Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 377: Ten Thousand Years of Fighting

A fight soon began.

Mo He and another realm beast are both at the peak of the first level, and in terms of strength, they are almost the same.

Moreover, no one can escape in this closed God's Prison, so they can only fight to the death.

At first, the two were equally matched, but due to the difference in fighting experience, Mohe gradually began to gain the upper hand.

From a small advantage at the beginning, it gradually expanded, and finally, Mohe formed a crushing force.

It didn't take long for the first-order peak world beast to be completely defeated and completely eaten by Mohe.


Mo He's body was shaken. He was already a peak level 1 beast, and he ate another peak level 1 world beast. At this moment, he naturally evolved directly into a level 2 beast.


Wang Cheng reappeared next to Mo He.


Mohe saluted quickly.

"How do you feel?" Wang Cheng asked.

"It feels good!" Mo He said with a smile: "I can't kill this kind of trash no matter how much you come!"

"Since you have been promoted to the second level, your next opponent will be the second level world beast!" Wang Cheng said calmly: "Even if you can still win now, as you become stronger and stronger, the opponents you face will also become more powerful." It will get stronger and stronger!”

"I captured a hundred thousand realm beasts this time, including many fourth-order realm beasts. If you devour them all, there is hope that they can evolve into sixth-order realm beasts. But, are you sure you can win all the way?"


Mo He was silent. He knew very well that among the world beasts Wang Cheng captured this time, there were Bedi, Morosa, and Zia, who were among the best in the world beast group.

If he wants to win all the way, he is indeed not very sure.

"If you fail, I can completely enslave other realm beasts to replace you! But you only have one life, and your chance to become the king of realm beasts is only once. Think about it!" Wang Cheng spoke again, and Mo He felt it. Enormous pressure.

After a long silence, Mo He suddenly said: "Master, I need a weapon!"

"Oh? What weapon?" Wang Cheng asked with interest.


Mo He waved his claws and said, "We need a weapon that is hard enough and sharp enough!"


Wang Cheng nodded slightly, and the next moment, a large sword exuding an extremely terrifying aura appeared in the void in front of the two of them.

Wang Cheng used this sword as his main weapon before he obtained the "Yuan Embryo". It is an eternal true god-level treasure. It can be said to be extremely hard and sharp. Needless to say, it is absolutely powerful.

Seeing this knife, Mohe's eyes also burst into surprise.

He stretched out his paw to caress the knife, and finally held it violently.

When Mo He wanted a weapon, he didn't use the dense patterns in it, so he didn't even need to refine it. He just started swinging it.

"Thank you, Master!"

Mohe thanked Wang Cheng.

"I hope you can keep winning!"

Wang Cheng didn't say much. He pointed at the golden seal suspended in the void, and in an instant, another second-level world beast was released.



The second battle in Mohe was still not particularly easy to win.

Although Mo He obtained a weapon, it was the first time he used it in actual combat and he was not very skilled at it. Fortunately, Mo He relied on his rich experience and strong will to win in the end and became the final winner.

After this victory, Mohe did not immediately ask for the next battle. He held the knife and thought on the spot, obviously summarizing the previous battle experience.

Seeing this, Wang Cheng provided Mo He with a second benefit. He took out the Tree of Time and activated it with all his strength to help Mo He accelerate time.

Of course, Wang Cheng couldn't accelerate Mohe without limit. He set a rule for Mohe. Before he evolved to a fifth-level world beast, he could not use the Tree of Time for more than ten thousand years.

A millennium with five million times accelerated time is 50 billion years.

Wang Cheng thinks this time is enough!

If Mohe fails to succeed despite having so much more time than other realm beasts, it means that he does not have the ability to become the king of realm beasts. Wang Cheng will naturally choose other realm beasts!

"Fifty billion years? That's enough!"

Mo He was extremely pleasantly surprised. He originally didn't expect to have much time to polish himself, but now, he has 50 billion more years!

After 50 billion years and constant fighting, Mohe is confident that he will produce real qualitative changes!

Time passed, and Mohe continued to spend his time fighting and honing his sword skills.

After more than a hundred years, Mohe recovered his third-level strength. At this time, the world beasts that fought with Mohe all turned into third-level world beasts.

No one who can become a third-level realm beast is simple. Although Mohe was once the top group of realm beasts, compared with these realm beasts, the gap is not that big in terms of will and experience. .

Fortunately, Mo He has gained a lot of understanding of sword skills through previous training, and has also integrated his fighting style into sword skills, so that he can continue to win.

However, Mohe was much more cautious in the third level battle.

Every time he fought, he spent more time honing himself.

It took more than three thousand years for Mohe to finally advance to the fourth level!

Wang Cheng had not caught many fourth-order world beasts, but every one of them was extremely difficult to deal with.

After Mohe broke through to the fourth level, he stayed under the Tree of Time for five thousand years before deciding to challenge his fourth level opponent.

Mo He's first opponent was Meng Xu, and Mo He defeated him with his sword skills that were integrated into the Jieguang realm.

Immediately afterwards, Zia, Morosa and other powerful realm beasts also fell one after another.

At this time, Mohe has reached the fourth-level peak, and the last remaining Bedi is also at the fourth-level peak!

"Mohe, it seems that you have also fallen after taking refuge in the life of the universe sea, and you even used a knife!" Bedi looked at Mohe and sneered: "Don't you know that the most powerful thing about our world beasts is our own body?"

"When you die by my sword, you will know what the most powerful realm beast is!" Mo He said coldly: "And I will step on your corpse to become a fifth-level realm beast!"

"Then try it!"

Bedi stopped talking nonsense, he went straight towards Mohe, and Mohe also raised his knife to meet him.

At this time, Wang Cheng was watching not far away. This was Mohe's last battle. If he won, then he would have completely passed this test. All the world beasts captured by Wang Cheng could be eaten by Mohe. Lose.

At the same time, Wang Cheng was also guarding against Bedi's self-explosion.

A fourth-level peak world beast contains a lot of energy. If he self-destructs, the loss will be considerable.

Many of the world beasts who fought Mo He before wanted to self-destruct at the final moment of defeat. Fortunately, Wang Cheng's "Light of Time" was powerful enough, so a lot of energy was not wasted.

boom! boom! boom!

Two fourth-level peak realm beasts are constantly fighting. Bedi is the most powerful existence among the realm beasts. If there is no external interference, he is the one most likely to become the king of realm beasts.

And Mo He, after nearly ten thousand years of fighting, has also honed his fighting skills and will to an extremely terrifying level. The two can now be said to be on par.

"Bedi, you are qualified to see my unique skills!"

As Mo He spoke, endless colorful light burst out and merged into his knife.

"This is?!"

Bedi looked shocked.

"go to hell!"

Mohe drank coldly, and at the same time, a terrifying knife suddenly swung down.

PS: Three updates.

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