The moment Wang Cheng appeared near the twenty thousand realm beasts, all the realm beasts were startled.

"Lord of Infernal Affairs, do you still dare to come?" Twenty thousand world beasts roared one after another. They directly joined forces with each other and took action frantically.

The terrifying power of the world beast spread into the endless void in an instant, and attacked Wang Cheng mightily.

Seeing this, Wang Cheng's face became slightly solemn.

He raised his hands at the same time, and all the dense patterns on the two Yuan Embryos were activated at the same time.

"Thirteenth level secret method, cut off time and space!

! "

Wang Cheng shouted coldly in his heart, endless light burst out, and the large void began to fold rapidly like cloth.

On the whole, within tens of thousands of light years, a large area of ​​void is rolling back, and the attacks of the world beasts seem to be trapped in the mirror, unable to move forward at all.

And if you look closely, you will find that every inch of void within tens of thousands of light years is being divided. Each of the realm beasts was standing with their companions just now, but now they find that they are far away from their companions.

Endless power is brewing in every void, and a slight burst of these powers is enough to annihilate all the world beasts.

But at this moment, all the power did not explode, but formed chains, entangling all the world beasts.

"Don't try to suppress me!"

Each of the world beasts roared in their hearts and wanted to self-destruct, but the chains that entangled them made their consciousness seem to be trapped in an endless quagmire, and they were unable to extricate themselves.

In the end, more than 20,000 world beasts were suppressed.


Wang Cheng nodded slightly. Without hesitation, he quickly moved towards the other gathered beasts. As long as the number was less than 100,000, he was Wang Cheng's target.

However, this time, the realm beast group responded very quickly. After losing three realm beast groups in a row, the realm beast group of less than 100,000 was disbanded on the spot.

The disbanded realm beasts flocked to other realm beast groups with a size of more than 100,000.

Soon, in the dark place, the final pattern was formed.

There are dozens of realm beast groups in total. The number of realm beasts in these realm beast groups is at least more than 300,000, and the number of realm beasts is as high as one million.

With so many realm beasts, even if the realm beasts cooperate with each other tacitly, the energy cannot be used perfectly. However, it is precisely because of such a number of realm beasts that the power of a combined attack of the realm beasts can reach A terrifying point.

You know, there were a billion realm beasts when they were first born, but now there are only 20 million realm beasts left, and most of the realm beasts have reached the second level.

The second-level world beasts are almost stronger than the top experts in the universe sea.

The combined attack of hundreds of thousands or even millions of the top experts in the universe sea, the terrifying power formed is indeed extremely terrifying, even more terrifying than Wang Cheng using the thirteenth-level secret method "Breaking Time and Space" with the help of the original embryo!

This was the first time that the world beasts had gathered together on such a large scale since their birth. Only then did they realize that they were so powerful together.

"Hahaha, who can stop such terrifying power?"

Every realm beast was full of confidence, and they began to search the entire dark land inch by inch, preparing to dig out Wang Cheng and beat him to death.

But unfortunately, the world beasts didn't know that after the world beasts had completely united from the mouth of the Mohe River, Wang Cheng no longer had the idea of ​​staying in the dark place. He passed directly through the "Road to the Void" and left in the blink of an eye. He left the dark land and returned to Shenmu Mountain at the same time.



Wang Cheng brought a bunch of suppressed world beasts to the core of Shenmu Mountain. At the same time, his clone in the original universe also directly asked Mo He if he could still sense the location of the world beasts suppressed by Wang Cheng at this moment. .

"There are some mold lakes, but I can still vaguely sense the general direction!" Mohe said, and then he asked a little strangely:

"Master, where did you take those realm beasts? The induction between realm beasts is the rule set by the supreme law. Logically speaking, no matter where I go, I can't lose my sense of other realm beasts!"

"Since it is the rule set by the Supreme Rules, then just put them in a place where the Supreme Rules can't control them!" Wang Cheng said in a calm tone, and after a while, he asked again:

"What now?"


Mo He sensed it slightly, and his eyes widened in an instant.

“I can’t sense it at all!

"Mo He was shocked. If it weren't for what Wang Cheng said just now, he would have thought that Wang Cheng had killed all the suppressed world beasts!


Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

Facts have proved that in the core of Shenmu Mountain, if you activate some special means, you can completely shield the world beasts from each other. In this case, he can safely let Mohe devour the world beasts he captured. beasts, and there is no need to worry about arousing the vigilance of the world beasts who are still in the dark place.

He has captured about 100,000 realm beasts now. Most of these realm beasts are second-order realm beasts, a small number are first-order realm beasts and third-order realm beasts, and there are also seven or eight fourth-order realm beasts.

These realm beasts are theoretically enough to cultivate a sixth-order realm beast.

But it may not be enough. If it is not enough, Wang Cheng estimates that he will have to go to the Dark Land. In this case, he can naturally avoid attracting the attention of the realm beasts in the Dark Land. Attention!

Without thinking much, Wang Cheng said directly to Mo He: "Let's go, I will take you to improve your strength!"


Mohe was extremely excited.

Wang Cheng looked at the excited Mo He and said nothing. Although Mo He had proved himself before, Wang Cheng would not let him swallow all the world beasts so easily.

If he wants to become stronger, he still has to go through some training!

Wang Cheng's clone took Mo He outside the original universe. After a moment, endless colorful lights appeared in the void.


Wang Cheng himself walked out quickly.

Although Wang Cheng himself uses the secret technique of "Road to the Void" as a traveling skill, in fact, Wang Cheng's clone cannot use this secret technique at all. The clone's divine body is only 90,000 kilometers high. If he uses "Road to the Void" ', all the divine power can be consumed in the blink of an eye.

After picking up Mohe, Wang Cheng did not hesitate. He directly used the Void Road to take him back to Shenmu Mountain.

Soon, the two came to an energy cage.

"This is the Prison of the Gods. Here, the beasts from the outside world cannot sense the situation here at all!" Wang Cheng said to Mo He, and then he waved his hand again.

A golden seal appeared in the void.


A ray of light shot out from the big seal, and soon, a ferocious-looking world beast appeared in front of the two of them.

As soon as the world beast appeared, they immediately saw Wang Cheng and the two of them.

"Mohe, you traitor!" The realm beast yelled angrily. If it wasn't suppressed by the golden light and couldn't move, he would have pounced on it long ago.


Mohe's face was expressionless, and he didn't bother to pay attention to this world beast at all.

"Give you a chance. You fight with Mohe. If you win, I can let you return to the dark land!" Wang Cheng said calmly.


The world beast was slightly startled, and Mo He was also startled, but he quickly understood Wang Cheng's intention.

Because of the use of the boundary light channel, he is now at the peak of the first level, and the boundary beast in front of him is also at the peak of the first level.

If he wants to eat the other person, he must defeat him first

"I agreed!"

The world beast couldn't wait to agree. The current situation couldn't be worse. What's more, fighting with Mohe, he still had hope of killing this damn traitor. Why didn't he agree to such a good thing?

"Don't worry, Master, I will definitely eat him!" Mo He also grinned. He was once the top of the world beast group, how could he be afraid of this first-order waste?

"Then let's get started!"

Wang Cheng nodded slightly, and then he directly pressed the golden seal. In an instant, the golden light suppressing the beast disappeared.

PS: Two updates.

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