Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 349: The Demon Shocking Ancestor feels cold in his heart

The two universe masters of the Zerg tribe, Qian Qing and Ming Lian, and Wang Cheng appeared one after another. The hundreds of universe sages following the master of Bingfeng and the master of virtual gold naturally saw it.

The subsequent exchanges between the few people made many Universe Venerables even more enlightened.

"It turns out that all of this is the result of the Lord of Infinite Life!" A cosmic venerable said quietly through a message.

"Even if not entirely, the Lord of Infernal Affairs definitely occupies a dominant position. Look at what he says, and the two Lords of the Zerg Universe can only listen obediently!"

"The Master of Infernal Affairs has occupied an important position at the top in a very short period of time, and now he has done such a big thing. I can't even imagine how talented the Master of Infernal Affairs has reached!"

"All in all, this is a blessing for my human race!"



A meeting outside the Queen's nest ended quickly.

Wang Cheng's clone, the two Zerg universe masters and the human team quickly left here and headed straight to the core of the Zerg.

Accepting the Zerg's core land will naturally not be smooth sailing. Even with the help of the two Zerg Universe Masters, there will always be some die-hards who resist.

However, after all the die-hards among the Zerg Universe Masters were wiped out, the remaining rebels were only as powerful as the Universe Overlords. They could not create much trouble in front of the human team.

And just as the first batch of human teams were accepting some of the core areas of the Zerg, the second, third, and fourth batches of human teams also arrived one after another.

Wang Cheng still sent clones to follow these teams to prevent any accidents from happening.

Soon, one after another majestic reception operations were staged in the territory of the Zerg. At this time, no matter how good the human race's confidentiality work was, it was inevitable that a lot of news would get out.

At this point, Wang Cheng simply decided not to hide it anymore. Under his order, the Queen of the Zerg directly announced to all races in the universe that the Zerg officially surrendered to the human race and became a subsidiary race of the human race.

For a time, the entire primitive universe and countless races were dumbfounded.

Are the Zerg declared to be a subsidiary race of the human race? Or did the Zerg Queen speak in person? Are you kidding me?

Of course, the most confused ones are the subordinate races of the Zerg.

They were attached to the Zerg, relying on the strength of the Zerg to survive stably in the cruel universe. As a result, the Zerg suddenly found themselves a boss?

And this boss is still the Zerg’s past enemy, the Human Race?

What do they do?

In fact, it's not just the foreigners who are confused, there are also many people in the human race who are confused.

Previously, the news was only known to the Lord of the Universe and the Lord of the Universe. Now that the news has spread, many immortals were immediately stunned, especially many immortals on the battlefield outside the territory.

A second ago, they were fighting to the death with the strong men of the Zerg camp, but suddenly news came from above that the Zerg had surrendered? Now, if they encounter strong men from the Zerg camp on the battlefield outside the territory, will they fight or not?

Of course, the battlefield outside the territory is just a trivial matter. The most anxious ones now are the Zerg-affiliated races, the demon race, and the machine race.

There are also many Lords of the Universe among the subordinate races of the Zerg. Although the quality of these Lords of the Universe is not high, they are not large enough in number. The total number of Lords of the Universe of all the subordinate races is greater than that of all the Lords of the Universe of the Zerg.

At this moment, these universe masters also quickly began to discuss.

"This matter was announced by the Queen herself, it cannot be false, and there were some disturbances outside my Black Ink Clan a few days ago. At that time, I was still wondering what was going on, but now I understand, it turns out that the Human Race is taking over the Zerg Clan's territory! "A Master of the Universe from the Black Ink Clan, a race affiliated with the Zerg, said.

"I felt some movement too!"

"It's the same here!"


Many masters of the universe expressed their opinions. After confirming the authenticity of the news, they immediately began to look for a way forward.

"If the Zerg territory is taken over by the human race, then our tribe will be surrounded by the human race in the future. In this case, there seems to be no other choice. Let's join the Hongmeng!" The Lord of the Universe of the Black Ink Clan said. Said something.

This is also a fact. Most of these subordinate races have one characteristic. There are not many tribesmen, but their hometown is surrounded by the territory of the peak tribe. For example, this is the case with the Golden Horn tribe in the Qianwu Universe Kingdom!

In this case, they could only choose to attach themselves to the Zerg and join the Zerg Alliance. Now, the territory of the Zerg has become the territory of the human race, and it seems natural for them to choose to join the Hongmeng.

"Although I don't know why the Zerg suddenly defected to the human race, there is no doubt that Her Majesty the Queen is now standing with the human race! The human race is already terrifyingly strong. The top strong ones include the giant axe, the Lord of Infernal Affairs, the Lord of Chaos City, the Lord of Peng Gong, etc. Humans are also extremely strong. A few days ago, the Galaxy Lords received the inheritance of the ancient civilization. Now with the power of the Zerg, the human race has become an unparalleled behemoth and has joined the human race. I agree!"

"I agree!"

The words of the Lord of the Black Ink Clan Universe were instantly recognized by others, and many people spoke up to express their agreement.

Of course, there are also some people who remain silent. They follow the Zerg in the Zerg Alliance, so naturally they offend the human race. Some even have a deep hatred with the human race that cannot be resolved, so they seek refuge with the human race? Looking for death?

But in this situation, if they don't surrender, they are seeking death. When the human race digests the Zerg territory, they will probably be the first to deal with it!

"I'm afraid we have to move the entire clan!" Many people sighed secretly.

Although they are reluctant to leave their hometown, under the current situation, for the survival of the tribe, no matter how reluctant they are, they have to leave.

. . .

While the subordinate races of the Zerg are looking for a way out, the second most anxious people in the universe are the demon race and the machine race.

The Zerg are a behemoth alongside them. How could such a behemoth be suddenly swallowed up by the humans?

In this situation, how could they not be afraid? Not shocked?

"Quick, go find out what happened in the Zerg at all costs!" The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe, who had been staying in his own small universe, couldn't sit still at this moment. The Zerg hides a hidden thread and wants to find out some truth.

And inside the Monster Clan, there is a peaceful secret realm.

Zhenyao Ancestor, who had never been too involved in things, suddenly stood up. Did the Zerg surrender? The Zerg Queen announced it herself?

"Is this true?" Demon Zhenzu looked at the Lord of Five Lights of the Demon Clan who came to report.

"Absolutely true!" The Lord of Five Lights nodded instantly.

"How can it be?"

Zhen Yaozu was filled with doubts, and he couldn't figure out why the Zerg suddenly surrendered.

"We have to go to Meng Tu to discuss it!" This idea flashed through the mind of Demon Zhen Ancestor subconsciously. He has always been lazy. Among the demon clan, Meng Yao Anzu is more in charge of things.

However, at this moment, after this idea flashed through Zhenyaozu's mind, he was suddenly startled.

"A few days ago, Meng Tu and the Queen went to deal with the Lord of Infernal Affairs, but they returned without success. News came from the cosmic sea that the ancestor of Blood Orchid, Jue and True God were dead, and the Purple Moon Holy Land was directly closed! The Zerg surrendered, Could it have anything to do with this?" A bad feeling flashed through Zhenyao Ancestor's heart.

The ancestor of Xuelan and True God Juehe were all powerful men in the first reincarnation era, especially True God Juehe, who was even more famous!

In terms of strength, they are much stronger than the Dream Demon Ancestor and the Zerg Queen. Even both of them died. How did the Dream Demon Ancestor and the Zerg Queen come back?

Zhenyaozu didn't think much about it before, just thinking that the two of them were lucky, but now the Zerg suddenly surrendered.

"Before, Mengtu invited me to go to the Universe Sea."

The more he thought about it, the colder his heart became. There seemed to be a huge black hole behind the matter, trying to swallow him up... If this kind of thing were true, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"What is Meng Tu doing during this time?" Zhen Yaozu asked quickly.

"It seems that some universe masters have been summoned to plan something!" The Lord of Five Lights said this, and for a moment, Demon Zhenzu panicked.

"Quick, inform all the masters of the universe to come to me immediately. If you have a clone, please ensure the safety of your clone first!" Zhenyao Ancestor immediately issued the order.


"Quickly" Zhenyao Ancestor shouted angrily.

"Yes!" The Lord of Five Lights did not dare to be careless anymore and quickly headed towards the outside world.

"I hope I'm overthinking!" The Zhenyao Clan watched the Lord of Five Lights leave, and the uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense. But at this moment, he could only comfort himself with overthinking. The Zhenyao Ancestor was a little worried. I can't imagine what the demon clan would look like if everything were true.

ps: Two updates. (To be continued)

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