Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 361 The breakthrough begins


Wang Cheng came to his own kingdom of God. Within the vast kingdom of God, endless mountains, rivers, oceans, and earth evolved. However, although Wang Cheng spent a long time practicing in the acceleration of time, the real time for him to break through to the Lord of the Universe was actually less than a million. At this time of the year, Wang Cheng’s Kingdom of God has not yet expanded to its limit. “First expand the Kingdom of God to its limit!”

Wang Cheng thought, and suddenly, a huge thing appeared in the sky above the Kingdom of God, and the endless power of the original universe poured into Boom! boom! boom!

At that moment, Wang Cheng's Kingdom of God began to expand crazily. With the current state of Wang Cheng's "Universal Messenger", it was simple to borrow some source power from the original universe. But with the endless source power pouring in, it was simple. Next, the Kingdom of God seems to have no limit. After about more than a year of crazy expansion, Wang Cheng's Kingdom of God has reached the ultimate level of the Lord of the Universe. At this time, Wang Cheng has already felt the barrier. As long as he breaks it, he will True God!

"Keep expanding!"

Guide King Cheng thought with a thought, the barrier from the Lord of the Universe to the True God did not rumble!

The Kingdom of God, which had just expanded to its limit, is expanding again. And this time, the source of power for the expansion of the Kingdom of God is no longer Hu! call! call!

Void passages appeared one after another in the void of the Kingdom of God. The sea was like destroying the world, forming a huge pressure in the Kingdom of God and was destroyed. Only the Kingdom of God itself, under these mixed air currents, Wang Cheng came to God. Outside the country, at this time, the Kingdom of God is expanding to the outermost periphery of the space mezzanine, which is the wall of the original universe. As the True God breaks through, God will continue to approach the wall of the original universe, and finally break through the wall and enter the cosmic sea, completely Become a small Yushen independent from the original Yushen!

A few days passed by in the blink of an eye. At this time, Wang Cheng's Kingdom of God had reached 100 million light years, which is the normal size of the True God Universe!

The Divine Kingdom barrier roared, and it quickly transformed into the cosmic wall. At this moment, Wang Cheng's Divine Kingdom truly became the small universe of the normal true God. At this time, the evolution within the original universe has ended, and the next step is Things Beyond the Original Universe However, Wang Cheng's small universe has not stopped expanding. It is still rapidly growing in size by 200 million light-years, 300 million light-years, 400 million light-years...

It only took a few days for Wang Cheng's divine kingdom to expand into a small universe with a diameter of 100 million light years, but it took more than a year for the small universe to continue to expand. Finally, the diameter of the small universe reached one billion light years. At this time, the small universe also Came near the wall of the original universe and boom!

An awe-inspiring force surged out directly from the interior of the original universe, blasting Wang Cheng's small universe out of the original universe. Before becoming a true god, the beings in the original universe were all children of the original universe, and would be loved by the original universe and become true gods. , it is a complete separation from the original universe, and to a certain extent, it is no longer welcomed by the original universe. Of course, Wang Cheng also cultivates the universe messenger system, which is different from the normal situation of true gods. At this time, he is considered to be "separated"

, it cannot be said that outsiders in the original universe, Wang Cheng can still control the space that should be controlled, and the original power that should be borrowed can still be easily borrowed...

A huge object with a diameter of one billion light years was suddenly blasted out, naturally causing a large-scale void earthquake. At this time, many figures outside the original universe felt the vibration here, and rushed here quickly. As Wang Cheng had done before, many people in the original universe speculated that Wang Cheng might really have a breakthrough this time, so they once again came out to look for Wang Cheng's small universe. The first person to arrive was from Northern Xinjiang. The Lord of God of the Alliance happened to be nearby at the time. He felt the movement and came over immediately, so he was the first one. At this moment, when the Lord of God saw the big small universe, he saw this in his heart. At the first glance of the small universe, the Lord of God understood that this should be the small universe of the Lord of Infernal Affairs. As expected, the Lord of Infernal Affairs had not made a breakthrough before and became the strongest person in the universe, but now he has just made a breakthrough!

But, is there something wrong with the size of this small universe?

"It's too big. Why is it so big?"

The Lord of God looked at the huge thing in the distance. The diameter of the universe was definitely far more than 100 million light-years. "I'm afraid it must be a billion light-years, right?" The Lord of God felt more and more shocked. However, thinking of the original He felt that what happened in the universe was normal. Things about Wang Cheng's small universe were also spread at an extremely fast speed. Not only were many forces in the original universe aware of it, but they were also known within the universe. This is an incredible fact: "The Lord of Infernal Affairs was so strong without breaking through before, but now that he has broken through, the commotion he made became like this..."

How strong does he have to be? "The strong men of the Universe Sea in the Second and Third Reincarnation Era are extremely desperate. At this time, they have also firmly established the idea that the human race in the Third Reincarnation Era must never provoke the people in the Purple Moon Holy Land anymore. The Ziyue Ancestor who had sealed the Holy Land heard the news, and her expression changed slightly. She had basically given up on dealing with Wang Cheng. She sealed the Ziyue Holy Land, and from now on she just wanted to stay on the same page with Wang Cheng. At the same time, she The original deity of the Origin Continent is also stepping up his practice, striving to turn his will into a saint as soon as possible and meet the conditions to seize the original universe. Unexpectedly, in the original universe, Wang Cheng made such a big movement, triggering endless light, and causing thousands of people to kneel down and worship. After the breakthrough, , the diameter of the small universe has even exceeded the limit of the True God's small universe, reaching a terrifying billion light years. You must know that one billion light years is already the door to the True God of the Void. It has been countless years since Ziyue's ancestor broke through, and her small universe is only 2.1 billion light years. !

What’s even more frightening is that the founder of Ziyue met with extraordinary circumstances and joined the leading force in the Origin Continent. However, he has never heard of anyone breaking the limit of 100 million light-years in the small universe when he was a true god. In other words, Wang Cheng In Yu Shenhai, he did something that countless geniuses in the Origin Continent could not do. "Damn it, hate it, damn it!"

Ziyue Ancestor felt more and more that she had no hope of competing for the original universe, but at this moment, she could do nothing. His power in the universe sea was too weak. After the last plan failed, Ziyue Ancestor understood that she had no power at all. There is no way to pose even the slightest threat to Wang Cheng. News about Wang Cheng is spreading crazily in the universe sea, but at this time, Wang Cheng does not care about these. He enters his own small universe, preparing to return to his origin, and The key universe structure and evolution of the universe!

PS: Two updates

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