Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 376 Map of Shenmu Mountain?

Although Wang Cheng's location was very remote, with the speed of the Lord of the Universe, he arrived here very quickly.

Following a fluctuation in the void, the Lord of Chaos City and the Lord of Ice Peak, who had just returned from the Cosmic Sea, walked out.

"I remember that this area is very desolate. Wujian is practicing here?" The Lord of Ice Peak was a little strange.

"It can't be wrong!"

The Lord of Chaos City shook his head. This was also his first time coming here to see Wang Cheng.

Suddenly, the two of them looked up and looked very far away. They sensed Wang Cheng's aura, and it was extremely vast.

"That's...your apprentice?!"

The Lord of Ice Peak turned to look at the Lord of Chaos City.


The Chaos City Lord fell completely silent for a moment.

There is a life in the distance, and its appearance is exactly like that of a human being, or that it looks like Wang Cheng... But, it is too big!

"What is going on?" The Lord of Ice Peak was completely stunned.

"This should be the reason why Wang Cheng asked us to come over!" The Lord of Chaos City said, "Let's go and have a look!"


The Lord of Ice Peak nodded.

. . .

The Lord of Chaos City and the Lord of Ice Peak approached quickly, and they soon saw the Seven Temples waiting here.

"Teacher, Uncle Bingfeng, come in!"

Wang Cheng's voice came from the Seven Temples.

call! call!

Neither the Chaos City Lord nor the Ice Peak Lord hesitated, and they quickly flew in.


In the temple, the two saw Wang Cheng coming out.

"Wujian, is this the incarnation of your divine power?" the Lord of Ice Peak asked.

"It is indeed the incarnation of divine power!" Wang Cheng nodded and said: "It is inconvenient for me now, and I have no way to separate myself. I can only use my divine power to incarnate!"

"It's nothing!" The Lord of Chaos City waved his hand, and he immediately asked: "What is going on outside? Is that your true self?"

"Yes, my true self!" Wang Cheng nodded.

"Is that the real size, or is it an illusory image?" the Lord of Ice Peak asked.

"Uncle Bingfeng should be able to sense it, right?" Wang Cheng asked with a smile.

"Is it true?" The Lord of Ice Peak was completely stunned. Although he had sensed that the huge Wang Cheng was completely real, he still had doubts about himself.

How terrifying should a divine body of that size be?

In the entire original universe, except for the Nine Nether Sea, the Lord of the Nine Nethers, no one has ever heard of anyone having such a complete divine body.

The problem is that the Lord of Nine Netherworld is born, a miraculous life bred from the original universe, and Wang Cheng... his previous divine body was just an ordinary size!

"Teacher, my divine body is in the process of transformation. As long as the transformation of my divine body is completed, the previous plan can begin!" Wang Cheng looked at the Lord of Chaos City and said.

"With your divine body, you can indeed start!"

The Lord of Chaos City sighed slightly. At this time, he also fully understood that Wang Cheng asked him to come here just to convince him that Wang Cheng could indeed easily separate hundreds of clones with sixth level strength.

At this moment, the Lord of Chaos City was indeed extremely convinced.

With such a complete divine body, the total amount of divine power is endless. If you divide it into a few clones, it will be nothing more than a drizzle!

"what's the plan?"

The Lord of Ice Peak was a little confused.

"Only me, Giant Axe, and Wang Cheng knew about this plan before!" The Lord of Chaos City no longer hid anything from the Lord of Ice Peak. He directly revealed the plan that he had made after discussing with Wang Cheng and the founder of Giant Axe.

The Lord of the Ice Peak was dumbfounded when he heard this. The human race wants to deal with the three major camps of the demon race, the insect race, and the mechanical race at the same time? And want to occupy all their territory?

"Wujian, can you really do it?" The Lord of Ice Peak looked at Wang Cheng and asked.

"no problem!"

Wang Cheng smiled and nodded.

"Okay! That's great!" The Lord of Ice Peak said excitedly: "What the teacher couldn't do when he was here, we are actually going to do it!"

"In this case, I have recently recalled the Lords of the Universe who are outside my human camp little by little, as well as the giant axe!" The Lord of Chaos City said with a smile:

"The map of Shenmu Mountain you discovered, Bingfeng, can be explored later!"

"This is natural!" The Lord of Ice Peak nodded immediately.

"A map of Shenmu Mountain?" Wang Cheng was suddenly startled. Is there a map of Shenmu Mountain? Why didn't he know?

"I let you go over just to discuss this!" Chaos City Lord smiled and said: "Bingfeng, you can speak for yourself!"


The Lord of Ice Peak nodded slightly, and then he slowly talked about his adventure in the Cosmic Sea. It was actually not complicated. After entering the cyan token space, he discovered the legacy of the former owner of that space.

The former owner of that space was a super strong man from countless reincarnation eras ago.

The super strong man left several secret techniques that reached the tenth level in the space, as well as more than a dozen peak treasures that he could not use, and the last... the map of Shenmu Mountain!

According to the strong man, Shenmu Mountain is a place of reincarnation. Shenmu Mountain will only be born once every countless reincarnation eras. Every time it is born, it will cause a bloody storm.

In the era when that strong man lived, Shenmu Mountain happened to be born once. He spent countless efforts to find out some situations in Shenmu Mountain and weaved it into a map for future generations.

"According to what the senior said, he set a restriction. The cyan token I got will only reappear in the cosmic sea when it senses the birth of Shenmu Mountain!" The Lord of Ice Peak said with emotion:

"I'm also lucky. Not long after the blue token appeared, I touched it!"


Wang Cheng was silent. At this time, he looked at the extremely emotional Lord of Ice Peak. He really didn't know what to say. Would it be too shocking to tell the truth directly?

"According to the senior's message, Shenmu Mountain is indeed extremely dangerous. The dangers contained in it are countless times more terrifying than those of the three Jedi. However, there are also some extremely powerful treasures and inheritances in it, which are of great benefit to transcending reincarnation!" The Lord of Ice Peak smiled and said:

"Without guidance, entering it will only be a thankless task! However, based on this map, we humans have every hope of getting some benefits at a very small price!"

"This... must be fake!" Wang Cheng suddenly said.


Wang Cheng's words instantly stunned the Lord of Chaos City and the Lord of Ice Peak.

"Teacher, Uncle Bingfeng, there are some things that I am not comfortable saying, but I am 100% sure that there will be no opportunities in Shenmu Mountain, only endless dangers!" Wang Cheng did not choose to tell the story of the "Lord of the Falcon Kingdom".

This is what the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom told him!

The Lord of the Falcon Kingdom is not without enemies. Although endless years have passed, as long as his enemies are not actively seeking death, they are definitely still alive at this moment.

Once the other party knows about Wang Cheng's relationship with Shenmu Mountain, Wang Cheng will be dead even if he is in the universe sea.

It is true that ordinary god kings cannot come to the depths of the cosmic sea, but for existences at the level of the Falcon Kingdom Lord, they are just unwilling to come easily due to certain restrictions.

Therefore, Wang Cheng would naturally not reveal that he had inherited Shenmu Mountain unless absolutely necessary.

The more someone knows about this kind of thing, the greater the risk of leakage... even in the universe sea!

PS: The condition is really bad, so only two updates.

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