wang Cheng thought in his heart, and soon he decided to return to the original universe.

Wang Cheng returned to the original universe this time. In addition to determining the levels of the "endless time and space" structure, he also had to take over the special beings collected by the clone during this period.

In addition, because Wang Cheng was separated from the world before, after realizing that the genetic structure of the divine body was more than 60,000 times greater, he did not let his divine body transform. This time he had to complete the transformation when he returned.

"Many things need to be dealt with. It's really time to go back and take a look!" Wang Cheng made up his mind, and without hesitation, he just made a thought.


Invisible power came and instantly enveloped Wang Cheng and disappeared into the courtyard.

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