Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 362: The Source of Time and Space, One Hundred Thousand Heavens

At this time, Wang Cheng stood at the center of his small universe. Amidst the endless surge of chaotic air, he had a panoramic view of everything in the small universe.

"Return to your roots!"

Wang Cheng spoke softly, and following his will, his entire divine body quickly manifested into its full size, and then decomposed into endless divine power.

The divine power that can be decomposed into a huge divine body that is twelve light years old is naturally endless. At the moment when all the divine power is decomposed, a mysterious and unpredictable core quickly takes shape in the center of the endless divine power. This is after Wang Cheng became a true god. "Heart" is the heart of true God.

Wang Cheng was originally a life of flesh and blood. After he broke through the True God and returned to his origin, his endless divine power naturally had to be transformed into flesh and blood again. At the same time, Wang Cheng also possessed the most important place, the Heart of the True God.

The True God's Heart, where the soul is hidden, can also communicate with the origin of the small universe. As long as the True God's Heart is intact and the soul hidden in the True God's Heart is fine, then the True God will not die easily.

The True God's Heart communicates with the origin of the small universe, and its strength is related to the strength of the small universe. Wang Cheng's small universe is ten light years in diameter, and its intensity is a thousand times that of the ordinary True God's small universe. His True God's Heart is naturally a thousand times stronger.

This is the benefit of the power of the small universe. From the beginning, Wang Cheng was far ahead of the powerful ones at the same level.


Wang Cheng's will burst out again.


The endless divine power that had just disintegrated quickly began to fuse and condense. These divine powers continued to become more refined during the process of change, and soared a hundred times in an instant.

At the same time, these transformed divine powers began to transform into flesh, bones, hair and other physical structures. Soon, a towering man with a height of 200 million light-years appeared on the spot.

At this time, the quality of Wang Cheng's divine power increased a hundred times. Because he was not supplemented by external forces, his divine body suddenly shrank from twelve light-years to two light-years.

However, this is not a big problem.

Although the height is only two light years, the quality has gone up after all. Wang Cheng's current divine body is definitely stronger than before. Moreover, Wang Cheng does not lack treasures containing massive amounts of energy. He can quickly fill his divine body to the limit in the future. .

Wang Cheng didn't pay too much attention to his transformed true god body. The most important step to break through to the true god was actually the evolution of the small universe.

The structure of the small universe is the foundation of everything. Only when the foundation is solid can the road ahead be easy.

"I created the structure of 'endless time and space' before. Now, the structure of 'one hundred thousand heavens' is also in my heart. That being the case"

Wang Cheng was thinking in his heart, and he stepped directly to the core of the original space of the small universe.

"The source of time and space, life!"

Wang Cheng's will exploded, and the terrifying chaotic air flow instantly surged crazily at the origin of the small universe. The endless power of chaos was pulled over, forming one world after another in an instant.

These worlds evolve and die rapidly, and a large amount of chaotic power is transformed into the origin of the small universe at an extremely fast speed.

"One hundred thousand heavens, rise!"

Wang Cheng's will exploded again, this time, it was a change outside the cosmic origin of the small universe.

The entire small universe was divided into a hundred thousand parts in an instant, and each space was accompanied by the rising energy of infinite chaos. It was like the creation of heaven and earth, and hundreds of thousands of heavens were formed rapidly.

The universe is divided into two parts, one part is the origin of the universe, and the other part is the endless space beyond the origin.

For these two parts, what the origin of the universe needs is stability and the speed of transforming the power of the origin.

After all, only when it is stable can the origin of the universe exist, and only when the origin of the universe is transformed quickly enough can the universe be powerful.

And the structure of "the source of time and space", with the help of the birth and death of endless time and space, the speed of transformation of the origin is definitely second to none!

As for the origin of the universe, it simply needs stability.

After all, there will be life in the space outside the origin of the universe. If it is unstable, it will be a nightmare. One hundred thousand heavens are the most stable structure.

Like the entire original universe, it is the "one hundred thousand heavens"!

Of course, whether it is the "source of time and space" or the "hundred thousand heavens", they need cooperation to be stable. Like the "source of time and space", what is needed is the universe space outside the origin to form an "endless time and space" structure, and " What "One Hundred Thousand Heavens" needs is to form the "beginning of one yuan" structure within the origin.

For Wang Cheng, it is actually the safest to choose one of the two structures to build his own small universe. Now, Wang Cheng has evolved both structures at the origin of the small universe at the same time. This is undoubtedly crazy.

However, once this is successful, the benefits will be huge!

By then, Wang Cheng's small universe will not only be extremely stable, but its ability to absorb the power of chaos will also be increased to the limit!

In fact, Wang Cheng has a full understanding of the nature of both major structures, and he is actually quite confident that they can succeed!

If he didn't have enough confidence, Wang Cheng wouldn't be so crazy.

To take a step back, even if it fails, the most it can do is let the small universe suffer some damage and evolve again. After the structure of the small universe is formed, it cannot evolve again, but if the first evolution fails, of course it can evolve a second time.

And the damage suffered is nothing. Among the treasures left by the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom, there are things that can make up for this damage.

And this is Wang Cheng’s greatest confidence!

"The most critical step!"

At this time, all of Wang Cheng's thoughts were within the small universe. The origin of the universe was the "source of time and space", and the endless space outside the origin was the "hundred thousand heavens".


Wang Cheng's will suddenly exploded!


Suddenly, there were constant roars within the origin, and time and space were rapidly shattered. At the same time, time and space were also rapidly connected with the hundreds of thousands of heavens outside the origin.



Wang Cheng has an expressionless face, his will spreads throughout the universe, constantly promoting the evolution of the entire universe.

Boom! Boom!

One after another, time and space continued to be destroyed and created. I don’t know how long it took. Finally, there were a hundred thousand time and space that perfectly matched the one hundred thousand heavens outside the origin.

These one hundred thousand time and space have become the foundation, and only these one hundred thousand time and space are left in the origin of the entire universe.

They are still being destroyed, but after each destruction, each time and space will be generated again at an extremely fast speed, repeating the cycle endlessly.

"It's done!"

At this moment, Wang Cheng finally felt relieved.

And at this moment, outside the small universe——

Many strong men who heard about Wang Cheng's breakthrough and rushed over to observe suddenly realized something was wrong.


Originally, the huge small universe was constantly absorbing the power of chaos from the outside world, but now, as if some qualitative change had suddenly occurred, the speed at which the small universe was absorbing the power of chaos suddenly increased countless times.

A large amount of chaotic power was like hundreds of rivers flowing back, rushing toward Wang Cheng's small universe, and soon formed a hundred thousand rivers of chaotic power in the void.

"This this"

Many powerful people watching were dumbfounded. How could this small universe be so swallowable?

"To swallow so much power of chaos, how much origin must be transformed? How much divine power must be transformed?" Each true god couldn't help but think of his own small universe.

For endless years, their small universe desperately sucked in energy to accumulate some original power bit by bit.

As for the small universe of Lord of Infinity, the suction force is so powerful that it is simply even more exaggerated than the original universe!

Of course, Wang Cheng's small universe only absorbs more chaotic power per unit volume than the original universe. The overall volume of his small universe is much smaller than the original universe, so the total amount of chaotic power absorbed is definitely far less than the original universe.

"The speed of absorbing the power of chaos has something to do with the structure of the small universe. The Lord of Infernal Affairs was so strong before his breakthrough. His small universe structure is probably extremely mysterious!"

Every true god feels a little itchy in his heart. It would be great if he could see the structure of this small universe with his own eyes!

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