Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 371 Re-entering the Space Sea

A hundred years passed by in a blink of an eye.

When Wang Cheng came to the side hall of the Seven Temples again, he saw Mo He lying on the ground, dancing and rehearsing something.


Wang Cheng spoke, and Mohe suddenly woke up.

"Master!" Mohe quickly stood up and saluted.

"A hundred years have passed, what are your results?" Wang Cheng asked.

"The master gave me this secret technique. I guess it should be a secret technique similar to the 'World Light Channel'!" Mo He said: "I have watched it for hundreds of years, and based on the feeling I had when I used the World Light Channel last time, I have learned this secret skill. Although I didn’t fully understand it, I learned something from it!”

Mohe said, and then he started practicing in the void.

I saw his claws waving slightly, and black lights suddenly appeared in the void. The black lights were not strong, only the strength of the eighth-level secret method. However, this was only the result of Mohe's hundred years.

Mohe itself is only a first-order world beast now!


Wang Cheng nodded slightly. Seeing this, Mohe was instantly overjoyed.

"Master, am I qualified?" Mohe asked quickly.


Wang Cheng nodded and said: "I will help you become a sixth-level world beast first. Tell me, how can you become a sixth-level beast as quickly as possible?"

"To say that the fastest is to devour other world beasts!"

Mo He said without thinking: "Master, if I swallow other energy, I need to digest it slowly, but if I swallow other world beasts, I can instantly convert their energy into my own accumulation!"


Wang Cheng nodded slightly, Mohe's answer was what he expected.

"It's just Master, with the current group of world beasts, it may be difficult for me to reach the sixth level!" Mo He said again:

"Normally speaking, it takes thirty-three fifth-order realm beasts to give birth to a sixth-order realm beast, and the emergence of each fifth-order realm beast requires thirty-three fourth-order realm beasts. Now the entire group of realm beasts, There may be a lot of fourth-level realm beasts, but there should be less than half of fifth-level realm beasts. If I want to reach sixth level, I need to devour a lot of low-level realm beasts, which is too difficult!"

"You can try it!"

Wang Cheng didn't say much. His current pure strength completely crushed the world beast group.

Moreover, the higher the strength, the more methods there are.

Wang Cheng is still confident about catching some world beasts.

The only thing that needs to worry is that if Wang Cheng now scares the world beasts in the Dark Land and they leave the Dark Land in large numbers, then the Cosmic Sea will suffer.

Although most of the current world beasts are still at low levels, the True God of the Cosmic Sea is even weaker. Few of the current True Gods of the Cosmic Sea can deal with even second-level world beasts alone!

"However, who can be immune to the disaster caused by the world beasts?" Wang Cheng shook his head slightly. If he doesn't attack the world beasts now, he will sooner or later attack the world beasts.

It is only a matter of time before countless world beasts come to the cosmic sea.

Wang Cheng can take care of other life forms in the universe sea that have no grudges against Wang Cheng or the human race. Those who have grudges against Wang Cheng or the human race cannot blame others if something goes wrong.

"I have broken through to the True God, and the clone technique can still be used. There is no problem in protecting the human race!" Wang Cheng nodded secretly in his heart. He had to go to this dark place.

As for what the consequences will be, it depends on God’s will!



Ever since Wang Cheng's genetic level exceeded 90,000 times and his divine body surged to twelve light years, Wang Cheng's clones were different from before.

The clones that Wang Cheng created before would divide his divine power and his genetic level.

But the clone he had split off now had very little impact on his genetic level.

The reason is very simple. The clones that Wang Cheng has now have divine bodies that are 90,000 kilometers in size of a normal true god. This amount of divine power is just a drop in the bucket compared to his endless divine power.

Just like scooping a bowl of water from the ocean, it certainly has no impact on the entire ocean.

Of course, although another clone now has no effect on Wang Cheng, if there are too many clones, the genetic level of the clones will continue to decline.

Now that Wang Cheng has divided into a hundred clones, the purity of the divine power of each of his clones is equivalent to a hundred thousand times the normal genetic level of the Master of the Universe.

Wang Cheng was not surprised by this.

According to the information he got from that unknown place of inheritance, his clone technique is a secret technique at the "eternal true god level". Although Wang Cheng's current state has not reached the eternal true god level, it is not too bad. Yuan, to be honest, it is really amazing that the secret technique of the "Eternal True God" level can achieve this step.

Can't ask for too much!

At this moment, Wang Cheng left an avatar behind, letting him stay in the original universe with Mo He, while he himself quickly left the original universe.

Now that Wang Cheng leaves the original universe, he no longer needs to take the path of the Toya black hole. He directly enters the interlayer of space, reaches the wall of the original universe in the blink of an eye, and then rushes out of the original universe.

Of course, Wang Cheng can also choose to establish a cosmic channel between the original universe and his own small universe, enter the small universe first, and then go to the cosmic sea.

In short, there are many methods, and they are all very fast!


Wang Cheng stood in the void of the cosmic sea, surrounded by endless chaotic airflow, and the astonishingly large primitive universe was behind him.

He looked into the distance, silently estimating the distance in his mind.

"Go to Shenmu Mountain first!"

Wang Cheng was thinking in his heart, and the next moment, his infinite divine power suddenly burst out.

In an instant, a large amount of brilliance emerged in the void, and a faint road appeared in front of Wang Cheng.

"Haha, let's go!"

A smile appeared on Wang Cheng's face, and the next moment, he stepped directly onto the passage filled with endless brilliance.

The void trembled, and Wang Cheng disappeared in the blink of an eye. Almost at the same moment, he was in a silent void about tens of thousands of light years away from Shenmu Mountain.

Endless brilliance emerged at the same time.

"Huh? What is that?"

Coincidentally, two universe masters passed by near here. They were shocked when they saw the endless brilliance.

With such movement, could it be that a treasure has been born?

Without any hesitation, the two of them quickly headed towards the place where the brilliance emerged.

But just then——

Wang Cheng's figure suddenly appeared in the center of the brilliance. In an instant, the steps of the two masters of the universe stopped.

"Wu, Infinite God Lord"

The two universe masters suddenly widened their eyes. The name of the person, the shadow of the tree, and the current cosmic sea. It was widely rumored that Wang Cheng broke into the small universe of the father god of the mechanical tribe and suppressed him by force. Everything that happened later confirmed this. a little.

Everyone understands that the current Wang Cheng is invincible!

When they suddenly saw Wang Cheng, both of them were a little confused, and the joy in their hearts because of the discovery of the treasure was instantly wiped out.

Facing such a strong man, if he is unlucky enough to be killed by him, there really will be no way to redress his grievances.

Fortunately, what the two masters of the universe were worried about did not happen. After Wang Cheng glanced at the two of them, he left directly!

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