Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 377: See through the conspiracy of Ziyue Holy Land


Wang Cheng's words caused both the Chaos City Lord and the Ice Peak Lord to fall into silence.

On the one hand, the Lord of Ice Peak saw it with his own eyes, and on the other hand, it was Wang Chengcheng's sworn assurance. Although Wang Cheng did not give any reason, the Lord of Chaos City and the Lord of Ice Peak subconsciously believed in Wang Cheng.

Without him, Wang Cheng is now the real pillar of the human race. Last time in the space ark, the Lord of Ice Peak witnessed Wang Cheng establishing his power for the human race. In his heart, Wang Cheng's status is still quite high.

At this moment, he has been chasing the founder of the giant ax who has protected the human race for countless years.

Of course he would take what Wang Cheng said seriously.

Needless to say, the Lord of Chaos City, as Wang Cheng's teacher, he knows very well what kind of character Wang Cheng is. If he is not completely sure, Wang Cheng will never say such absolute words!

"Uncle Bingfeng, you can think carefully about whether you found anything wrong in the process from getting the cyan token to discovering everything in the cyan token space!" Wang Cheng reminded.

“Something is wrong”

The Lord of Ice Peak frowned slightly, and soon, he was slightly shocked.

Yes, something is indeed wrong.

He suddenly discovered that the newly born cyan token was good luck. Not long after he got the cyan token, he discovered that the cyan token space was also good luck, and that there were treasures left by predecessors in the cyan token space. Is it too smooth?

"Everything went so smoothly!" The Lord of Ice Peak sighed:

"I didn't think much about it before, but now after what Wu Jian said, I realized that it went too smoothly. I have been exploring the universe sea for countless years, and I have long known that pie in the sky will not fall. But this time I was negligent!"

"So, is there really a problem?" Chaos City Lord asked.

"Yes, someone must be plotting against me!" the Lord of Ice Peak said, and then he shook his head and said:

"No, you are not plotting against me. Several tenth-level secret techniques and more than ten peak treasures are real. I am not qualified to ask the people behind the scenes to pay so much!"

"Bingfeng, you are being used. The purpose of the person behind the scenes is to get you to bring back the map of Shenmu Mountain!" The Lord of Chaos City nodded:

"In my human race, the only ones who are qualified to be plotted like this are Giant Ax and Wang Cheng!"

"It should be Wujian!" The Lord of Ice Peak sighed:

"There are many forces that can produce more than ten peak treasures, but they can produce several tenth-level secrets at will. In the entire universe sea, only two holy places can do it, but Wujian was ruthless in the tomb boat before. I have offended the two holy places! Especially the Purple Moon Holy Land."


Wang Cheng didn't speak. He listened to the analysis of the two Chaos City Lords and agreed in his heart that this plan was probably aimed at him, and the mastermind behind it should be Ziyue Holy Land.

After all, Wang Cheng had noticed that there was a conspiracy behind the surrender of the Purple Moon Holy Land before in the Tomb Boat. The ancestor of the Purple Moon wanted to seize the original universe, and most likely regarded him as the biggest competitor!

"Wujian, it is said that Shenmu Mountain can shield the influence of the original universe, and the strongest people in the universe can exert stronger power in it. This is not good for you!" The Lord of Ice Peak said with shame:

"If we fail to see through this plan, I'm afraid we will really harm you!"

"Uncle Bingfeng, do you really think they can kill me?" Wang Cheng pointed to his true form outside the Seventh Temple.


The Lord of Ice Peak was suddenly startled.

This divine body, which is measured in light years, seems to be open to being hacked, and it may not be possible for anyone to be hacked to death. You must know that the most powerful person in the universe uses powerful tricks, which also consumes a huge amount of divine power.

If the gap between the divine bodies is too large, it is very likely that you will be stronger, but after a fight, you will consume a lot of energy, but the other party will not even lose a hair.

"Wang Cheng, what are you going to do?" the Lord of Chaos City asked.

"Use the trick, I want to see how they plan to deal with me!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.


The Lord of Chaos City nodded slightly. He was not worried about Wang Cheng's safety, even in a place like Shenmu Mountain.

"Uncle Bingfeng, give me the map of Shenmu Mountain!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.


The Lord of Ice Peak threw Wang Cheng a map without hesitation.

"It's still a drawing of silk threads, tsk!"

Wang Cheng glanced at the map with a smile, and soon he was surprised to find that the map was quite detailed. A large area at the foot of Shenmu Mountain was clearly outlined. It seemed that the Purple Moon Holy Land was not missing. effort.

. . .

The Lord of Chaos City and the Lord of Ice Peak did not leave immediately. They stayed nearby and witnessed the transformation of Wang Cheng's divine body.

For more than a hundred years, the two of them watched Wang Cheng's divine body suddenly increase from one light-year to more than ten light-years. To be precise, it was twelve light-years.

In terms of scale, this is no less than the Nine Nether Sea!

The most terrifying thing is that the Nine Nether Sea is an ocean after all and cannot be moved at all, and Wang Cheng is a real god.

"How terrifying will it be once this kind of divine body moves?"

The Lord of Ice Peak lamented that even if some extremely large-scale domain treasures were fully bound to this divine body, it would only be equivalent to wearing a "clothes" on it.

"No matter how big the divine body is, there is still a limit to its power in the original universe!" The Lord of Chaos City said: "The key is Wang Cheng's clone. This is the key to a decisive war!"


The Lord of Ice Peak nodded slightly, that was indeed the case.

At this time——

call! call! call!

Wang Cheng stood in the starry sky, like a miraculous divine body that suddenly began to shrink rapidly and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


There was a sudden fluctuation in front of the Chaos City Lord and the Ice Peak Lord, and Wang Cheng's figure appeared in front of them.

"Teacher, Uncle Bingfeng, I kept you waiting for a long time!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.

"My lord?"

The Lord of Chaos City looked at Wang Cheng, who had grown to be as big as him, with some astonishment.


Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

"Although it is not difficult for us to change the size, but with such a large divine body, how did you become smaller?" The Lord of Ice Peak was also a little shocked. Originally, he thought that Wang Cheng would not be able to move easily from now on.

After all, if the divine body is so complete, every move will cause huge disasters in the original universe. Who would have thought that the huge divine body can actually become smaller?

"There is no limit to the size of the divine body, so I can naturally shrink it at will!"

Wang Cheng explained that before the two Chaos City Lords asked, Wang Cheng had already told them about the divine power flow, so when they heard Wang Cheng's explanation, the two of them quickly understood.

Of course, a hundred thousand times the divine body is not really infinite in size. In fact, Wang Cheng's divine body has just expanded to a height of twelve light years, and it cannot continue to expand.

This is an implicit limitation. When Wang Cheng was in the stage of Lord of the Universe, his divine body could only be this big.

Only after he breaks through can his divine body continue to grow. When he reaches the stage of God King, he will have a divine body that is hundreds of millions of light years old.

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