In the sky above Wujian Continent, the colorful light pillars that filled countless light-years continued to explode. After several days, the colorful light gradually dissipated.


At this time, in Wang Cheng's hand, a seven-colored light group condensed out. After thinking about it, he sent a message to the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe.

The True God followed his words in the original universe, and his speed was naturally astonishing. The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe rushed to the Seven Temples not long after receiving the news from Wang Cheng.

"Master!" The Father God of the Mechanical Clan bowed and saluted.

"Machine, refine this!" Wang Cheng did not hesitate. He directly handed over the seven-colored light group in his hand to the Father God of the Machine Clan.


The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe was confused, but he did not hesitate and took the colorful ball of light directly.

In an instant——


Endless information pours into the heart of the father god of the mechanical race. Fortunately, he is a mechanical life and is best at processing this kind of information.

In the blink of an eye, Father God of the Mechanical Tribe organized and summarized all the information, and at the same time he understood everything.

"Dream Mountain?"

The Father God of the Mechanical Clan looked at Wang Cheng.

"Yes!" Wang Cheng nodded and said:

"This Dream Mountain is a super secret method that I constructed. By then, all humans in the original universe will have the opportunity to enter it. Dream Mountain lacks a manager. I think no one is more suitable than you!"

As soon as Wang Cheng opened his mouth, the Father God of the Mechanical Clan immediately understood what Wang Cheng meant, and he assured without hesitation: "Master, don't worry, as long as I'm here, nothing will go wrong in Meng Shen Mountain!"


Wang Cheng also nodded slightly.

When it comes to the human race in the entire primitive universe, although the amount of information in this secret method is terrifying, the father god of the mechanical race is after all a true god made of mechanical beings, so it is still very easy to process this information.

At this time, Wang Cheng also noticed the inquiry message sent to him by the Lord of Chaos City.

Without hesitation, Wang Cheng came directly to the virtual universe. After meeting the Lord of Chaos City, Wang Cheng said directly: "Teacher, I did do this. You will know the specific situation when you enter Meng Shen Mountain!"

"Dream God Mountain?" The Lord of Chaos City nodded slightly, and he immediately asked: "My teacher, the original ancestor, told me that your secret method is similar to the secret method of the virtual universe, covering the entire original universe, and it can also identify souls?"


Wang Cheng nodded and said: "As long as the soul is a human soul, anyone can enter the Dream Mountain!"

"Such a secret technique is truly incredible!"

The Lord of Chaos City lamented that in order to quietly identify souls, he had to rely on the initial universe to do it instantly, otherwise he would have to spend a lot of effort to identify them.

And Wang Cheng's secret method can actually identify the souls of life in the entire original universe.

No wonder even his teacher Yuanzu said that Wang Cheng’s achievements in soul consciousness have surpassed him!

"It's just a sudden idea that I came up with during my practice. I think it will have a big impact on the development of the ethnic group!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.

"Then I'll go see your 'Dream Mountain'!"

The Lord of Chaos City said something, and then he exited the virtual universe.



On the other side, the clone of the Lord of Chaos in the original secret realm pondered for a moment, and then with a thought, he activated the passage that was vaguely connected to his soul.


The Lord of Chaos City felt that his consciousness was in a trance, and then he came to an empty dark space.

"Welcome to the dream space!" A mighty voice sounded, but this voice had a somewhat mechanical feel.

The next moment, another voice sounded again.

"Chaos City Lord, welcome!"

"Father God of the Mechanical Clan?" The Lord of Chaos City was slightly surprised when he heard this familiar voice.

"it's me!"

A phantom appeared in front of the Chaos City Lord. It was exactly what the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe looked like.

"Master ordered me to maintain everything here!" said the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe: "Master of Chaos City, you are here to learn about the Dream Mountain, right? How about I take you to see it myself?"

"That's naturally the best!" Chaos City Lord nodded.

"Then let's start with the space you are in!" The father of the mechanical tribe said: "This is your dream space. Everything in this space is determined by your consciousness and will. The stronger your will and consciousness, the stronger your will and consciousness will be. The more vast this space can be transformed!"


When the Lord of Chaos City heard this, he had a thought in his mind. Sure enough, the entire space began to be transformed in a mighty way. A boundless continent spread rapidly, exceeding a light-year in the blink of an eye. On the continent, there were endless buildings. .

"This space is quite interesting!"

The Lord of Chaos City did not say much. This kind of space is considered a magical place for ordinary humans, but for the Lord of Chaos City, it is just average. He has seen too many magical places.

"This space is just an accessory that connects your consciousness to the Dream Mountain. The next step is the key point!" Father God of the Mechanical Tribe said, "Follow me!"


A door of light appeared in mid-air, and Father God of the Mechanical Clan entered first. After a brief pause, the Lord of Chaos City also walked in.

For a moment, the Lord of Chaos City seemed to see endless light. When the light dissipated, he realized that he had arrived at the foot of a towering mountain.

Because of the angle problem, even with the eyesight of the Chaos City Lord, he could only vaguely see the continuous mountains, and could not see the top of the mountain at all.

As for the edges on both sides, they are also endless.

"This is Mengshen Mountain!"

Father God of the Mechanical Clan smiled and asked: "Chaos City Lord, do you feel the difference?"

"Here, time flows faster than in the outside world, about ten times!"

The Lord of Chaos City still had his avatar outside, so he quickly noticed something was wrong. At this moment, he asked in slight shock:

"Wang Cheng told me that all races can enter this place. Is it possible that this place can maintain the time acceleration of countless races at the same time?"

Time is accelerated ten times, which is nothing to Chaos City.

But normally, time acceleration requires energy consumption. Even if there is only a tenfold acceleration here, there are infinite human races who can enter here.

How many humans are there in the entire original universe? It’s simply uncountable!

To accelerate time for such a number of people at the same time, including a large number of powerful people, how much energy does this consume?

“Although it’s incredible, it’s true!”

The father of the mechanical tribe continued: "Moreover, the acceleration at the foot of the mountain is actually the least. The higher you go up this Dream God Mountain, the faster time accelerates. At the top of the mountain, it accelerates a hundred thousand times!"


The Lord of Chaos City didn't say anything else. He had already guessed in his heart that the time acceleration in Meng Shenshan would definitely not consume too much energy. At the very least, the energy consumed by time acceleration here must be higher than the energy consumed by time acceleration that he knew. Much less.

Otherwise, this dream mountain cannot exist.

You know, even in the small universe of the True God, it is difficult to maintain a person's time acceleration ten thousand times for a long time. But here, not only is there no limit on the number of people, but the peak acceleration reaches one hundred thousand times.

This is simply terrifying!

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