At this time, the four auras coming from afar were none other than Star Master Haolei and others. Of course, in addition to Star Master Haolei, King Zhen, and God Yan Zushen, there was another life. It was all black and had two hands. Feet, two heads, each head has only one eye, and the whole body is bare without a single hair. This is the world beast. At this time, Wang Chengjian, who was also rushing towards the giant ax, aroused the attention of Star Master Haolei and others. Note: "Why is there another one?" The world beast Mohe asked coldly, "The aura of the Lord of the Universe." King Zhen said: "Lord Mohe, he should be the Lord of Infinity of the human race. He and Giant Ax are of the same race."

"? A Lord of the Universe?" Mo He relaxed in his heart. Although he was cautious, a Lord of the Universe was dispensable. "Master Mohe, it is not certain whether this Lord of the Universe is the Lord of the Universe. It is said that his strength is not Less than a giant axe!

Star Lord Haolei reminded, "Then take a look first and then talk!" Mohe became cautious again, "Guide shouted!"

The speed of both sides was very fast. Qian Cheng quickly joined Juaxe on the way to join him. "Haolei, I really can't believe that you dare to come back!" Juaxe showed a hint of excitement. Although Haolei Star Master and the other three brought a strange Helpers, but they are not afraid of the other party at all. The three Haolei Star Masters are simply seeking death!

"Giant Axe, we are not here to kill!" Haolei Xingsan "The person next to me is Master Mohe. He is the greatest life in the universe sea! We come to see you because we want to invite you to join us!"

"join in?"

The founder of the giant ax shook his head slightly, and he looked at the person who was called "the greatest life in the universe sea" in the mouth of Lord Haolei.

The presence of the other party is undoubtedly extremely ugly, and the aura on his body makes Ju Ax feel extremely uncomfortable. Of course, what concerns Ju Ax most at the moment is not this, but the eyes of that life. "Wu Jian, that strange life seems to have been watching Looking at you, I see endless greed in it!" The giant ax said through the voice, "I can see it!" Wang Cheng replied calmly, he was also a little strange, this world beast looked at him with a fixed look. Staring at him, and full of greed, it seemed that he wanted to devour him in one bite. "Master Mohe said, you can also join the Lord of Wujian!" Star Lord Haolei suddenly said again, "It's just a matter of time." Are world beasts worthy of letting me join?" Wang Cheng sneered, "World beasts?"

Giant Ax was a little confused, but on the other side, the expressions of the three Haolei Star Masters and the world beast Mo He changed. Someone knew about them!

"Are you a lackey of the original universe?!"

God Yanzu suddenly thought that the chess piece they sent to the original universe, "Lord of Austria", was "1" who was suppressed and killed by the Lord of Infinite Universe.

Wang Cheng glanced at Yan Zushen, and then blasted over with a simple impact of will. Yan Zushen felt his eyes go dark!

Yanzu Shenjian, who had come back to his senses, retreated a long distance. He looked at Wang Cheng with a somewhat confused look, "Big axe, do it. I'll deal with that Mohe, and I'll come back to help after it's solved!" Wang Cheng said via voice transmission. , and then, a long knife appeared in his hand. "Okay!"

Juaxe nodded slightly. He could see that Wang Cheng obviously knew something. So, it was naturally best to let Wang Cheng deal with that inexplicable life. From Wang Cheng's will attack to the time he transmitted the message to Juaxe, it was just It just happened in a bang!

Without any nonsense, a terrifying aura erupted from Wang Cheng's body, and he went straight to the world beast Mohe, "Lord Mohe!"

Lord Haolei reminded him, "I'm going to eat you!"

The greed in Mohe's eyes became deeper at this moment, and he tried his best to hit Wang Cheng with a soul attack. The power of the realm beast was different from the divine power, making the power of the soul attack even more terrifying. However, at this time, in Wang Cheng's soul, But there is a golden seal. This is also one of the most powerful treasures that Wang Cheng recognized as his master after his will reached the level of the True God of the Void. It is the most powerful treasure for soul defense and the most powerful treasure for suppressing sealing. At this moment, the terrifying soul The attack arrived, and the golden seal released a terrifying light and powerful treasure. Coupled with Wang Cheng's Void True God-level will, this soul attack had little impact on him!


Wang Cheng's divine power burned crazily, and the strike of the sword across the void had the power of the eleventh level. The terrifying power of the sword made the world beast Mohe wake up completely in just one moment. , at this moment, there was no longer any greed in his heart, only the endless third-order realm beasts of Jingzero were left. In fact, they did not fight long. Facing this terrifying blow, the realm beast Mohe could only do his best to show off. He stretched out hundreds of arms and condensed endless blood to resist, but it was all useless. Under Wang Cheng's blow, it was quickly broken!


The sword light passed through the body of the world beast Mohe. Under Wang Cheng's deliberate control, the world beast Mohe suffered heavy injuries and at the same time, a large amount of the world beast's blood was swayed out. Whoops!

A huge golden seal appeared on Wang Cheng's head, and an invisible suction force emerged. All the blood of the world beasts was suppressed within the seal. At this time, the world beast Mohe, who had suffered heavy damage from the blow, did not care. With these, he quickly stretched out his hand and used another one of his special skills!

The endless power of the realm beasts emerged, and in the blink of an eye, a giant black cocoon was formed to wrap Wang Cheng in. The third-level realm beasts did not have many tricks that could be used to attack. In addition to soul attacks and material attacks, there was another It is this move that forms such a terrifying giant cocoon, trapping the enemy in it. The giant cocoon is extremely strong, and it is impossible for ordinary attacks to break it open. The power inside can only be compared to the power of the Consuming World Beast. It is undoubtedly more powerful than the divine power. It is higher, so few people can withstand the power consumption. In addition, the world beast can use this giant cocoon to swallow the divine power of the person trapped in it, which naturally makes this kind of consumption more difficult. However, After the world beast Mohe used this move, he did not choose to stay and absorb the divine power of Wang Cheng who gave him endless temptation. Instead, he turned around and ran away without hesitation. Wang Cheng's sword just hit the world beast. Mo He will never forget that he was able to escape from many realm beasts and become one of the few third-level realm beasts now. He relied on caution and lack of complete assurance. The realm beast Mo He rarely takes action. Just now, he was killed by Wang Cheng The endless temptation of attraction led to his misjudgment, but now he had sobered up. No matter how great the temptation was on Wang Cheng, Mohe didn't want to take another look at it, so he chose to escape without hesitation.

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