Even the Lord of Chaos City and the founder of Giant Axe couldn't figure out how Wang Cheng made all the mechanical tribe suddenly surrender, and everyone else in the universe was even more confused.

But no matter what, one thing is for sure, the machine race really surrendered.

At this time, in the Monster Clan's "Zhenzu Secret Realm", Zhenyaozu summoned all the masters of the universe from the Monster Clan.

"Zhenzu, is the news of the Machine Tribe's surrender true? What should we, the Monster Tribe, do?" The Monster Tribe, the masters of the universe, asked one after another. At this moment, they were still in a state of confusion.

The demon clan and the machine clan united, and the machine clan was actually the main force. But now, the main force suddenly surrendered?

Many universe masters of the Monster Clan can't help but feel a little numb in their hearts. How many times will something like this happen?

At first, the Zerg surrendered.

Then, their demon clan, Dream Demon Ancestor, surrendered.

Now, the machine race all surrenders.

If this continues, will one day Demon Zhenzu lead them to surrender?

Zhenyao Ancestor looked at the demoralized Masters of the Universe below and sighed secretly in his heart.

"The trend of human race's dominance is unstoppable. Everyone go back and prepare. We will withdraw to the edge of the universe immediately!" Demon Zhenzu announced his decision.

Upon hearing the decision of Zhenyao Ancestor, all the universe masters fell silent.

"Zhenzu, have we really reached this point?" someone asked.

"What will happen if we don't withdraw?" Zhen Yao Ancestor said: "Now, there is no need for the human race to take action. The demon clan alliance may be broken up!"

All the masters of the universe understand that the Demon Zhenzu is talking about the subordinate races of the Demon Clan!

"These guys may not be able to live a good life if they leave us!" A monster universe master said coldly. There are not a few of their subordinate races who have deep hatred against the human race. Even if they break away from the monster race, the human race may not be able to live a good life. Will let them go.

"Let them go!" Zhenyao Ancestor shook his head and said: "There is not much territory on the edge of the original universe for us to live in. Take away the important clan members, and leave the unimportant ones behind!"


All the masters of the universe could only nod helplessly.

Both the Machine Tribe and the Zerg Tribe have a small number of real people, but the Monster Tribe is different. There are too many ordinary Monster Tribes, even far more than humans.

There are at least 100 billion demon clans on every living planet. It is naturally impossible for all such a number of clansmen to be relocated.



The movement of the demon clan was silent, and no one could notice it for the time being, but after the machine clan surrendered, it actually didn't matter what happened to the demon clan.

Anyone with any brains should know that the current human race can almost be said to dominate the universe, and no other force can compete with it.

At this moment, the news spread outside the original universe, and the powerful people who were still waiting for his breakthrough outside Wang Cheng's small universe also woke up.

"Among the human race, the only one who has the ability to induce the sudden surrender of the entire mechanical race is the Lord of Infernal Affairs. No wonder the opponent has not come out for so long. It turns out that he left quietly to finish off the mechanical race!"

These cosmic sea experts are certainly not fools. Wang Cheng's breakthrough time was indeed too long.

Originally, these powerful people watching thought it was quite normal. After all, the small universe of the strongest people in other universes was 100 million light years, but Wang Cheng's was one billion light years.

It is not incomprehensible that the small universe is as big as this and the breakthrough takes a longer time.

But now it seems that they are simply overthinking

Not being able to see Wang Cheng after the breakthrough, many people were a little disappointed, and the strong men from the Universe Sea also left one after another.

However, when a master of the universe from the second era of reincarnation passed by the small universe of the father god of the mechanical race, he suddenly discovered something was wrong.

"Why does this small universe feel so much weaker?" The Lord of the Universe recalled that when he passed by here before, the aura of this small universe was obviously stronger.

But at this moment, this small universe has weakened a lot, and it feels much weaker than the small universe of the strongest person who just broke through.

"Wait a minute, is this the small universe of Father God of the Mechanical Tribe?"

A flash of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Lord of the Universe. Thinking of the news coming from the original universe, he suddenly had a guess in his heart.

Originally, the Master of the Universe from the Second Reunion Era was not interested in matters in the original universe, but when this matter involved Wang Cheng, it was different.

Everyone knows that Wang Cheng is probably already the strongest person in the universe sea at this time, and anything about him is definitely a big deal!

In the cosmic sea, things about the small universe of the father god of the mechanical race spread quickly, and at the same time, an even more explosive news also spread.

The reason why the mechanical race in the original universe suddenly defected to the human race was probably because Wang Cheng forced his way into the small universe of the father of the mechanical race and used unknown means to make the father of the mechanical race surrender.

This rumor sounds outrageous, but it explains everything.

Why did the small universe of the father god of the mechanical race suddenly weaken? It was obvious that he had gone through a big war and his original power was severely depleted!

Why did the machine race suddenly surrender to the human race? The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe has surrendered. How can a special race like the Mechanical Tribe not surrender as a whole?

"It is said that there is news circulating in the original universe that the Lord of Infinity previously enslaved the two strongest people, the Queen of the Zerg and the Dream Demon Ancestor of the Demon Clan. Now, he actually made the Father God of the Mechanical Clan surrender."

Many people were amazed, and at the same time, they were extremely afraid of Wang Cheng.

Under this powerful enslavement ability, no one will feel indifferent, but if Wang Cheng had really forced his way into the small universe of the strongest person in the universe and subdued him, then his strength would have reached unimaginable levels. reached the point.

Under such circumstances, this kind of fear for Wang Cheng can only be kept silently in the heart.

At the same time, in the Universe Sea, another name of Wang Cheng is also being circulated.

This time is different from before. Under the witness of many people, Wang Cheng achieved a breakthrough. He is no longer the Lord of the Universe, so naturally the "Lord of Infinite" is no longer suitable for him.

Considering Wang Cheng's invincible strength, three of the strongest men in the universe surrendered to him. Therefore, the strong men in the universe sea silently gave Wang Cheng a new name.

That is, the Infinite God Lord!

At this time, Wang Cheng was in the virtual universe. He listened to the news told to him by the Lord of Chaos City, and a smile appeared on his face.

"God Lord Wujian, yes, much better than True God Wujian!"

Wang Cheng was originally going to reveal his name as the "True God of Infinity", but the powerful people in the universe helped him choose a better name.

Wang Cheng felt good about it, so he readily accepted it.

"Since you have no objection, then we will convene a high-level meeting of the human race and officially announce your name as God Lord Wujian!" The Lord of Chaos City nodded slightly.

"We still need to convene the highest meeting of the human race to make an announcement?" Wang Cheng was a little surprised.

"Previously, your contributions were only spread in the form of rumors among the clan, and most of the sages were just guesses! Now, it's time to make an official announcement!" The Lord of Chaos City said with a solemn expression:

"Don't refuse. The human race can't give you much in return, but your deeds should be known to every high-level official."


After hearing what the Lord of Chaos City said, Wang Cheng nodded and agreed.

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