Although Demon Zhenzu frantically wanted to rush over to rescue him, Wang Cheng stopped him, and the short distance was as short as the sky. Not long after, except for the three clones of the Master of the Universe, they self-destructed and escaped. , the remaining eleven masters of the universe, those who were killed were killed, those who were suppressed were suppressed, none of them escaped to this point, the matter was irreversible, no matter how unwilling the Demon Zhenzu was in the end, it was useless, he also The demon clan had to retreat. Although this battle only took place in the secret realm of Dream Demon Ancestor, there were more than ten universe masters participating in the battle, as well as Luo Feng's three clones, Wang Cheng's clone, Dream Demon Ancestor, and Monster Shock Ancestor. Such a large-scale killing naturally quickly spreads the news that the Dream Demon Ancestor has rebelled!

More than ten universe masters were either killed or suppressed!

The three avatars of Galaxy Lord Luo Feng all showed extremely powerful strength. One person fought against a group of universe masters and did not fall behind. Things spread one after another, which made people who had not yet reacted to the Zerg Queen's announcement to join the human race Many forces once again attacked the three peak races that were enemies of Zyang, and one of them was swallowed up. "The human race may grow into a real overlord!" At this time, in the empty starry sky, the Demon Zhenzu and the "Machine, you and I must join forces, otherwise we will not talk nonsense in the future," he directly explained his purpose, "What is going on?" "

The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe is also under pressure at this moment. He understands that the human race has indeed become stronger and stronger before, but swallowing the worm in one gulp is really nonsense!

The most unbelievable thing is that the Dream Demon Ancestor actually rebelled against a TT player, Jian San E Eight. "I guess that the Queen and Meng are both enslaved by the Lord of Infernal Affairs!" The Monster Demon Ancestor said in a deep voice, "What?"

The father of the mechanical clan was stunned. "This is the only possibility, otherwise, what happened before is completely unexplainable!" Zhenyao Ancestor continued, "It is a fact that the Lord of Wujian has the ability to enslave the strongest! If I hadn't known about the machine, you wouldn't have been able to do it." Even if you are enslaved, I won’t come to you right away!”

The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe was silent immediately. Although it sounds incredible, but combined with the two incredible things that just happened before, this is really a high probability. If this is not the case, there will be no other reasonable explanation!

The leader of the Infernal Race of the human race is simply a monster. It’s a shame that they couldn’t get rid of each other in the first place!

"Not to mention the Lord of Infernal Affairs, now the human race has four giant axes, Galaxy Lords, Meng, and Queen. In addition to the original strength of the human race, how can I or you alone resist the power of the human race?" Chen Demon Ancestor Shen He said: "Only by uniting can we hope to compete with the human race!"

"I'm afraid that together we may not be the opponent of the human race!" The father of the mechanical race was extremely complicated. How could the situation that was originally good have reached this point in the blink of an eye?

The Mechanical Tribe has obviously done nothing, but suddenly it is in danger. The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe knows very well that Zhenyao Ancestor is not just a threat. The human race has now invaded the Zerg race's territory and crippled the demon race. Waiting for the human race to digest all this. Sooner or later, they will turn around to deal with the Machine Race, which also occupies a large and fertile territory. With the power of the Machine Race, what can it do to stop the now extremely terrifying Human Race?

What's even more frightening is that the Father God of the Machine Clan feels that even if they unite with the current demon clan, they may not be able to resist the human race. After all, the current demon clan is already disabled!

"You can continue to look for other allies!" Zhenyao Ancestor said, "According to what you said, the Lord of Infernal Affairs has continuously enslaved the Queen and Meng. Who in the original universe dares to be an enemy of the human race?

"The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe asked back, "If the original universe doesn't work, maybe there are people in the universe who are willing to help us! "Zhenyao Ancestor said, "Cosmic Sea? "

The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe wondered, "Didn't Purple Moon Holy Land invite you to deal with the Lord of Infernal Affairs?" As soon as Zhenyao Ancestor spoke, the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe realized that Purple Moon Holy Land was indeed extremely hostile to the Lord of Infernal Affairs. At the beginning, he He was also invited, but he did not agree because he had too many considerations. Although Ziyue Holy Land could not directly intervene in the affairs of the original universe, they had a strong accumulation and many treasures. If Ziyue Holy Land was willing to provide some help, their strength could indeed Great improvement!

Especially in the original universe, no matter how strong a single person is, he is still at the top of the sixth level. If there are enough treasures, it will definitely greatly enhance the overall strength of the group!

"I hope it can happen!"

Hope arose in the heart of the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe "..."

While the Demon Zhenzu was plotting with the Father God of the Mechanical Clan, on the other side, Wang Cheng also came to the virtual universe and met the Lord of Hun City. "Teacher, the takeover of the Zerg territory is basically on track. Next, we just need to get the Queen to cooperate." That's it. As for the demon clan and the machine clan, our human clan probably can't spare the manpower to deal with it now. I'm going to go to the cosmic sea first!" Wang Cheng said directly, "Is it because of the giant axe?" City Lord Hun looked at Wang with some confusion. Cheng Juaxe said that he was fine and just had some minor troubles. City Lord Hun did not understand. Why was Wang Cheng so worried?

As soon as the Zerg situation eased, Wang Cheng was going to the Universe Sea immediately. "Part of it is!" Wang Cheng didn't say much that he was going to Qingfeng Realm. On the one hand, he was indeed worried that the giant ax would encounter the realm beast again. On the other hand, It is also because his next practice requires the power of world beasts, so he must go to the cosmic sea this time!

"Since you are worried about the giant axe, you can go and have a look!" City Lord Hun nodded, and then he warned: "It's just that although you are strong now, you have to be careful in the core of Qingfeng Realm. You know , the cosmic sea breeds countless dangers, and there may be some dangers that you can’t resist!”

"I know!"

Wang Cheng nodded slightly. Of course he knew how to be cautious. However, he had a backup plan in Shenmu Mountain. Even if he encountered a danger that he could not withstand and fell, it would only be a loss of some treasures. For him, it was not It’s a big deal. “Then I won’t say more!” City Lord Hun smiled and said, “Luo Feng is also very strong now, and with the help of the Dream Demon Ancestor and the Zerg Queen you left behind, the human race will be fine!


Wang Cheng also smiled. The current human race is indeed invincible in the original universe, and there is nothing to worry about.

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