Although the giant ax was not present, the highest meeting of the human race was usually chaired by the Lord of Chaos City, so the meeting was held quite smoothly at this time.

After many Universe Venerables and Masters of the Universe arrived, the Lord of Chaos City also presided over the meeting as usual.

There was no extra preamble. After the meeting began, the Lord of Chaos City said directly:

"Everyone, the Zerg will be declared as a subsidiary race of the human race, and all the Zerg territory will be taken over by the human race. Next, you may receive some orders to go to the Zerg territory. There is no need to be surprised, because all of this is true. !”


The words of the Lord of Chaos City swept through the entire venue like a whirlwind. In an instant, except for all the Lords of the Universe who had already known the situation, the Lord of the Universe was stunned.

If this was not the location of the Supreme Council of the Human Race, and if the person who just spoke was not the Lord of Chaos City, they would have left with disdain by now, right?

After all, it’s ridiculous for the Zerg to declare themselves a subsidiary race of the human race!

That's the Zerg race. The Zerg race has been fighting with them to death for who knows how many years. How could this race become a subsidiary race of the human race?

However, it was the Lord of Chaos City who said this, and the current occasion was at the highest meeting of the human race.


After the ultimate silence, there was another burst of chaos. Almost all the sages of the universe immediately began to send various messages asking whether this was true or false.

Many Universe Lords have contact with more than a dozen Universe Lords, either as masters and disciples, or otherwise. They quickly received a definite reply. What the Lord of Chaos City said was not false at all.

Then, the small group of Universe Venerables who confirmed the authenticity of the news quickly told other Venerables about the authenticity of the matter. For a moment, the Venerables were all excited.

Is the Zerg really going to become a subordinate race of the human race? This kind of thing that I would never even dream of actually happened? ! !

At this time, the Lord of Chaos City from above said: "The territory of the Zerg is no less than our territory of the human race. The problems faced by taking over this huge territory are cumbersome. Even with the help of the high-level officials of the Zerg, we are bound to encounter stubborn Zerg on the way. resistance, so this is by no means an easy task, and everyone must be vigilant.”

After hearing the words of the Chaos City Lord, many cosmic sages also turned their attention to the matter itself.

"Although I don't know what happened specifically, according to the wishes of the Chaos City Lord, the top Zerg leaders have turned to us, but the people below don't know about it. In this case, you really have to be careful!"

"The hatred between the Zerg and us is too great, there will definitely be people who will do whatever it takes to sabotage and kill!"

"Be on guard, don't let this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity slip away!"


The Universe Lords are all reminding each other. Of course, more people are wondering at this moment, what is wrong with the top brass of the Zerg race, why do they suddenly fall in love with their human race?

Recently, they haven't felt that there have been any big changes in the human race, so much so that the Zerg race has directly switched sides!

Outrageous, it’s really too outrageous!

"It should be something happened in the high-level struggle, and our human race has won a great victory!" Many sages speculated: "Recently, our human race has the rise of the Lord of Infinity and then the Galaxy Lord. The power of the high-level people is indeed great. increase!"

"That's the only way it can be!"

Many venerables felt endless awe in their hearts. They didn't know which high-level executive, or which high-level officials they were, could frighten and surrender the entire Zerg high-level officials in one fell swoop.

Simply incredible!

"The Zerg tribe will surrender directly. I wonder what will happen to the demon tribe and the machine tribe?" Some people are looking forward to it.

"Just wait, I have a premonition that the changes in our human race have just begun!" "What a coincidence, I have a similar premonition."


. . .

A meeting, chaired by the Lord of Chaos City, ended quickly.

After the highest meeting of the human race, many cosmic lords also started to move.

It didn't take long for the first batch of human warriors to arrive in the Zerg territory.

This first batch of powerful men was led by the Lord of Virtual Gold and the Lord of Ice Peak, and was assisted by hundreds of cosmic sages.

"That's the Queen's nest!"

The Lord of Void Gold stopped in the void, and he said to the Lord of Ice Peak: "This is really the first time I have observed the Queen's Nest at such a close distance!"

"Don't worry, there will be many opportunities in the future!"

The Lord of the Ice Peak said with a smile, and at this time, the hundreds of Universe Venerables who followed the two of them were also nervous and excited.

The nervous thing is that they are now in the hinterland of the Zerg, and they are too close to the legendary Queen's Nest. If an accident happens now, they will not be able to escape.

As for the excitement, that's natural. After all, they didn't come here secretly. Not only did they come here openly, but their purpose was to take over the Zerg territory. How could they not be excited?

Not long after everyone arrived here, suddenly, there was a fluctuation in the void.

The next moment, two Zerg universe masters appeared here.

"The Lord of Qianqing, the Lord of Minglian!"

The Lord of Ice Peak and the Lord of Virtual Gold were immediately on alert. Although Wang Cheng had already told them that all the treasures and slaves of these Zerg Universe Masters had been confiscated, the two of them suddenly saw their former enemy. At this moment, they were still Can't help but be on guard.

At this moment--


There was another wave of fluctuation in the void, and Wang Cheng's figure suddenly appeared and walked out. To be precise, it was Wang Cheng's clone.

"Wu Jian!"

Seeing Wang Cheng's clone, the two Ice Peak Lords felt a little relieved for a moment. Everything in the Zerg clan was attributed to Wang Cheng. Now Wang Cheng's status in the hearts of many human universe masters has become extremely terrifying. At this moment, he Appearing naturally makes people feel at ease.

"Xujin, Uncle Bingfeng, Lord Qianqing and Lord Minglian will take you to the core places of the Zerg tribe such as the Secret Demon Realm and the Black Demon Realm. My avatar is mainly to prevent accidents from happening and accept the information from those core places. The mission still depends on you!" Wang Cheng said.

"Haha, Wujian, you have solved most of the things. We can't do this little thing badly! Don't worry!" the Lord of Virtual Gold said with a smile.


Wang Cheng nodded slightly, but said nothing more.

He turned his head and glanced at the two Zerg Universe Masters. Although they were still unwilling to give in, they had nothing to say at this point and could only lead the way.

After all, they didn't have any treasures on their bodies, and there were Bingfeng and Lord of Virtual Gold on the human side. Just like that, they had little chance of winning.

What's even more frightening is that the Lord of Infernal Affairs actually sent an avatar to follow them.

The Lord of Infernal Affairs, that is what makes the Queen. In short, it is impossible to resist. (To be continued)

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