And just when Wang Cheng stepped into the Nine-Colored Aurora Realm, there were two people quietly watching him in the void in the distance.

"Is this really the true form of the Lord of Infinity?"

"It shouldn't be wrong. The people we arranged to keep an eye on everywhere reported that the Lord of Infernal Affairs has used almost all of his most powerful treasures along the way. Moreover, you also know how difficult it is to get here. The Lord of Infernal Affairs must be Only with all his strength can we get here, he only sent one clone, there is no chance!"

"Although that is the case, don't you think this is all going too smoothly? How long has it been since we set up the plan? And the Lord of Infinity is here just like this?"

"Is it possible that the human race has seen through our plan? If so, how come the Lord of Infernal Affairs appears here? He doesn't care about the loss of clones, but he doesn't care about the pile of powerful treasures on his body either?"

"That's true!"

"Anyway, since the Lords of Infernal Affairs are here, we must take action, otherwise, the powerful men who were invited will not agree!"

"Okay, then let's do it as planned!"


The two people communicated quickly, and in the blink of an eye, they made a decision.


Invisible fluctuations spread in this space in an instant, and in an instant, several figures that were also hidden before were no longer hidden.

boom! boom! boom!

One breath after another burst out, instantly surrounding Wang Cheng, who had just entered the colorful dazzling world.

"Lord of Infernal Affairs, you have been fooled!"

The True God in White, who came from the Purple Moon Holy Land and had fought Wang Cheng outside the Tomb Boat last time, shouted loudly. He wanted to make Wang Cheng panic first.

But what shocked this person was that Wang Cheng's breath was stable at this time, and his facial expression did not change at all, as if he had expected this scene.

"There's so much movement!"

Wang Cheng looked at the white-clothed true god calmly and said, "You and I have met before. The person next to you should also come from the Purple Moon Holy Land. I don't know what to call him?"

"I'm Ji Xing!"

The man said with a somewhat ugly expression.

"There are so many people!" Wang Cheng sighed and glanced around. In addition to the two true gods in Ziyue Holy Land, there were actually six more true gods.

In other words, there are eight true gods who come to deal with Wang Cheng this time.

"Purple Moon Holy Land wants to deal with me, it makes sense!" Wang Cheng slowly looked in one direction, where was the Blood Orchid Ancestor covered in countless flowers:

"Ancestor of Blood Orchid, it is reasonable for you to deal with me!"

"Lord of Infernal Affairs, are you here in a clone?" the ancestor of Xuelan asked with a cold face. Obviously, the ancestor of Xuelan understood Wang Cheng's current indifference as Wang Cheng himself was not here at all!


Wang Cheng ignored her and continued to look in her direction.

A palace-like supreme treasure stood in the void, and it looked very familiar. Wang Cheng even secretly grabbed the treasure from inside.

"Queen of the Zerg, are you going to get involved in this matter of the cosmic sea?" Wang Cheng asked.

"Lord of Infernal Affairs, why do we have to talk so much between our two clans?" The Queen of the Zerg Clan chuckled and said, "It's a pity that the Purple Moon Holy Land spent so much effort to set up a plan, but you actually avoided it!"

"Humph!" Wang Cheng sneered. The Zerg and the human race were mortal enemies, and there really was nothing to say at this moment!

Near the Zerg Queen is the Dream Demon Ancestor of the Monster Clan. His purpose here is probably the same as that of the Zerg Queen, and Wang Cheng is too lazy to say more.

However, Wang Cheng didn't see the Father God of the Mechanical Clan. He was probably afraid of death and didn't come!

"True God Juehe, the Nine-Headed Demon Lord and the Skeleton Master!" Wang Cheng looked at the last three people. These three people are probably the main force used by Ziyue Holy Land to deal with him. The three of them are the top in the universe sea. of true God.

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord and the Skeleton Lord are both powerful men second only to the First God of the God-Eye Clan. Although True God Juehe is a lone true god, his strength is no less than that of the First God of the God-Eye Clan.

According to Wang Cheng's previous performance in the Universe Sea, any one of the three of them could probably suppress Wang Cheng alone in Shenmu Mountain with the advantage of their divine power. If the three of them took action at the same time, plus the help of the five true gods around them, even if Wang Cheng The most powerful and sincere treasures are so terrifying that it is probably impossible to escape.

"Lord of Wujian, I didn't want to deal with you originally, but the Purple Moon Holy Land gave you too much!" The Nine-Headed Demon Lord smiled and said: "Especially the information about transcending reincarnation, I can't let it go!"

"If you have a life, you must also have a life flower!" Wang Cheng said lightly.

"I'm not scared!"

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord smiled and said: "Even if you, Lord of Infernal Affairs, are not the true deity, you can't fake the most powerful treasures in your body, right? How much strength do you still have left after losing these most powerful treasures?"

"Nine Heads are right!" The Skeleton Master of the Skeleton Clan also sneered: "You don't have to talk nonsense with this person anymore, let's work together to take him down first. Maybe he was just bluffing before!"

"Do it!"

There was also a glimmer of hope in the eyes of the true god in white in the Purple Moon Holy Land. Maybe the Lord of Infinity was really just bluffing. He brought so many powerful treasures with him, how could it be possible that only his clone came?

This ambush that Ziyue Holy Land spent a huge amount of money to arrange cannot be just a failure! ! !

Purple Moon Holy Land was the organizer of this ambush. As soon as the white-clothed true god opened his mouth, all eight true gods erupted in an instant.

The most powerful treasures in the field were instantly activated, and they were crushing towards Wang Cheng crazily.

However, Wang Cheng looked calm and showed no intention of resisting.

next moment--

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Suddenly, there was an extremely violent tremor in the void, and then, aurora lights of different colors erupted. The terrifying aurora instantly penetrated the fields formed by the most powerful treasures in the field, killing people from all directions.

"How could the aurora in this world erupt at this time?"

The expressions of each of the eight true gods changed drastically. They have been lurking in this aurora world for a long time, and they also know a little about the laws of aurora outbreaks here. Logically speaking, these aurora should not erupt at this time.

"Hide quickly!"

The eight true gods lost all other thoughts and began to quickly avoid these aurora.

Each aurora is not only incredibly fast, but the most terrifying thing is that it is extremely powerful. Some aurora also contain terrifying soul impacts. Once hit by it, even if you are hiding in the most powerful and precious palace, you may not be able to see it. It is absolutely safe!


Wang Cheng thought, and in an instant, terrifying energy rose in the world.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The eight cages formed silently, and they were still avoiding the attacks of the aurora. The eight people were not prepared at all, and were directly enveloped by the eight cages.

"Now that you're here, don't even think about leaving!" Wang Cheng sneered, and then he moved and flew towards the cage where the Nine-Headed Demon Lord was.

PS: Three updates.

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