Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 353: Inside the Qingfeng Realm

Before leaving the original universe, Wang Cheng also awakened the incarnation of the giant ax left in the original universe, and learned from it what the giant ax encountered in the Qingfeng world. The troubles the giant ax encountered were not simply from Qingfeng. The world itself was plotted by Lord Haolei, King Zhen, and God Yan, and he was temporarily trapped in a dangerous place. The founder of the giant ax himself said exactly the same as what the Lord of Hundu City told Wang Cheng. He did not I didn’t think this was a big deal. Although there were three people, Star Lord Haolei, King Zhen, and God Yan, none of them could be considered top-notch. The giant ax now got his most powerful axe, which was already nine. The top-level powerful giant ax didn't pay attention to the three of them at all. In the eyes of the giant ax, once he got out of trouble, the three of them were nothing more than chickens and dogs. In this regard, Wang Cheng didn't want to say anything. He was asking for the location of the giant ax. After that, he quickly left the original universe and rushed to the Qingfeng Realm. The three masters of Haolei Star were nothing, but the three of them took refuge in the world beasts. This kind of life is very magical. Not only was he born a true god, but in the end, he became a true god. The important thing is that they have both material attack and soul attack. The material attack and soul attack of the first-order realm beasts are only comparable to those of ordinary gods. The second-order realm beasts are even stronger. It is estimated that only the top true gods can suppress them. It is a third-level world beast, and the current giant ax may not be an opponent in a head-to-head encounter. The finger surface 1/2 from the top + the giant ax has no soul defense and is the most powerful treasure. In terms of soul, it is not surprising at all that he was killed instantly!

Of course, this kind of thing would never have occurred to the giant axe, otherwise Wang Cheng, after leaving the original Yu Shen, would have headed all the way towards the Qingfeng Realm. Countless gravel groups. Of course, they are called gravel groups. In fact, these "gravels" are the smallest in places like the Cosmic Sea. Except for some special treasures, there is only one "gravel" that is comparable to the original universe. The Jing family is in the Qingfeng Realm of a large mountain. The most common danger is the ecstasy sound scattered in it. Once you are confused by it, there is a risk of being lost forever and never getting out of the Qingfeng Realm. However, Wang Cheng's will has reached At the level of the True God of the Void, these enchanting sounds are nothing to him and can be easily resisted. Except for the enchanting sounds, other dangers are difficult to cause trouble to Wang Cheng now. Therefore, Wang Cheng is After arriving at the Qingfeng Realm, he moved forward quickly. In just over a year, he arrived at the core of the Qingfeng Realm. "This is already the outskirts of the Dark Land, and the giant ax should be nearby!" Wang Cheng was already at the depths of the main peak of Qingfeng Realm. In front of him, there was a "wind" belt created by nature. This wind is invisible and colorless and cannot be resisted. However, once life comes into contact, the divine body will be eroded rapidly. , somewhat similar to the black mist at the outermost edge of Shenmu Mountain. Even if a normal true god enters the "wind" at full state, most of the god's body will be eroded away in a very short period of time. Fortunately, this "wind" is not It has always existed, and every once in a while, it will weaken. At this time, even the Lord of the Universe can easily carry the giant ax through this "wind". The reason why he has been staying in Qingfeng Realm and unable to return to the human race at this time is actually It was because of this "wind" that he was blocked, and he was mistakenly entered into the core circle of "wind" by the three masters of Haolei Star. At this moment, he could only wait for "the wind to weaken before he could leave it." The wind belt could only rely on I can't bring out the giant ax even if I go in, but according to what the giant ax said, the wind belt should be weakened soon..."

Wang Cheng pondered in his heart. With his huge divine body, he could stay in the wind for several years without changing his expression. It would be easy to enter it. But the wind is invisible and colorless, and even palace-like treasures cannot stop it. Come on, even if he enters it, he can't bring out the giant ax. Moreover, Haolei Star Master and the other three people's plot to plot the giant ax must not only be as simple as trapping it in the wind belt. Taking refuge in the realm beasts, they found that they could not deal with the giant axe, so they would definitely ask the realm beasts for help. At this time, the wind belt was about to weaken, and the three Haolei Star Masters and the realm beasts were likely to arrive at this time. "I will be there." Sit back and wait here!

Wang Cheng thought, and soon he nodded slightly. If his analysis was correct, then of course it would be best. The two goals of rescuing the giant ax and collecting the power of the world beasts could be accomplished together!

Even if he is wrong, when the giant ax comes out safely, Wang Cheng's purpose of coming to Qingfeng Realm this time can be considered half completed. He will continue to go deep into the dark land to search for the remaining power of the realm beast. That is when the realm beast was first conceived. , there are as many as one billion. Even if a long time has passed, there must still be tens of millions. With such a number of realm beasts, it should be easy for him to find the power of the realm beasts. "Giant Ax, I am just outside the wind belt." Waiting for you!" Wang Cheng told Juaxe his current location, "Haha, okay, Wujian, when I come out, you can help me, and I must make the three bastards of Haolei Star Master look good!"

Although Ju Ax felt that there was no need for Wang Cheng to come, Wang Cheng came even though he was here. He was naturally happy that Ju Ax was not in the original Yu Shen, but he also knew a little about what happened in the original Yu Shen. Now Wang Cheng's strength It's unfathomable. With such a helper, Juaxe certainly feels much more relaxed. "Okay!"

Wang Cheng didn't say much, he directly agreed to plot the giant axe with Star Master Haolei, King Zhen, and God Yan Ancestor. This sum must be calculated. Moreover, the world beast is naturally the enemy of life in the universe sea. The three of them also plotted against the giant axe. Having surrendered to the realm beasts, Wang Cheng and the three of them were already hostile. Even without the giant axe, it was natural for them to cause trouble. Wang Cheng was waiting outside the wind belt. In the blink of an eye, more than a hundred years had passed. Finally, the wind belt began to move rapidly. Debilitating "Hahaha!"

There was a burst of laughter, and then, a familiar figure quickly flew out of the weakening wind belt, "Giant Ax!"

When Wang Cheng saw the person coming, he stood up directly, with a smile on his face. However, at this moment, four other auras suddenly burst out from a distance, and at the same time, they quickly moved towards the direction where the giant ax left. "It's really here!"

There was a hint of coldness on Wang Cheng's face. Without hesitation, he stood up and headed straight for the giant ax. PS: Two updates

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