Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 367: Accelerating the Human Race

This time, a high-level human race meeting was held soon.

All the Universe Venerables, Lords of the Universe, and True Gods all participated. Even Luo Feng and others in the Universe Sea participated in the meeting with their incarnation consciousness left in the original universe.

At the beginning of the meeting, it was announced that Wang Cheng had broken through to be the strongest person in the universe and was titled "The Infernal God Lord".

This matter is not a secret to some powerful people, but many venerable people in the human race do not know it yet. As soon as this news was announced, many venerable people in the human race were slightly shocked.

The birth of another strongest person in the universe is indeed exciting news, not to mention that it was Wang Cheng who made the breakthrough.

Then, the meeting began to announce Wang Cheng's achievements one by one.

From the beginning, he contributed a large amount of treasures to the tribe, to enslaving the Queen of the Zerg tribe, making the Zerg tribe surrender. At the same time, he also enslaved the demon tribe Dream Demon Ancestor, which greatly weakened the power of the demon tribe. The most important thing is that not long ago, Wang Cheng subdued the machine tribe. Father God, make the entire machine race surrender

Many of the news, many of the Universe Venerables had only heard some rumors before, were listed one by one at the high-level meeting of the human race, and everyone was extremely shocked.

"The Queen of the Zerg and the Dream Demon Ancestor are both enslaved. This is the Lord Wujian!"

"It turns out that the reason why the Machine Tribe suddenly announced its surrender is because the Father God of the Machine Tribe was surrendered by the Lord Wujian!"

"No wonder Lord Wujian was able to make countless creatures in the universe kneel down before, but his strength has probably reached an extremely terrifying level! Lord Wujian alone has allowed me, the human race, to dominate the universe!"


At this moment, many senior leaders of the human race had boundless respect for Wang Cheng.

People who have made so many contributions to the human race do deserve the sincere respect of each of them.

At this time, Wang Cheng was sitting in one of the highest positions. He said to the giant ax next to him: "This is too exaggerated. I just did what I should do. In terms of contribution, giant ax, you have protected countless human races." Nian, much better than me!"

"Haha, Wu Jian, why are you so humble now?" Juaxe laughed and said, "We all see your achievements. Is it possible that I will find someone to talk nonsense in this high-level meeting? "


Wang Cheng smiled and said nothing more.

"After that, the human race had no external enemies in the original universe, and all that was left was internal fighting!" Wang Cheng suddenly sighed with emotion.

There are very few things in the world that have the best of both worlds. He single-handedly led the human race to the position of overlord of the universe. Although it avoided the consumption of the human race's vitality, it also lacked the experience of blood and fire. The future development of the human race is likely to be smooth sailing. Not very sexual.

"Infighting is inevitable!"

The founder of the giant ax nodded slightly. Naturally, he would not be so naive as to think that the human race was really at peace. Before, there was pressure from foreign enemies. Now that all foreign enemies are gone, the conflicts that had been accumulated in the human race before will probably disappear soon. Little by little explosions.

After thinking about it, the founder of Giant Ax immediately said: "However, internal fighting can be controlled within a certain range. We can set rules and whoever violates them will be severely punished!"

"So much the better!"

Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

A high-level meeting officially pushed Wang Cheng's status in the human race to the highest peak, but Wang Cheng did not stop his progress.

After the meeting, he immediately began to retreat.

Wang Cheng had accumulated too much from watching Chaos Evolution before, and what he had actually digested was only a small part. There was still a lot of accumulation waiting for him to continue to digest.

Now, Wang Cheng does not need to care about many things in the human race, so he naturally has to retreat.



Wang Cheng broke through to the True God, and although his realm of light was greatly improved, his consciousness also experienced a qualitative change accordingly. It is naturally more difficult to maintain a larger consciousness to accelerate!

Therefore, now that Wang Cheng is practicing under the Tree of Time, the improvement in time acceleration is not much, only more than five million times.

Of course, a time acceleration of five million times is already an extremely terrifying number.

This means that Wang Cheng's consciousness has experienced five million years in normal retreat for one year.

Under such a terrifying acceleration, Wang Cheng also retreated with peace of mind to digest his previous accumulation.

Time passes little by little.

In the blink of an eye, 1.3 million years passed!

This retreat can be called Wang Cheng's longest retreat. The human race has also undergone earth-shaking changes in these 1.3 million years.

At that time, the territories of the four peak races had all been captured by the human race. The most fertile territory in the entire primitive universe belonged to the human race. With the sudden expansion of the territory by four times and the inheritance brought back by Luo Feng, the human race was here. It can be said that development has been extremely rapid within 1.3 million years.

Geniuses and strong men are emerging much faster than before, but this is still not fast enough.

At this time, in Wujian Continent, Wang Cheng was sitting cross-legged under the Tree of Time in the Seven Temples.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and a smile appeared on his lips.

"Let me accelerate the development of the tribe!"

Wang Cheng raised his hand, and in an instant, a five-stroke terrifying colorful light burst out.


The light broke through the restrictions of the Seven Temples in the blink of an eye and rushed towards the boundless starry sky.

A beam of light spreads across countless light years, and its end even penetrates deep into the origin of the original universe that is out of reach for ordinary life.


At this moment, invisible fluctuations silently passed through the endless space of the entire primitive universe.

'This kind of fluctuation'

In the primitive universe, the shadow of the original ancestor suddenly appeared. He felt the situation of the entire primitive universe and was slightly shocked.

At this moment, more than half of the infinite human race below the planet level did not notice any abnormality, but a considerable part suddenly found themselves in a small but completely independent dark space.

And these human beings who came to this space have one thing in common, that is - they were sleeping before!

All races above the planetary level suddenly realized that their souls seemed to be connected to a certain existence, and with just a little thought, something would happen.

People who were not strong enough were just surprised at the moment, but existences at the top of the human race like the Lord of Chaos City were shocked.

What could be able to forcefully connect with their souls silently?

"what exactly is it?"

Each and every strong man was shocked and wanted to find the source of this fluctuation.

But the entire primitive universe is now permeated by this fluctuation, and no matter how hard they search, they can't find any abnormalities.

In the virtual universe, the Chaos City Lord came to the highest point of Thunder Island.

At this time, the original ancestor in white robes was waiting for the Lord of Chaos City.

"Teacher!" After the Lord of Chaos City saluted, he immediately asked: "Teacher, what does the teacher know about the sudden anomalies in the original universe?"

"That should be a secret method similar to the 'Virtual Universe'!" The original ancestor praised:

"This secret method is very powerful. Not only can it identify souls, but it is also directly related to the souls of all human beings. The master who uses this secret method has undoubtedly surpassed me in soul consciousness!"

"Secret method?"

The Lord of Hundu City was slightly shocked, but then he seemed to have thought of something and felt slightly relieved.

"Except for your disciple, I can't think of another person in the entire original universe who can perform such a secret method. His secret method is still being constructed rapidly. When he completes the construction, you can ask him. Of course That’s it!” The original ancestor said.

"Teacher, how long does it take for this secret technique to be achieved?" the Lord of Chaos City asked.

"Then it depends on the purpose of your disciple. The human race already has my virtual universe, and there is no need for an existence similar to the virtual universe. I can't understand his secret method!" The original ancestor shook his head slightly, and he immediately said :

"However, what your disciple did is definitely beneficial to the human race. You don't have to worry. Just go back and wait patiently!"

"That's all we have to do!"

The Lord of Chaos City nodded slightly, and soon he said goodbye to the original ancestor. At the same time, the Lord of Chaos City also quickly informed other senior officials of the human race about the matter, so that they did not need to panic.

After learning the truth of the matter, the top management of the human race calmed down, but what followed was expectations and curiosity about what Wang Cheng is doing now.

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