"That direction is Shenmu Mountain, right? Is it possible that Lord Wujian is going to break into the legendary and terrifying Shenmu Mountain?" A master of the universe couldn't help but be curious.

"With his strength, it's not surprising to go anywhere!"

Another person quickly shook his head and said: "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, we'd better leave as soon as possible!"



The two masters of the universe didn't hesitate at all, they teleported together and left here in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, Wang Cheng also quickly arrived outside Shenmu Mountain.

"The positioning is still not accurate enough!"

Wang Cheng thought this in his heart, but there was not much frustration in his heart.

Practice has proved that his secret technique "Road to the Void" was successful!

As Mo He said, Wang Cheng's "Road to the Void" was modeled after the Boundary Light Channel. He had watched Mo He perform the "Boundary Light Channel" once, but he didn't have much insight at the time.

However, when he broke through to the True God and began to retreat, he couldn't help but think of the appearance of the "Boundary Light Channel" when it was used.

Therefore, Wang Cheng created this secret technique based on the Tao of Void.

The "Road to the Void" is very similar to the World Light Channel. Both can be teleported over long distances instantly. The difference is that the World Beast requires a huge cost to open, and it is used to save lives.

As for Wang Cheng, this can be used to rush on the road.

Of course, the consumption of the "Road to the Void" is not small. The divine body of a normal True God would be gone in an instant. It would be extremely difficult for a normal True God of the Void to use it even once!

That is to say, Wang Cheng has an astonishing amount of magical power, so he can use his original ordinary moves.

The effect of the "Road to the Void" is also amazing. When Wang Cheng was the Lord of the Universe from the original universe to the Shenmu Mountain, even if he crossed infinite space through a wormhole in the middle, it would take a full month to travel. .

And now, he was there in the blink of an eye.

Although the location he arrived at was still tens of thousands of light years away from Shenmu Mountain, but to Wang Cheng, what did tens of thousands of light years mean?

"Although the Void Road was created by me with the inspiration of the Boundary Light Channel, to be honest, the Boundary Light Channel is just a cosmic channel. My Void Road is a real Void Road trick. This move has a huge future!

This trick has only just been created now, and there is still a lot of room for improvement in the future! "Wang Cheng had a vague hunch in his heart that this move would completely make the spatial distance completely meaningless in front of him.

After the "Road to the Void" is truly perfected, Wang Cheng will be able to travel through endless space in the blink of an eye, and that will be easy!



After Wang Cheng entered Shenmu Mountain, he immediately controlled the space in Shenmu Mountain and teleported him to the top of Shenmu Mountain.

Wang Cheng came here to pick out treasures this time.

Among the treasures in Shenmu Mountain, there are a total of twelve top-level treasures, and more than 1,800 second-level treasures.

The top treasures are all in the hands of the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom. The other party is already asleep. Wang Cheng doesn't think about it for the time being. But Wang Cheng can take the remaining more than 1,800 treasures at will.

"Most of these treasures are far beyond my current level and are not something I can use at all."

Wang Cheng browsed through more than 1,800 treasures, and finally he chose a "primordial embryo", a small corner of a flower petal.

Strictly speaking, these two treasures cannot be regarded as a complete piece of the eighteen hundred treasures.

The Lord of the Falcon Kingdom left behind a large number of "primordial embryos", and the sum of these "primordial embryos" can be regarded as a complete treasure.

Not to mention the corner of the petals, the complete treasure is a flower hundreds of millions of light-years high. It is sealed in a separate space. The energy it dissipates every moment is far away. Beyond Wang Cheng’s imagination.

If such a treasure is placed in front of Wang Cheng, he cannot fully use it. With only a small part of it, Wang Cheng can completely fill up his divine body!

That's right, Wang Cheng naturally chose these petals to replenish his divine body.

After he broke through to the True God, his divine body shrank to a size of two light-years. Although the speed at which his small universe absorbed chaotic airflow was incredibly fast, it was nothing compared to Wang Cheng's divine body.

Besides, Wang Cheng will not just draw energy from the microcosm casually now. Therefore, after millions of years, his divine body has basically remained unchanged from before.

Therefore, at this moment, Wang Cheng decided to fill up his divine body first!

As for the "Yuan embryo", it is an extremely precious prototype of a weapon, and it is a weapon of its own.

Wang Cheng can use treasures at the level of the Eternal True God to exert power at a higher level than his own realm. However, that is activating the secret patterns on the treasure. In other words, he is using someone else's secret method.

And with the Yuan embryo, you can burn your own "secret method" on it.

Although it is his own secret method, through the power of the Yuan embryo itself, he can fully exert a higher level of power.

No matter how strong or good other people's secret techniques are, they are definitely not as comfortable as your own. This is the benefit of Yuan Embryos!

"Replenish the divine body first!"

Wang Cheng sat cross-legged at the top of Shenmu Mountain. At this time, a piece of black matter containing infinite energy and a size of a light-year was suspended in the sky above him.

This is the small corner that Wang Cheng took from the petal.

At an altitude of 100 million light-years, a body of only one light-year is, of course, a small corner of a flower petal, and it is an insignificant small corner.

"I suck!"

With a thought in Wang Cheng's mind, infinite energy suddenly surged out of the black substance.

The energy contained in this kind of flower is not only extremely abundant, but also very easy to be absorbed by life. This is the main reason why the Lord of the Falcon Country collects it.

call! call! call!

The massive energy quickly transformed into Wang Cheng's power, and then evolved into his flesh and blood.

Wang Cheng no longer restricted himself. He completely revealed his two-light-year divine body. For a time, the speed of power transformation became even more terrifying.

In just about a month, Wang Cheng's divine body regained its size of twelve light years.

Moreover, it is still expanding rapidly.

Fifty years later, Wang Cheng's divine body has reached a terrifying one hundred and twenty light years, and this is still not over.

At this time, because Wang Cheng's divine body is ten times taller than before, it absorbs power much faster. However, compared to the increasingly larger divine body, the effect of this increase in absorption speed is actually not so obvious.

It took more than ten thousand years for this absorption to finally come to an end.

"This is the perfect divine body at the true god stage after 90,000 times the genetic level!"

At this time, Wang Cheng was standing on the top of Shenmu Mountain. Although Shenmu Mountain was one billion light-years high, Wang Cheng's standing on Shenmu Mountain at this time could be considered to have brought some ups and downs to it.

At this moment, his divine body is 1,200 light years away!

PS: The divine body of the God King is 200 million light years old. If you calculate it, the height of the divine body is indeed increased by a hundred times for each level. Therefore, the true god is 1,200 light years away, which is very reasonable.

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