Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 346 Changes in the Zerg Clan

After Luo Feng returned to the original universe, the undercurrent in the original universe began to become more intense. Amidst this undercurrent, no one noticed that all the masters of the universe in the Zerg tribe had returned quietly. The original universe, and these returning universe masters were quickly summoned by the Queen of the Zerg. Of course, these people thought that their queen only summoned them at first. However, when they came to the queen, they found that the other sisters actually Not only are the Lords of the Universe who have just returned from the Sea of ​​​​Universe, but also the Lords of the Universe who have been guarding some important places for a long time are here. "What happened, the Queen gathered us all here?"

The masters of the Zerg universe have all noticed something unusual. If something big had not happened, the Queen would not have gathered them all anyway. You must know that many core places of the Zerg cannot be guarded without people. , otherwise, if an accident occurs, the loss will be immeasurable!

"I don't know, I'll find out when the Queen comes here!"

Naturally, none of the Zerg Universe Masters knew about it. They were all quietly waiting for the Zerg Queen to show up. At this moment, although the Zerg Universe Masters realized that something was unusual, they had no feelings for the Zerg Queen. There is no other reason for half doubting the guide. In the Zerg, the Zerg Queen is the absolute white queen. Whatever she does, she naturally has her reasons. 6 The quality of the Zerg Lords of the Universe is generally high, but the quantity is low. At this moment, among the twelve universes The Lord was divided into three camps. Suddenly, a familiar wave came, causing many Zerg tribes to stand on the throne above the Queen. The figure of the Zerg Queen quickly said, "Queen!"

"Your Majesty!"


One after another, the Zerg universe masters saluted and greeted, "No need to be polite!"

There was nothing strange on the face of the Zerg Queen. She smiled and said: "Children, you must be wondering why I called all of you here?"

"Queen, is it because of Galaxy Lord Luo Feng's matter?"

The one who spoke was the Lord. She was wearing a sky-blue dress. She looked ethereal and quiet. She was the most powerful Master of Yu Shen in the Zhong clan. She had the top five levels of strength and was the most powerful among the Zhong clan. One who hopes to break through to the true God!

After hearing the Lord's words, other Zerg universe masters also had looks of approval in their eyes. Now in the entire primitive universe, the only thing worth gathering for them seems to be the human Galaxy Lord Luo Feng. "Not the Galaxy Lord!" The Zerg Queen shook her head and said. : "I'll introduce you to someone!"


When the Zerg Queen finished speaking, another breath appeared within the Queen, but it was "the breath of the human race!"

The masters of the Zerg universe were shocked. At this time, with the sound of footsteps, Wang Cheng, who looked calm, walked out from one side and went straight to the Zerg Queen. "Is it the Lord of Infinite Life?"

"Why is the Lord of Infinity here?

"Could it be that the Lord of Infernal Affairs is enslaved by the Queen?"


Thinking of this possibility, many universe masters of the Zerg race were shocked. There is indeed the possibility of the Lord of Infernal Affairs being enslaved. After all, they have not found the Little Yu Shen of the Lord of Infernal Affairs until now. The opponent is most likely Yu Shen. And since he is the master of the universe, he may be enslaved!

No matter how powerful he is, he is still the Lord of the Universe in the final analysis. It is possible for the Queen to find an opportunity to enslave him. Otherwise, how could the Lord of Infinity appear within the Queen?

You know, this is the most powerful and precious palace. Unless you have absolute trust, no one will take the initiative to enter other people's palace-like treasures!

They trust the Queen so much that they come here without any hesitation. Is it possible that the Lord of Infinity would trust the Queen and them for no reason?

Therefore, no matter how you think about it, the Lord of Infernal Affairs should be enslaved by the Queen...

Many masters of the Zerg universe were thinking rapidly. At this time, Wang Cheng had arrived in front of the Zerg Queen, and the Zerg Queen had also stood up from her throne and shouted!

Wang Cheng took a step forward and sat up directly, "Welcome the master!"

The Zerg Queen bowed deeply and said, "Queen!!!"

At that moment, the auras of the twelve Zerg universe masters were confused. "Lord of Wujian, you..."

Below, the twelve Zerg Universe Masters burst out their auras, pointing directly at Wang Cheng, "Bold!"

The Zerg Queen gave a cold sound. The room was completely closed, and the terrifying pressure was suppressed. "This is not the Queen. Sisters, rush out with me!"

The Lord made a prompt decision and reacted immediately. She thought, and at that moment, a big black shadow appeared beside her. This was a natural soul slave that she had enslaved in the early days. Now she has broken through to become the Lord of the Universe. Hierarchy is her most important right-hand man, Todoroki! boom! boom!

In the meantime, the other four Zerg Universe Masters also reacted. At the same time, they also responded to the Lord's call, using various means to prepare to rush out of the Queen first. However, the remaining seven Zerg Universe Masters were completely prepared. In their hearts, the Queen has always been the sky. It is under the leadership of the Queen that they can gain a foothold in the universe and dominate the universe. But now, their sky has collapsed!

This is not a simple matter of the sky collapsing. They have rebelled!

For a moment, the seven masters of the universe didn't know what to do. They could only watch the Zerg Queen start a war with the other five sisters!

However, this war did not last long. In the original universe, the true gods could only display the highest level of strength of the sixth level. Under the leadership of the Lord, if it were in the outside world, it would not be difficult for the five Yujian Lords to resist the Zerg Queen. But here is the Queen. This is not an ordinary palace-type treasure. This is the most powerful treasure palace. If the Lord of the Universe wants to resist the True God here, it can really be said that five Lords of the Universe were quickly suppressed. The Queen of the Zerg She also returned to Wang Cheng, who had been watching from the side. "Children, our Zerg race will become a subsidiary race of the human race from today on. Who agrees? Who opposes it?" The Queen of the Zerg race looked at the twelve masters of the universe below and spoke calmly. asked ""

No one spoke, even the five universe masters who had just resisted didn't say anything. They knew very well that their queen had now become someone else's slave. It was useless to say anything at this time. The Zerg race was completely finished!

"Queen, I agree!"

A trace of pain flashed in the Lord's eyes, and she was the first to agree.

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