"I still say what I said, if you are willing to surrender, come to me. If you don't surrender, then don't blame me for being ruthless!" Dream Demon Ancestor said again, and his tone became even colder.

However, none of the fourteen monster universe masters made any move at this moment.

Unlike the Zerg, the Monster Clan still has the Demon Shock Ancestor, and the relationship between the Monster Clan Masters of the Universe and the Dream Demon Ancestor is far less close than the relationship between the Zerg Universe Master and the Zerg Queen.

Compared with the Dream Demon Ancestor, these universe masters undoubtedly value the group more. Just like if the founder of Giant Ax defected, I am afraid that no human universe master would follow Giant Ax.

Therefore, at this moment, all the monster universe masters chose to resist.

"A group of things that don't know how high the sky is!" Dream Demon Ancestor looked at these masters of the demon universe with some sadness.

Although he was enslaved, he still had feelings for these masters of the universe. The Dream Demon Ancestor hoped that someone would understand the current situation and come to his side.

But it's a pity that no one chose him, not even his disciples!

"Luo Feng, do it!"

Wang Cheng spoke.


Luo Feng nodded silently. He admired the choice of the demon clan, the masters of the universe, but this was a war between ethnic groups. Since these people chose the opposite side, they must die!


Beside Luo Feng, a clone of the Demon Killer Tribe and a Golden Horned Behemoth appeared instantly. Luo Feng's three clones simultaneously killed all the demon clan masters of the universe.


The Dream Demon Ancestor also took action at the same time, instantly suppressing the Masters of the Universe who were attacking the Demon Clan.

"Hold on, I've already spread the word about what's going on here through my clone, and support will be here soon!" The only fifth-level universe lord among the demon clan, the Lord of Angry Star, quickly said through a message.

Hearing the words of the Lord of Angry Star, the other Lords of the Demonic Universe felt certain in their hearts.

The Lord of Angry Star chose to entangle the Dream Demon Ancestor, while the other Lords of the Universe faced Luo Feng's three clones.

"Lord Galaxy, I heard that you have the inheritance of Duandonghe, let me learn your strength!" The Lord of the Demon Clan's North Tomb was the first to greet Luo Feng.

The Lord of the North Tomb is considered to be the most powerful among the Lords of the Demon Clan. He is the top fourth-level Lord of the Universe. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for anyone to defeat him in the original universe.

But this time——


The sword in Luo Feng's hand suddenly shone brightly, and the bright sword light suddenly skipped the body of the Lord of the North Tomb.

Luo Feng has understood the sixth-level secret method in the Duandonghe inheritance, and the sword in his hand is an extremely precious primitive embryo. Although this sword cannot allow Luo Feng's attack power to break through the sixth level, it can greatly enhance his attack power. of edge.

The gap between the two levels made it impossible for the Lord of the North Tomb to fight back.

Coupled with the sharpness of the original embryo sword, the Lord of the North Tomb was naturally stunned in an instant.

boom! !

The terrifying power exploded, and the Lord of the North Tomb felt that nearly one-third of his divine body was consumed in an instant.


At this time, Luo Feng had turned his head and slashed out with another knife!

Under the suppression of the domain summoned by Wang Cheng's Five Elements Flag, at this moment, the Lord of the North Tomb could only resist with all his might.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

With three clean swords, the Lord of the North Tomb died!

On the other side, the other masters of the universe of the demon clan are joining forces to deal with Luo Feng's other two clones. Although they are far from Luo Feng's opponent alone, they are working together after all. Luo Feng's other two clones have not been able to do what they want in a short time. Kill a Lord of the Universe as quickly as you killed the Lord of the North Tomb. However, after Luo Feng neatly dealt with the Lord of the North Tomb, he immediately targeted these Lords of the Universe.

At this moment, everyone was panicking.

The majestic Lord of the North Tomb was killed instantly in just a few moves. This Lord of the Galaxy was actually so strong.

Can they really hold on?

On the other side, Wang Cheng tried to use soul attacks on the three cloned Masters of the Universe.

Unfortunately, in the original universe, his soul attack power was only at the top level of the sixth level, and these avatar masters of the universe paid special attention to soul defense, so it was not surprising that they could not kill a few of them directly.

Of course, among the three, only one could actually resist Wang Cheng's soul attacks continuously. The other two had resisted once and realized something was wrong, so they immediately let the clone self-destruct and run away!

"It's not bad to be able to keep eleven people!" Wang Cheng didn't think much and didn't continue to take action. He moved directly and came to the edge of the five-color ocean.

Here, Zhenyao Ancestor has arrived. He is surrounded by a peak domain treasure. He is carrying the suppression of the five-color ocean and quickly heading towards the place where the fighting is most intense.

"Zhenyao Ancestor, I didn't expect you to come here so quickly!"

Wang Cheng stepped on the five-color ocean and appeared in front of Demon Zhenzu with a calm expression.

"Lord of Infinity!"

Zhenyaozu looked ugly. Because he was worried, he quickly set off to visit Mengzu's secret realm. As a result, halfway through, he received requests for help from many masters of the universe.

The worst happened, Meng Tu rebelled!

Originally, Zhenyao Ancestor was lucky that he sensed something was wrong in advance and came here quickly. In this way, he had time to rescue the masters of the fourteen universes.

But when they got here, Demon Zhen Zu discovered that most of the secret realm of Meng Zu was actually shrouded in the "five-color ocean". This was the most powerful treasure in the field. Although it could not completely block Demon Zhen Zu, Zhen Yao Zu's The speed also suddenly slowed down countless times.

That's all. Now, Wang Cheng's appearance has made Zhenyao Ancestor feel even more desperate.

Although the Demon Zhenzu was not afraid of Wang Cheng in the original universe, the Demon Zhenzu also knew that Wang Cheng was like a big mountain, and it would be difficult for him to cross this mountain to save people!

"Zhen Demon Ancestor, Dream Demon Ancestor has surrendered, why do you continue to insist?" Wang Cheng said indifferently: "If your demon race joins our human race, there is still a chance of survival, otherwise, you will definitely go extinct in the future!"

"What on earth did you do to Meng Tu?" Zhen Yao Ancestor stared at Wang Cheng. In Zhen Yao Zu's heart, Meng Yao Ancestor has always valued the demon clan more. He really couldn't imagine that Meng Yao Ancestor would Betray the demon clan.

"What do you think?" Wang Cheng asked.


Zhenyao Ancestor was silent and let him guess? He always believed that the Dream Demon Ancestor would never betray the Demon Clan no matter what, but it happened!

If something impossible happens, there must be another impossible reason that leads to this result.

"Did you enslave Meng Tu?" Zhenyao Ancestor looked at Wang Cheng. It was hard for him to accept that the strongest person in the universe could be enslaved?

This kind of thing has never happened in the cosmic sea, but now this is the only explanation that is most reasonable!


Wang Cheng smiled faintly, but he didn't say anything.

But at this time, Zhen Yao Ancestor's expression changed again, and in the distance, the aura of the Lord of the Monster Race's universe disappeared.

"Lord of Infernal Affairs, get out of my way!!"

Zhenyao Ancestor rushed forward desperately, even if he knew he couldn't rush through, he would try his best at this moment.

"If you have the ability, I will naturally get out of your way!" Wang Cheng sneered and faced Demon Zhen Zu.

A big war breaks out instantly.

ps: Two updates. (To be continued)

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