Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 375: Divine Body Breakthrough

After judging the level of "endless time and space", Wang Cheng did not stop practicing the Cosmic Messenger System immediately. He did not stop until he had practiced it to the extreme.

Then, Wang Cheng devoted himself wholeheartedly to the study of divine power flow.

Just as Wang Cheng had predicted before, although the genetic level of Shenli Flow exceeded 90,000 times, although it was a super high threshold, Wang Cheng would quickly have new inspirations after hitting a bottleneck, and he would soon be able to design more complete genes. .

Wang Cheng's clones had been studied for a long time before, and now Wang Cheng's true self also joined in, and his speed suddenly became even more lightning-fast...

. . .

At this time, in the inner domain of the space ship.

The Lord of Ice Peak was riding a frozen temple to the vicinity of a cyan token space.

"Haha, I found it. I didn't expect this journey to be so smooth!" The Lord of Ice Peak was sitting in the temple, his face full of excitement.

After leaving the tomb boat, he separated from Wang Cheng and Peng Gongzhi, and he has been carefully exploring the inner domain of the space boat.

As a result, he unexpectedly got a blue token.

In the spaceship, there are two kinds of tokens, cyan and black. Each token corresponds to a completely independent and absolutely safe token space. Black tokens are more common, while cyan tokens are extremely rare. Unless you are extremely lucky, otherwise Those who can possess cyan tokens are generally the top experts in the universe sea.

This kind of token space has a certain chance of retaining the treasures left by its previous owner. Therefore, after the Lord of Ice Peak accidentally obtained this cyan token, he immediately started looking for it in the inner space of the space ship.

Generally speaking, if you hold a space token, you can sense it as long as you are close to the corresponding token space.

The Lord of the Ice Peak thought that he would have to search for a long time to find it this time. Unexpectedly, he was so lucky that he found the cyan token space corresponding to the cyan token without spending much effort.

"I hope there will be a big harvest!" The Lord of Ice Peak thought in his heart, and then he activated the cyan token. Soon, he entered the space of the cyan token.


Wang Cheng didn't know everything in the space boat for the time being. He was still immersed in practice. In the blink of an eye, more than three thousand years had passed.

"It's done!"

Wang Cheng, who was practicing in Wujian Continent, looked at the divine structure that had completely stabilized in front of him, and a smile appeared on his face.

92,000 times more genes, completely breaking through the 90,000 mark!


Wang Cheng quickly put away all the clones, and at the same time, divine power surged from his body.

Wang Cheng modified his divine body very carefully, and it took a long time before he finally finished.

This moment is a qualitative change.


Wang Cheng felt that his body was like a field that had been dry for countless years, and was in urgent need of a large amount of "water" to replenish it.

"Haha, I have finally waited for this day!"

Wang Cheng quickly took out a flower blooming with endless brilliance from the space connected to his consciousness, and swallowed it in one gulp.

The Moon Nightmare Flower is one of the treasures that contains a huge amount of energy that Wang Cheng caught last time. Its effect is also amazing. The whole flower has a total of 108 petals, stamens, branches and other structures, and only one The petals are enough to instantly restore the full power of an eternal true god.

Of course, it must be the eternal true god who follows the flow of law and makes normal breakthroughs!

At this moment, Wang Cheng swallowed the petal in one gulp, and he instantly felt infinite energy pouring out of his divine body. However, his divine body was like a bottomless pit, sucking in all the energy crazily. dropped and quickly transformed into divine power.

In fact, using the Moon Nightmare Flower in this way is a very luxurious thing. After all, it is a treasure that can quickly replenish strength. It can only be used in emergencies to have miraculous effects. Using it to increase the accumulation of foundation is of course extremely wasteful.

But Wang Cheng didn't care. He had many of these treasures before he got the treasures left by the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom. Now that he had gotten a large number of treasures left by the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom, this kind of thing was even less important in his heart. status.



Wang Cheng left Wujian Continent through teleportation and came to a completely desolate void.

There is no matter in this void, only Wang Cheng is here.

Wang Cheng no longer had any scruples, he directly showed his true size.


Under the tremor of the void, Wang Cheng's figure reached a height of 90,000 kilometers in an instant. This was his previous limit. Generally speaking, for a life that is not a special life, even if the genes reach the perfect level, the divine body is only this big. .

But at this moment, Wang Cheng's divine body exceeded the limit of 90,000 kilometers in an instant, and expanded rapidly.

Under the infusion of infinite divine power, Wang Cheng's divine body reached a height of one million kilometers in the blink of an eye, and then tens of millions of kilometers, hundreds of millions of kilometers, billions of kilometers, tens of billions of kilometers...

Under the crazy expansion of the divine body, every time it increases, the divine power contained is massive.

But Wang Cheng didn't care. After the energy of "Glory Moon Nightmare Flower" was exhausted, he quickly swallowed another treasure and continued to improve his divine body.

I don't know how long it took, but at this time, Wang Cheng's divine body had increased to more than one light-year. In terms of scale, although it was still smaller than the Nine Nether Sea of ​​the Lord of the Nine Nethers, the total amount of divine power was almost equivalent to it.

Wang Cheng's genetic level is ninety thousand times higher, which means that the quality of his divine power is nine times that of the Lord of the Universe with perfect genes. Therefore, even though the size of his divine body is not as large as that of the Nine Nether Sea, his divine power is actually The total amount is already comparable to that of the other party.

The most important thing is that although the Nine Nether Sea is big, it is impossible to move at all.

But Wang Cheng can move freely and is not affected by the huge divine body at all. This is the terrifying thing about the divine body with 90,000 times the genes and the infinite size of the divine body.


The divine body has soared to this level, and the growth rate has slowed down. After all, every time Wang Cheng's divine body grows by one point, the divine power contained in it is massive, which cannot be filled casually.

Of course, although it is slow, Wang Cheng's divine body is still growing, and the speed is actually surprisingly fast. The so-called slow is actually only relative to before.

. . .

When Wang Cheng's divine body was growing rapidly, suddenly, the Lord of Chaos City sent him a message, saying that he had something important to go to.

"Teacher? What's going on?" Wang Cheng asked in the virtual universe.

"It's Bingfeng who came from the Cosmic Sea. He has gained a lot!" The Lord of Chaos City did not go into details. He only said that they were meeting to chat.

"Teacher, why don't you and Uncle Bingfeng come to my place? I just have something to say!" Wang Cheng replied.

"That's fine!"

The Lord of Chaos City did not refuse. This matter was the same wherever he said it.

Therefore, Wang Cheng directly told the Lord of Chaos City his current location...

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