Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 347 The Supreme Meeting is held

"After all, you are my children. I ask the master that as long as you are willing to cooperate, I will spare your lives!" The Zerg Queen smiled and said: "I hope you will not disappoint me!"

"Yes, Queen!" The Lord nodded silently, "Queen, I agree too!"

Another Zerg universe master said, "I am willing to cooperate!"

"I listen to the Queen"

Even several Masters of the Universe spoke. These Masters of the Universe were all the seven who had not taken action just now. Although the Queen of the Zerg was enslaved, they still chose the Queen of the Zerg. "Queen, let me surrender to the human race. It is better to let me die." !

Suddenly, the Queen Mother in Purple Clothes roared angrily, and then, a terrifying attack hit Wang Cheng. Wang Cheng didn't even move. This attack was defused by the Zerg Queen. "Jiuxiang, I'll help you!"

The Queen of the Zerg mercilessly killed the Lord of the Universe, and the guide fell into the hands of the Queen of the Zerg. The storm ended quickly, and the Lord of the Universe finally surrendered. The remaining three Lords of the Universe were probably closely related to the human race. Emperor Qiu personally killed "My master is a being who transcends countless reincarnations!

He said, "Although the master is only the Lord of Yu Shen, in terms of strength, based on the master's destiny, in the future, transcending reincarnation will only be a brief return to the era. Our Zerg race can continue to exist, otherwise, "..."

Hearing the words of the Zerg Queen, the nine Zerg Universe Lords below had different thoughts in their minds. However, the strength of the Lord of the Universe is almost transcending reincarnation. If this is true, then this Lord of Infinity is indeed a golden thigh, and he can embrace such a thigh. , in a sense, it is not a bad thing. Of course, this can only be regarded as the self-comfort of these Zerg Yujian Lords. If they have the choice, they will never be able to do it just for the chance of transcending reincarnation in the future. Those who have taken refuge in the human race, you are the highest in my race, are you sure? "The Queen of the Zerg looked at the Lord, "Queen, I'm not even sure! "

The Lord shook his head, "So, only by surrendering to the Master can we, the Zerg race, have a future!" The Queen of the Zerg Race smiled and said, "The nine of you will hand over all your treasures and slaves, and when the masters of the human universe arrive, you will leave the Queen and take them with you. Let them take over all the territories!


The nine masters of the Zerg universe didn't say anything. The humans were obviously well prepared. Their treasures were confiscated and they were separated. Obviously, there was no chance of resistance. If they resisted to the end, the Zerg could be exterminated. In this kind of situation, Under such circumstances, the only option is to abandon all territories and become a subordinate race of the human race!

The Queen of the Zerg communicated with the nine masters of the universe below for a long time. After she felt that she was almost done, she turned around and said softly: "Master, the Zerg is ready, just waiting for the strong humans to arrive. !”

"well done!"

Wang Cheng smiled and said: "I'm very satisfied!"

"Thank you for the compliment, Master!" The Queen of the Zerg Race smiled even brighter. At this time, in the virtual universe, the Mountain of Gods, and the Temple of Gods, the highest meeting of the human race was held again. All the masters of the universe and the venerables of the universe gathered here. "How come the highest meeting was suddenly held?" Meeting?"

"I don't know!" "I don't know!" "

"Before, the tribe ordered me to arrive at Tianyu Kingdom within half a year. Maybe it has something to do with this!"

"So you also received the order? However, I went to Fengyu to review the country!"

"These cosmic countries are all on the edge of our territory, and they are closest to the Zerg territory. Could it be that something happened to the Zerg tribe?

"It's useless to think about it now, you'll find out later!"

Many Universe Lords below were discussing, and at the top, the Lords of the Universe who had known the news in advance were all shocked, "Take over the Zerg territory? Does this mean you will take over the Zerg territory?" The Lord of Virtual Gold said He asked with some disbelief, "Have you explained it many times? Wujian enslaved the Zerg Queen. Now all the Zerg universe masters have been controlled, so we can naturally take over the Zerg territory!" The Lord of Ice Peak looked calm. He said, "It has reached the point of convening a supreme meeting. It can't be false!" The Lord of Virtual Gold said: "But, why do these news sound so unbelievable to me?

"It's unbelievable!"

The other masters of the universe nodded. It’s enough that the Zerg Queen doesn’t enslave others. How can she be enslaved by others? This is hard for normal people to believe!

What's more, they all know that although Wang Cheng is terrifyingly strong, he is still the master of the universe!

Did the Lord of the Universe enslave the strongest person in the universe, or the strongest person with a soul?

What nonsense!

However, various signs indicate that... this seems to be true!

"Bingfeng, do you know anything? Why are you so calm?" the Lord of Work asked, "Wujian suddenly enslaved the Queen of the Zerg, I guess it may have something to do with me!" The Lord of Bingfeng smiled, and let the other Lords of the Universe He became curious. While everyone was chatting and laughing in a relaxed manner, Wang Cheng frowned and said to City Master Hun, "Teacher, hasn't the giant ax come back yet?" Wang Cheng asked, "The giant ax came across in the universe sea." There are some accidents, he asked me not to tell you for the time being!" City Lord Hun said: "You don't have to worry, it's just a small trouble, the giant ax should be able to solve it soon!

"It's been so long, but it's not necessarily a small trouble!" Wang Cheng said bluntly: "Teacher, you'd better make it clear!"

"I don't know what the specific trouble is, but the giant ax should be in Qingfeng Realm now!" City Lord Hun said, "Qingfeng Realm?"

Wang Cheng was stunned. Why did this giant ax go to Qingfeng Realm again?

"The giant ax doesn't have good luck in the Universe Zhou and Liuchong Mountain. He said that the Qingfeng Realm is his lucky place!" City Lord Hun didn't think there was anything wrong with the giant ax in the Qingfeng Realm. He smiled and said, " The feeling of the giant ax is indeed good. A few days ago, he found an extremely powerful ax in Qingfeng Realm, which matched him perfectly. This time, the strength of the giant ax has been greatly improved... It is also for this reason that I I never told you, after all, with the strength of the giant axe, it doesn’t matter if there is some trouble, he will not encounter danger easily!


Wang Cheng didn't say anything. He had secretly decided that when the Zerg incident was over, he would immediately leave for Qingfeng. Sooner or later, he would have to go to the Dark Land to find the power of the world beasts. It didn't matter whether he went early or late. The most important thing was , the giant ax man is pretty good, he can’t just watch something happen to him in Qingfeng Realm, right?

Qingfeng Realm is really not a good place for Giant Ax!

PS: Spoiler, the giant ax will not die...two updates

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