"It's unbelievable, it's really terrifying!"

Wang Cheng felt his infinite divine power, and even he was filled with endless shock.

In the Cosmic Sea, if he didn't have the treasure left by the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom, and he could only rely on the small universe to slowly absorb the chaotic air flow, he might not be able to replenish his divine body to perfection for countless reincarnations.

But now, he did it with the help of the treasure containing infinite energy!

With a divine body that spans thousands of light years, the Lord of the Universe teleports once, just from his feet to his head.

This can be called an endless energy reserve, and ordinary eternal true gods are probably far inferior to him. Wang Cheng knows very well that in a short time, he will no longer need to worry about energy.


Wang Cheng thought, and in an instant, his huge divine body began to shrink rapidly.

The divine body that had just returned thousands of light years returned to normal human size in the blink of an eye. The small divine body contained infinite energy. This is the mystery of the infinite size of the divine body.

"I didn't expect that more than 10,000 years have passed since I replenished my divine body this time!" Wang Cheng pondered in his heart, and then a thought came to his mind.

The next moment, a pair of gloves that looked like cicada wings appeared in Wang Cheng's hands.

This glove is very soft, but when Wang Cheng puts it on his hands, he can feel a destructive force brewing in it. Even if he does not use any secret techniques, he can attack with the help of this glove alone. Exert the power to tear apart the void.

This pair of gloves is naturally the "Yuan embryo" chosen by Wang Cheng!

Along the way, Wang Cheng has used a lot of weapons, such as claws, knives, halberds, daggers, etc. Whatever is powerful, he can use it. And the types of Yuan embryos left by the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom are also very rich. Wang Cheng has used These weapons are available.

However, after screening, Wang Cheng finally fell in love with this pair of gloves.

First of all, it is very suitable for Wang Cheng. A pair of glove weapons can support Wang Cheng in using various attack methods such as claws, palms, fists, etc. Secondly, the value of this "glove" Yuan embryo among many Yuan embryos can be said It's one of the best.

All Yuan embryos have the potential to grow into god-king-level weapons. In this case, the materials of Yuan embryos are required to reach the extreme in all aspects.

Most other Yuan embryos, such as swords, guns, swords and halberds, only need to be made of hard materials, but this "glove" is completely soft.

Although it is soft, it is extremely tough. To make such a glove, not only does it require more demanding materials, but it is also more difficult to make.

Therefore, its value is naturally higher.

Since Wang Cheng didn't have a favorite weapon, he was naturally more inclined to choose a more diverse and precious weapon.

So, this pair of gloves finally became his choice.

"This Yuan embryo is destined to be extraordinary!"

Wang Cheng thought in his heart, and at the same time, his mind moved slightly, and divine power poured into his left glove, and soon, dense lines appeared on its surface.

This is the twelfth-level top secret technique - the realm of the void!

Then, Wang Cheng's divine power poured into his right glove, and the infinite dense lines appeared again.

This is the top secret technique of the twelfth level - the light of time!

Finally, Wang Cheng's divine power poured into both gloves at the same time. On the basis of the original dense patterns, some seemingly useless dense patterns were added to the two gloves. But in fact, if the two dense patterns are combined, When you stand up and look at it, it is not difficult to find that this is an extremely perfect whole.

The combination of the two sets of secret patterns is the thirteenth-level secret method - breaking time and space!

Wang Cheng has been in seclusion for millions of years, and a full five trillion years have passed under the Tree of Time. These two sets of twelfth-level top secrets and a set of thirteenth-level secrets are his highest achievements.

As for the "Road to the Void" and "Dream God Mountain", these are just accidental results of Wang Cheng's creation of these secret techniques, and they cannot be regarded as his real hard work.

"Two gloves, one represents time and is called 'time', and one represents void and is called 'empty'. Together, they are time and space!" Wang Cheng named this pair of gloves, and directly after "time and space" For the name.

According to the "Lord of the Falcon Kingdom", many people have walked on the road to the combination of time and void, but no one has ever transcended the realm of chaos, which means that this road has not yet been traveled.

And since Wang Cheng has chosen this path, he must go on firmly.

If this road was really taken by Wang Cheng, then he is the ancestor of the "time and space" road, and it is very reasonable for him to name his weapon "time and space". Of course, if Wang Cheng cannot take this road, There is no way, this set of "Yuan Embryos" can't become a weapon of the God King, it doesn't matter what it is called.



After solving the problems of divine power and weapons, Wang Cheng did not stay in Shenmu Mountain any longer. He left quickly.

After leaving Shenmu Mountain, Wang Cheng directly used the "Void Road" to teleport.

Beyond the Qingfeng Realm——


As endless colorful light burst out, Wang Cheng's figure walked out of the void.

In fact, Wang Cheng has the ability to directly reach the vicinity of the Dark Land, but he moved quietly this time, and the teleportation movement on the Void Road is too noisy. If the world beast discovers it, it will be troublesome. Therefore, Wang Cheng simply teleported outside the Qingfeng Realm.


Wang Cheng did not hesitate, he directly turned into a stream of light and quickly went towards the depths of Qingfeng Realm.

Now, Wang Cheng is already a true god. In the cosmic sea, he can easily break through the speed limit of a hundred times the speed of light. In addition, Wang Cheng's current strength has almost reached the extreme of the Void True God and even the threshold of the Eternal True God. He does not pay attention to any dangers. Once inside, it’s over.

Therefore, Wang Cheng's speed was astonishingly fast. It only took Wang Cheng half a day to go from outside the Qingfeng Realm to the Dark Land.

After Wang Cheng himself arrived in the Dark Land, his clone left in the original universe immediately summoned Mo He.

"Mohe, tell me the locations of the most powerful world beasts in the Dark Land!" Wang Cheng ordered.

"Master, do you want it?"

Mohe was excited, he had finally waited for this day.


Wang Cheng nodded slightly. He didn't say much. Mohe also knew what Wang Cheng meant. After thinking for a while, he immediately said:

"Master, when I was still in the Land of Darkness, there were many third-level world beasts, but the most powerful one should be Bedi. I will tell Master the location of Bedi first!"


Wang Cheng nodded again.

Mo He didn't say anything more. He concentrated on sensing it. In just a moment, Mo He was slightly shocked.

"Master, Bedi is moving at high speed. Not far from him, there is another powerful world beast, Morosa. Bedi seems to be chasing Morosa!" Mo He said.

"Oh?" Wang Cheng was a little surprised, and he said directly: "Tell me their location!"


Mohe agreed, and then quickly described the location of the two to Wang Cheng. They chased and escaped, and were now in the core hinterland of the Dark Land.

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