In the void, a huge seal appeared out of thin air, and Bedi and Morosa, who had been completely suppressed, were instantly sucked in by the seal.

This time to suppress the world beasts, Wang Cheng did not use the Seven Temples again.

After all, the Seven Temples are only true god-level weapons. Facing fourth-level world beasts, their ability to suppress them is still a bit poor. Although they won't be broken free, they can't be said to be foolproof!

Fortunately, Wang Cheng has many treasures on his body. This seal of the eternal true god level is not only a soul defense treasure, but also a sealing treasure. It is absolutely impossible for a fourth-level world beast to resist if it is sealed in.

And just when Wang Cheng suppressed Morosa and Bedi, the entire world beast group exploded in the dark land.

Bedi and Morosa are both fourth-level world beasts. Bedi has reached the top of the fourth level, but now he is being suppressed?

"The person who took action was none other than the Infinite Lord who enslaved Mohe!"

"No, he has broken through and is no longer the master of the universe!"

"Damn guy, even if he breaks through, he shouldn't come to the dark place to act arrogantly! Since he dares to come, he must pay the price!"

"We must make him pay the price. Otherwise, this time he suppressed Bedi and Morosa, and next time it will be the turn of the other fourth-order world beasts. This is to prevent the evolution of our world beast group!"

"We still have 20 million brothers. If we join forces, we can easily kill this person!"

"Yes, join forces to kill him!"


Countless realm beasts transmit sounds to each other. The consciousness of the realm beasts operates at an astonishing speed. They can communicate with countless similar creatures at the same time. In just a short moment, all the realm beasts have reached a consensus that they must put aside their disputes first. Solved Wang Cheng.

Although the ultimate goal of all the realm beasts is to kill and devour each other, only one realm beast king is left, but they can unite as one when facing powerful foreign enemies.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

All the world beasts roared ferociously and quickly headed towards the place where Morosa and Bedi were finally suppressed.



At this moment, in the original universe——

In front of Wang Cheng's clone and Mo He, there was a huge model of the dark land. Mo He's hands kept dancing, and light spots continued to appear on the huge model. It could be seen that these light spots He was quickly approaching Wang Cheng.

"Master, they are all gathering towards your position!" Mohe quickly reminded.

"I know!"

Wang Cheng nodded calmly, and then asked: "Which location has the most world beasts gathered now?"


Mo He pointed at the huge model, and in an instant, more than 3,000 light points lit up, and these light points were still moving rapidly.

"More than three thousand? That's a lot!"

Wang Cheng thought for a while, no matter how small the mosquito was, it was still meat and he couldn't let it go.

In the dark place, Wang Cheng himself used "Road to the Void" without hesitation.

As endless colorful light emerged, Wang Cheng's figure soon appeared near the more than three thousand gathered world beasts.

"Is it the Lord of Infinity?"

More than 3,000 realm beasts discovered Wang Cheng in an instant. What made them a little confused was that they were extremely far away from the place where Bedi and Morosa were suppressed. How could the Lord of Infinity appear here?

And before many world beasts could react, Wang Cheng took action again.

The "Realm of the Void" in one hand, and the "Light of Time" in the other!

The terrifying power exploded instantly!

However, this time there were more than 3,000 realm beasts. Naturally, they could not sit still and wait for death, so the realm beasts took action one after another with a tacit understanding.

When these world beasts unite, they have a much better understanding than a real army. Their attacks are united in an instant, and the terrifying power boils, almost reaching the top level twelfth level of attack power!

But unfortunately, what the world beasts faced was Wang Cheng's "Region of the Void" that was displayed with the help of the Yuan embryo.

With a move that was no less powerful than the top thirteenth level, all the attacks of three thousand world beasts were in vain.

In the end, none of the three thousand world beasts could escape or self-destruct, and they were all suppressed by Wang Cheng.

"What? The position of the Lord of Infernal Affairs has changed? And, he also suppressed three thousand realm beasts?"

Every realm beast was stunned. It was a union of three thousand realm beasts. Even the fifth-level realm beasts would have turned around and left when they saw it. However, they were easily suppressed by the Lord of Infinity.

At this moment, all the world beasts recognized Wang Cheng's strength again.

Originally, the suppression of Bedi and Morosa had already made all the world beasts understand that Wang Cheng's strength was unfathomable. Now, they understood that they had underestimated Wang Cheng's strength before.

Such terrifying strength makes all the world beasts tremble in their hearts.

Before many world beasts could react, Wang Cheng continued to pass through the void road to the place where other world beasts gathered.

At the same time, Wang Cheng also continued to suppress batches of world beasts.

In the blink of an eye, nearly 20,000 world beasts fell!

At this time, many realm beasts finally reacted. Wang Cheng didn't know what method he had mastered, and he could quickly reach any place in the dark land. With the traitor Mo He guiding the way, once the realm beasts gathered, they would be killed by Wang Cheng. Cheng quickly suppressed.

"We can't go on like this. The gathered realm beasts should disperse first, and then gather again when there are more realm beasts in an area!" The realm beasts quickly transmitted their messages, and each of the groups that had gathered had no choice but to Spread out for now.

"Did they disperse?" Wang Cheng also got the news from Mohe instantly.

He thought for a moment, and then asked Mo He to tell him the locations of those powerful world beasts.

Wang Cheng continued to use the "Road to the Void" to shift positions.

Zia, Mengquan, Angsi

The powerful realm beasts fell one after another, which silenced the realm beast group, and all the realm beasts rushed on their way even more crazily.

Finally, most of the world beasts came to each area.

The world beasts in all areas also began to gather quickly.

At this time, there are more than 20 million realm beasts in the dark land. The area with the largest number of realm beasts at this time is even as high as 500,000.

Even in the smallest area, there are more than 20,000 people.

"More than 20,000 Realm Beasts"

With so many world beasts gathered together, the power of the moves they jointly performed was enough to change qualitatively again. I am afraid it has reached the thirteenth level of power. Is it necessary to rely on "Region of the Void" and "Light of Time" to suppress them again? realistic.

It is not difficult to kill these realm beasts. After all, although more than 20,000 realm beasts unite to attack terrifyingly, their defenses are not up to the corresponding level. That kind of terrifying power collision, just the aftermath can kill them. Kill them all.

"You can try the last trick!"

Wang Cheng thought in his heart, and he went directly to the location of the more than 20,000 world beasts through the void road.

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