"No matter how powerful this Lord of Infinity is, he is only a being in the universe sea. My unique technique can trap him for at least a moment. I have no problem escaping!"

Realm Beast Mohe thought in his mind, and his speed became faster. As for the three Haolei Star Masters who were still on the side, Realm Beast Mohe was completely too lazy to care about them, they were just three servants, so he abandoned them. However, Realm Beast Mohe had made all his calculations, but he miscalculated about Wang Cheng's strength. Just when he turned around to escape, the black giant cocoon surrounding Wang Cheng expanded. From tens of thousands of kilometers, it expanded to hundreds of millions of kilometers in a blink of an eye. Tens of billions, hundreds of billions of kilometers!

Infinite divine power surged in the giant black cocoon, and the power of the world beasts that made up the giant cocoon was wiped out in the blink of an eye. Wang Cheng, who had expanded to a height of hundreds of billions of kilometers, revealed his figure, "That's it?"

In the distance, the giant ax that had just been handed over to Haolei Star Master and the other three people was stunned. The Haolei Star Master and the other three people even thought that this *is a divine body?

Are you kidding me?

Guide "Stay!"

Wang Cheng took one step forward and immediately caught up with Kai who wanted to escape. "No!!"

The world beast Mohe shouted wildly in his heart. He divided his huge palm into ninety-nine parts and fell. The burning divine power suddenly spread out more than ten ordinary true gods. Naturally, there was no way to compete with the world beast to consume power. It was said to be endless. In addition, His divine power has been transformed by the original power and is of higher quality. It can be used up against the power of the world beast with ease!

Of course, these more than ten powers were destroyed in a short time, but the other clones of Mohe escaped! call! call!

The world beast Mohe did not dare to be careless at all. He continued to flee in many directions without looking back. But at this moment, Wang Cheng thought, and a blue chain appeared in the void, and expanded rapidly in the blink of an eye. After more than ten light years, this was the first time that the "source" stored in the Chain of Ice and Sea was activated by Wang Cheng. Endless light emitted on the chain, and a large area of ​​void was directly blocked, and at that moment it entered Wang Cheng's Completely controlling the void within the control is already the method of the True God of the Void. Although Wang Cheng is only the Lord of the Universe, his realm is extremely high. With the assistance of the "Chain of Ice Sea", the mechanical treasure of the flow, he can naturally do it. At this point, in fact, the Chain of Ice Sea is not an ordinary true god level or even a void true god level mechanical treasure. It is an eternal true god level mechanical treasure that Wang Cheng spent a huge amount of opportunity to capture. Wang Cheng now owns it. The realm is not enough to fully activate the "Chain of Ice Sea". Otherwise, he could even use the "Chain of Ice Sea" to form an ice universe. That would be truly powerful!

Of course, by now relying on the means of completely controlling the void, the world beast Mohe has no way to escape. Under Wang Cheng's suppression, his many clones have difficulty moving one by one. Wanting to escape from this void is basically like a dream. Almost boom! boom! boom!

Wang Cheng continued to slap down one palm after another, constantly eroding the power of the world beast Mohe. "Lord of Infernal Affairs, don't force me. This is a dark place. There are tens of millions of world beasts. No matter how strong you are, you can Can you stop our tens of millions of world beasts?" Mo He shouted and asked Wang Cheng, who was too lazy to speak, but he struck without mercy, "We can't go on like this!"

At this time, Mo He felt extremely calm in his heart. He understood that if he continued to be weakened by Wang Cheng, he would die sooner or later. Instead of doing this, it was better to fight with all his strength and hit Mo He determined one by one!

Each of his clones burned crazily, and colorful energy was released in the void. "Not enough, not enough!!"

Mohe's heart was bleeding, and he continued to let more clones burn. Finally, the completely sealed void was opened a little, and then, a faint colorful passage was about to form a "boundary light passage" in the void!

Wang Cheng sneered in his heart. He had naturally known the trick of the third-level world beast for a long time. This world light channel is actually the Yujian channel. Ordinary gods and even dry void gods cannot block such methods. Only by mastering " Only the eternal true god who thinks "the universe is born" can easily restrain the world light channel. If Wang Cheng can activate the "chain of ice sea" to form the ice universe, he can prevent the creation of the world light channel. But unfortunately, he is not mature enough and cannot After pushing the chain of ice and sea to that point, Wang Cheng had long known that the world beast had this hand, so he was naturally prepared. When the world light channel was about to be formed, a five-color giant mountain appeared out of thin air! Boom!

The five-color giant mountain fell from the sky, and there was a faint shadow of the universe that exerted terrifying pressure, causing the boundary light channel that was about to take shape to become unstable. Immediately afterwards, the boundary light channel directly "boundary light channel, unexpectedly" It’s broken!”

Realm beasts live in Mohejian. This is a move that only third-level realm beasts and above can master. It is called the most powerful escape trick. How could it be broken?

"Nothing is Impossible!"

Wang Cheng's terrifying palm grabbed it again. The world beast Mohe had already consumed too much power in order to open the world light channel. Now he was unable to resist this moment. The world beast Mohe knew that he was dead!

In a room, Mohe transmitted all Wang Cheng's information through the induction between world beasts. However, after capturing Mohe this time, Wang Cheng did not use his divine power to eliminate his power. Wang Cheng took out seven Temple, stuffed Mo He in. Although the Seventh Temple is only a true god-level treasure, it is still easy to suppress a realm beast that has been weakened to the extreme. "Caught a living realm beast. This trip is worth it." !" Wang Cheng looked at the five-color giant mountain standing in the distance, and he was still very satisfied in his heart. Although Wang Cheng had collected the blood of many realm beasts before, these were not as good as a living realm beast after all. There is a living realm. Beast, Wang Cheng can study the genes of the world beast at will without worrying about accidents. Moreover, if Wang Cheng's genes can reach 100,000 times, he can also try to enslave this world beast. This can be said to kill two birds with one stone. Of course, in order to catch this beast This five-color giant mountain, called the Cosmic Monument, was one of the world beasts that Wang Cheng also paid the price for. It was one of the treasures that Wang Cheng caught through chance last time. When he first caught this treasure, Wang Cheng didn't know it yet. Later, Wang Cheng learned from the teachings of the Lord of Shenmu Mountain that this cosmic monument is a man-made cornerstone of the universe. If it is released, it will actively absorb endless energy, and after a few years, a complete universe will be formed. It can be said that a universe monument is a universe!

When Wang Cheng lowered the "Universe Monument", it was equivalent to pressing down a universe. The Boundary Light Channel would naturally not be able to support it. Once the Universe Monument was put down, Wang Cheng's strength would no longer be able to move it, so he could only let it go. This cosmic monument slowly absorbed the endless power of chaos in the Qingfeng world, and then formed the universe. "It's worth it!"

Wang Cheng nodded slightly. The cosmic monument is usually a treasure prepared by some powerful people for the younger generations. It has little effect on Wang Cheng. A cosmic monument is exchanged for a realm beast. Normally, it is a loss, but this realm beast is "Mohe" is a wonder among the world beasts. Not only is he cunning and extremely cautious, but he is also good at using weapons. He can be said to be one of the best among the world beasts!

It is totally worth spending some money to capture Mohe!

PS: "Cosmic Monument" was not made up by me on the spur of the moment. I mentioned it before. Please see Chapter 327 for details. In addition...two more updates

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