Since a long time ago, the pattern of the entire world beast group has been one super and many strong, and then a group of low-level world beasts are afraid of each other.

Yichao refers to Bedi, Duoqiang refers to other powerful realm beasts, such as Morosa, and the former Mohe.

Originally, Bedi rarely devours low-level realm beasts, because the realm beast groups can sense each other at any time. He only needs to keep an eye on the other powerful realm beasts. As long as anyone makes the slightest move, he wants to devour a large amount of them. When low-level realm beasts become stronger, he will defeat or eat them. Then, the final realm beast king must be him.

Although this process is very stable, it also has a disadvantage, that is, slow evolution.

Originally, Bedi didn't care, as long as he ensured that he would become the king of world beasts at the end of this reincarnation era.

However, since Mohe was suddenly easily defeated and captured alive more than a million years ago, Bedi's mind changed.

It turns out that there are still strong men in the universe who can defeat them?

Just the Lord of the Universe can capture Mo He alive, who is already a third-order world beast, and can even suppress the world light channel?

As a result, Bedi, who was only slowly growing stronger, began to continuously devour some low-level realm beasts, and his tracking of other powerful beings became slightly more relaxed.

As a result, the evolution speed of the entire world beast group has greatly increased.

Bedi, who had already reached the peak of the third level, quickly became a fourth-level realm beast. It was precisely because Bedi had slacked on tracking other powerful beings in the realm beast group that other realm beasts gradually devoured low-level realm beasts. Reached the fourth level quickly.

Morosa is one of them!

However, within the world beast group at this time, there is still a situation of one super and many strong, and Bedi is still the most powerful.

Until ten thousand years ago, Mohe was suddenly enslaved, causing the entire world beast group to go crazy.

The same goes for Bedi. He began to let go of everything and devour low-level realm beasts crazily, preparing to become a fifth-level realm beast first.

A large amount of devouring caused Bedi's power to expand rapidly, reaching the peak of the fourth level in a short period of time. But at this time, Bedi finally discovered that something was wrong, and other high-level realm beasts were also growing rapidly.

Especially Morosa.

At this time, Bedi was not far from the fifth level. According to his estimation, as long as he eats Morosa, he can become a fifth level beast.

So, Bedi went directly to Morosa and prepared to deal with him first.

Bedi is indeed worthy of being the "superior" in the past, and he is still powerful now. Although Morosa took advantage of Bedi's relaxation to gobble up low-level beasts crazily, making great progress, but after a fight, He still found that he was still no match for Bedi!

So there was a scene of Morosa running away crazily.



At this time, Bedi and Morosa were chasing and escaping, moving quickly.

"Bedi, do you really want to hurt both of us?" Morosa asked angrily, feeling Bedi chasing after her.

"You alone are worthy of hurting both of us?"

Bedi sneered: "If you have the guts, stop and I'll eat you without any effort!"

"Go ahead and dream!"

Morosa was extremely angry, but he was not really stupid enough to stop.

"Damn Bedi, damn Mohe!


Morosa cursed in his heart. He scolded Bedi because Bedi was chasing him, and he scolded Mohe not only because Mohe was a traitor, but also because Mohe now made him have nowhere to go.

Originally, Morosa had thought about it. If he couldn't stay in the dark place anymore, he would escape to the cosmic sea and eat other things. When he became strong enough, he would return as the king.

But now, Mohe has rebelled, and Morosa can no longer be stupid enough to do this!

The reason is simple. Mohe can always sense his position. If he dares to go to the universe sea, he will probably be easily caught by the damn Lord of Infernal Affairs.

Although he is now a fourth-level world beast, according to the intelligence sent back by Mohe, the strength of the Lord of Infernal Affairs is obviously far superior to him.

The Lord of Infernal Affairs is probably much more difficult to deal with than Bedi is now.

"Wait, the last king must be me. When I become the king, you will all die!" Morosa was furious in his heart to vent his anger and unwillingness.

At this moment, Morosa was suddenly startled.

Only tens of billions of kilometers ahead of him, a figure suddenly appeared there. The aura was clearly that of a cosmic sea life, not a world beast.

At this time, Morosa's first reaction was that this was the core of the Dark Land, and he didn't know how many beasts of the same race were scattered outside. How could the beings of the cosmic sea appear here?

As for the second reaction, Morosa stopped instantly.

Because Morosa sensed that the aura seemed to be very similar to the "Lord of Infinity" that Mo He said at the beginning.

Morosa stopped, and Bedi, who was chasing madly from behind, also arrived in an instant. However, he did not rush to attack Morosa because Bedi also sensed Wang Cheng's aura in the distance.


The void fluctuated, and Wang Cheng instantly arrived not far from Bedi and Morosa.

Seeing Wang Cheng, Morosa and the two of them were instantly sure that they were right.

"Lord of Infernal Affairs, how dare you come to the dark place?" Morosa's expression was a little ferocious.


Bedi didn't say anything. He discovered that Wang Cheng's aura was not the Lord of the Universe as Mo He said, but that he was already a true god!

"Has the Lord of Infinite Breakthrough already broken through?"

Beidi suddenly felt something bad in his heart. If it were Wang Cheng who was in Mohekou before, he would still have the confidence to fight with him based on his top-level fourth-level strength, but the Lord of Infernal Affairs has broken through. Who knows how strong he is?

"Morosa, the Lord of Infinity has broken through, and you and I are no match!" Bedi sent a message: "Hurry up and give me your power. Only after I advance to the fifth level can I hope to deal with him!"


Morosa cursed unceremoniously. Bedi has been dreaming all day long. How dare he think of such a thing?


Bedi didn't say anything else. At this moment, he also looked at Wang Cheng with a wary face.

"It's just a dark place, why don't I dare to come?" Wang Cheng looked at Morosa and Bedi with a calm expression. He smiled and said: "Not only am I here, but I also invite you two to leave here and follow me. trip."

"You want to enslave us?"

Bedi's heart condensed slightly. At this moment, his and Morosa's movements were surprisingly consistent.

boom! boom!

The two of them frantically activated the power of the world beasts, and infinite power instantly bloomed in the endless void.

The two of them used the special skill of the fourth-level world beast, the realm of world light, at the same time, and they were superimposed together.

Faced with the sudden outburst between the two of them, Wang Cheng's expression remained calm.

"There is no point in resisting!"

Wang Cheng spoke softly, and he directly activated the first two layers of "Ember". Under the crazy burning of divine power, he waved out his left hand.

On Wang Cheng's left hand, the dense patterns on the "empty" glove were quickly activated, and an extremely terrifying huge palm appeared out of thin air.

The width of the palm reaches a terrifying tens of thousands of light years. In the center of the palm, the void is completely controlled by it. The combination of the realm of light released by the two fourth-order realm beasts is completely meaningless in front of this palm.

The palms of their hands were grasped at an extremely fast speed. Bedi and Morosa, who were in the middle, struggled wildly, but unfortunately, everything was in vain.

Wang Cheng's "Void Realm" move is a twelfth-level secret technique. It is now used by Yuan Fei, and its power is no less than that of a thirteenth-level secret technique.

This is close to the ultimate of the True God of the Void.

How could two mere fourth-level world beasts resist?


Bedi and Morosa were filled with despair. Before Wang Cheng took action, they could not imagine that Wang Cheng was so strong!

But now, with the facts before their eyes, they have to believe it even if they don’t believe it!

"Morosa, explode yourself quickly, don't be caught by the Lord of Infinity!" Bedi suddenly made a decision in his heart, and at the same time, he did not forget to remind Morosa.


Morosa was filled with reluctance, but his pride as a world beast told him that he must not be suppressed, otherwise he would probably be enslaved like Mo He.

Mohe was one of the best among the world beasts, and even he was enslaved. Morosa had no confidence that he could survive.

"Explode yourself!"

Morosa was so cruel that he was about to blow himself up.

But at this time, Wang Cheng's right hand pointed out.

The twelfth-level secret method - the light of time!

The infinite secret pattern was activated instantly. In that moment, Morosa and Mohe felt that they were trapped in endless years, and their consciousness became extremely slow in an instant.

At this moment, the bodies of the two people, who were about to self-destruct, immediately calmed down.

call! call!

The terrifying palm was finally fully grasped. At this moment, Bedi and Morosa were completely suppressed, and the two of them undoubtedly lost the opportunity to self-destruct!

PS: Two updates.

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