After talking to the Lord of Chaos City and the Lord of Ice Peak for a while, Wang Cheng suddenly said: "Teacher, I am going to the Universe Sea to see what the Purple Moon Holy Land has prepared for me!"

"Well, many universe lords in the human camp have not returned yet, and the giant ax has not returned yet. The ethnic war has not yet begun!" The Chaos City Lord nodded slightly:

"But you'd better go early and come back early!"

"Don't worry, teacher!"

Wang Cheng nodded instantly. The person he is now is completely different from the person he was 300,000 years ago. Besides, Shenmu Mountain is still his home ground, just the Purple Moon Holy Land. Isn't that within easy reach?


The Lord of Chaos City nodded slightly.


Wang Cheng said nothing more, and he quickly disappeared in front of the Lord of Chaos City and the Lord of Ice Peak.

"Chaos, are you so trusting of your disciple?" The Lord of Ice Peak couldn't help but ask.

"Bingfeng, you don't understand Wang Cheng!" Chaos City Lord smiled: "He is different from Luo Feng. He will never put himself in danger unless he is absolutely sure!"

"That's it!" The Lord of Ice Peak nodded slightly, and he was relieved. Then, he suddenly asked:

"Speaking of Luo Feng, what happened to him in the tomb boat?"

"Luo Feng hasn't logged into the virtual universe for a long time, and I don't know his situation!" Chaos City Lord shook his head and said: "The last time I saw him was two hundred thousand years ago, when he had just created a fifth-level secret technique. , It’s a pity that Luo Feng, a cosmic venerable, has created a fifth-level secret method, and has not passed the test of Duan Donghe!”

"The test of breaking the East River is indeed abnormal!" The Lord of Ice Peak thought about it for a moment, and then said:

"It's a good thing that Luo Feng hasn't shown up all this time. I guess he has some insights. If he had no clue at all, it would definitely not be like this!"

"Yes!" The Lord of Chaos City nodded slightly, and a smile appeared on his face.

. . .

the other side.

Wang Cheng was very fast. He quickly left the original universe and headed straight for Shenmu Mountain.

Not long after, Wang Cheng returned to Shenmu Mountain.

As soon as he entered Shenmu Mountain, Wang Cheng immediately felt that someone was watching him secretly. That person should be very good at hiding. If it were in the universe sea, even Wang Cheng would probably have difficulty finding him, but unfortunately this is Shenmu Mountain. !

"Staring at me in my house"

Wang Cheng felt that he had a faint control over his surroundings, and he wanted to laugh in his heart.

Although he is still far from completely refining the core of Shenmu Mountain, he can control most of these places at the foot of the mountain. Staring at him here is just a joke.

However, Wang Cheng didn't expose the other party's intentions and acted in full. Wang Cheng also wanted to see what methods the Purple Moon Holy Land had prepared!

Thinking in his mind, Wang Cheng did not hesitate. He started to move forward according to the map given to him by the Lord of Ice Peak, and started exploring bit by bit.

In order to lure out the means prepared by the Purple Moon Holy Land, Wang Cheng has always pretended to be really exploring and was cautious in everything.

Moreover, he also tried his best to show off his many treasures so that the people of Ziyue Holy Land would think that he was the real one.

After exploring like this for a while, Wang Cheng actually discovered a treasure.

"This is actually the most powerful treasure!" Wang Cheng held a sword and was a little surprised.

He knows very well that there is absolutely no treasure at the foot of Shenmu Mountain. This most powerful sword can only be the "bait" placed here by the Purple Moon Holy Land!

After all, according to normal rules, Wang Cheng would most likely send a clone to explore the way first. If there was no gain at all, how could Wang Cheng let himself take risks in the future?

"What a pity, this is just a true god-level weapon!" After Wang Cheng briefly understood the dense patterns on the sword, he immediately shook his head.

A true god-level weapon has a limited degree of mystery in its secret patterns, and its highest level is ninth-level power.

Wang Cheng can now use the ninth level attack by himself. This sword is of course useless. Only the most powerful treasures of the Void True God level and above can allow Wang Cheng to exert the tenth level power.

"It's not surprising. The ancestor of Ziyue is still knowledgeable. It is impossible to really equate all weapons. Moreover, she is just a Void True God. It is estimated that Ziyue Holy Land does not have many high-level treasures!" Wang Cheng shook his head and thought. Then, soon, he continued to move forward.

As Wang Cheng advances, the dangers increase. Even with a map to guide him, most true gods may not be able to go on when they get here, let alone the Lords of the Universe.

If Wang Cheng doesn't know about the situation in Shenmu Mountain, then if the human race wants to continue exploring after getting the map, Wang Cheng or the giant ax can only take action!

However, Wang Cheng soon obtained another treasure.

This is a stone tablet engraved with a secret method, and the level of the secret method is very high, it is estimated to be the eleventh level secret method.

This kind of secret method can only be recorded by the ancestor of Ziyue, but in the cosmic sea, it cannot exist and cannot be watched, because the eleventh-level secret method has exceeded the level of a true god!

However, Shenmu Mountain can shield the influence of the original universe and make this secret method appear in the world.

"It's really hard for them!" Wang Cheng shook his head slightly and continued to move forward.

At this time, the danger ahead was becoming more and more terrifying. Wang Cheng estimated that based on the strength he had shown before in the Universe Sea, he would have to go all out and be careful if he wanted to move forward now.

It's difficult to move forward with only one clone.


Wang Cheng also showed a difficult look and continued to move forward. After an unknown period of time, he finally came to a new and dangerous place.

"This should be the Nine-Colored Aurora Realm!"

Wang Cheng looked around, and he had some understanding of this dangerous situation.

There are a total of 10,081 nine-color aurora realms in the entire Shenmu Mountain. A single nine-color aurora realm can only be regarded as an ordinary dangerous place, but when someone actively activates it, the 10,081 nine-color aurora realms will combine to form a "ten thousand aurora realm". "Jie Guang Realm", that is the real destruction of heaven and earth.

Of course, the current Wang Cheng is far from being able to activate 10,081 nine-color aurora realms at the same time. One alone is about the same.

"It seems that the place Ziyue Holy Land has chosen to take action is here!" This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind.

There are nine kinds of auroras in the nine-color aurora world, each of which is terrifyingly powerful.

However, these aurora outbreaks are regular, and Wang Cheng is naturally aware of this pattern.

Of course, this pattern was also mentioned in the map given to him by the Lord of Ice Peak, but it was wrong, and a big mistake!

Among the dangerous places that Wang Cheng traveled to before, the map also described some dangerous places. Although some of the descriptions were different from the real situation, they were not as outrageous as those in the Nine Colors Aurora World.

Therefore, Wang Cheng concluded that this was the place chosen by Ziyue Holy Land to start the operation.

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