"Master, it's my fault, I didn't realize they left the dark place!"

Mo He felt a little guilty and spoke to Wang Cheng through telepathy.

It was his duty to sense the movements of the world beasts, but the origin of the small universe in the Purple Moon Holy Land was so delicious that he was completely immersed in it, so he didn't notice it.

"You continue to absorb the origin of the Purple Moon Holy Land, and you tell me the locations of those world beasts!"

Wang Cheng didn't care about Mo He's mistake. After asking the other party for the location of the world beasts, he immediately left Luo Feng's tomb boat.

"Senior brother, let me take you there. If things go wrong, you can escape on the tomb boat!" Luo Feng chased him out and said.

"The tomb boat cannot stop such a large number of world beasts!" Wang Cheng shook his head slightly, then he smiled and said:

"The Star Tower is fine!"

"Star Tower?"

Luo Feng was slightly surprised. The fact that he obtained the Star Tower has not been made public until now. Moreover, in his mind, the Star Tower is the most powerful treasure, and its status is inferior to that of the Tomb Boat.

"You can go, but you have to hide in the Star Tower, otherwise, I'm afraid the aftermath will take you away!" Wang Cheng said.


Luo Feng didn't think much at the moment, he nodded quickly.

"Then let's go!"

Wang Cheng's thoughts moved slightly, and in an instant, endless colorful light burst out, and a road faintly appeared in the void.


Wang Cheng stepped into it, and immediately after, suction came from the colorful road, instantly sucking Luo Feng and his tomb boat in.

Luo Feng felt a sudden trance, and there was a huge tearing feeling, and then he and the tomb boat were spit out through a passage.

"Is this near the original universe?"

Luo Feng looked around, he couldn't help but be stunned.

They were clearly at the Purple Moon Holy Land just now, how come they were near the original universe in the blink of an eye?

You must know that the small universe has been constantly moving away from the original universe since its birth. After drifting through many reincarnations, the Purple Moon Holy Land has long been extremely far away from the original universe. As a result, they returned here in the blink of an eye.

Wang Cheng did not answer Luo Feng's question. He sensed the fluctuations of many lives nearby, most of them were strong men from the original universe, and some of the strong men from the cosmic sea who had been nearby for a long time just rushed over.

"Luo Feng, those world beasts will pass by here later!" Wang Cheng said: "Go and tell the people around you to stay away, preferably millions of light years away. Of course, if you don't listen, there is no need to force it. !”

Hearing this, Luo Feng was slightly startled, then he nodded and said: "I understand, senior brother, you must be careful!"


Wang Cheng said no more.


Luo Feng also left the void in the blink of an eye.



Wang Cheng stood there and waited quietly. After about a few minutes, waves of void fluctuations came from a distance one after another.

In the blink of an eye, one after another world beasts appeared not far in front of Wang Cheng.

At this moment, the world beasts immediately discovered Wang Cheng's existence.

"Lord of Infernal Affairs, how dare you show up!"

All the world beasts roared one after another, and at the same time they all stared at Wang Cheng.

"Why don't I dare to show up?" Wang Cheng said calmly: "Don't you expect me to come?"

"Hmph, since you are here, prepare to die!" All the world beasts have the same mind. At this moment, they are like parts of a huge machine, taking action simultaneously and accurately!

boom! boom! boom!

Millions of energies that exceed those of ordinary true gods are constantly superimposed. In the blink of an eye, the energy scale reaches an extremely terrifying level.

“Lord of Infernal Affairs, if you dare to appear in front of us, go to hell!

! "

The world beasts roared crazily, and at the same time, a terrifying blow was fired by them.

"Then let's see who dies first!"

Wang Cheng shouted coldly, and he instantly burned his divine power, and at the same time activated his strongest move, "Breaking Time and Space"!

call! call! call!

Within tens of thousands of light-years, time and space are rewinding, trying to completely seal in the attacks of the world beasts. However, the combined power of millions of world beasts is too powerful, and the rewinding time and space will soon be unable to stop it. With these powers, part of the attack was leaked.

boom! boom! boom!

The terrifying attack leaked hit Wang Cheng's divine body. It was first weakened by Wang Cheng's eternal true god-level armor, and then acted on his body. In an instant, Wang Cheng felt that a large amount of his own flesh and blood divine power was being weakened. obliterate.

Of course, compared to Wang Cheng's 1,200 light-year divine body, this loss of flesh and blood is nothing to mention!

The most deadly thing is actually that the terrifying power makes Wang Cheng's True God's heart tremble crazily.

Fortunately, Wang Cheng's divine body was extremely terrifying, and his true god's heart was extremely resistant, so he suppressed the trembling.

However, Wang Cheng was not feeling well, and the world beasts were not feeling well either.

This is a collision of eternal true god-level moves. Wang Cheng is powerful alone, and the world beasts rely on their combination to exert such power. When combined with their strength, the attack power may be strong enough, but the defense power is seriously not up to standard.

The defense of millions of world beasts is still at their ordinary level.

In the aftermath of a wave of confrontation, hundreds of thousands of world beasts were instantly annihilated in the endless power.

One-tenth of the millions of world beasts were gone in the blink of an eye!

Of course, there are things that are even more uncomfortable than Wang Cheng and the world beasts.

Some of the strong men from the cosmic sea were only more than 100,000 light-years away from Wang Cheng and the world beasts at the moment before they started fighting. With such a small distance, they were instantly wiped out when the moves of the two sides collided.

Even Luo Feng, who was still hiding in the Star Tower a million light years away, was instantly blown away by the terrifying aftermath.

After this wave of collision, the strong survivors instantly understood that this was not a battle they could watch.

The avatar of the Lord of the Universe stayed with his avatar firmly in mind, while the others quickly evacuated.

When the aftermath of a shocking collision completely dissipated, Wang Cheng, who had been blasted away, returned to the battlefield through teleportation.

"This Lord of Infinity is still alive"

All the world beasts were instantly shocked. How powerful was their attack just now? Even the newly born King of World Beasts had to be instantly annihilated, but this Lord of Infernal Affairs actually survived?

"Come again, this Lord of Infernal Affairs must be at the end of his strength!"

The world beasts roared angrily, they couldn't believe this result.


The endless power exploded again, and Wang Cheng also used "Breaking Time and Space" again!


There was another terrifying collision, and the unstoppable power of "Breaking Time and Space" hit Wang Cheng's divine body once again, but after a moment, Wang Cheng flew back.

The two attacks have caused the world beasts to lose millions. The world beasts know that they cannot go on like this!

"Soul attack, use soul attack!


Finally, some of the realm beasts reacted, so they jointly used soul attacks.

"Give me the town!"

Wang Cheng also roared, and a golden seal instantly appeared above his divine body.

With Wang Cheng approaching the limit of the True God of the Void, now that he is activating this eternal true god-level soul defense treasure, he can already exert most of its power.

In addition, Wang Cheng's will reached the Void True God level before he could break through to the True God level, and now his will has reached the Eternal True God level.

Most of the power of the eternal true god-level treasures, coupled with Wang Cheng's own eternal true god-level will, this soul defense ability is completely comparable to ordinary eternal true gods. This is one of the reasons why Wang Cheng dares to challenge these millions of world beasts.

boom! boom! boom!

The terrifying soul attacks hit Wang Cheng's soul one after another. Even Wang Cheng felt dizzy, but he resisted.

"how so?"

All the realm beasts were stunned.

"It's my turn!"

Wang Cheng shouted angrily, and in an instant, his divine body began to expand rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Cheng showed his complete form.

The 1,200 light-year-long divine body instantly made all the world beasts understand why Wang Cheng could resist such attacks continuously just now.

To what extent can the true divine heart of this divine body be stabilized? How much flesh and blood divine power does it contain?

"Burn it for me!"

Wang Cheng roared again in his heart, and in an instant, the terrifying divine body burned even more crazily.

"Cut time and space!"

Wang Cheng waved his two terrifying palms towards all the world beasts.


The world beasts had no choice but to join forces with physical attacks again.


After a shocking collision, nearly a million world beasts died in the aftermath.

More than two million realm beasts have died, and now there are only a million or so realm beasts still alive. At this moment, they finally recognized the reality clearly.

"We can't go on like this!"

All the world beasts completed the communication in an instant, and while Wang Cheng was also repelled by the aftermath, they scattered and fled in all directions.

"Want to run?"

When Wang Cheng saw this scene, he also sneered in his heart.

He deliberately revealed such a divine body, and it was not just for show. With such a huge divine body, although the power of his moves will not change, the range will definitely be much larger!

Moreover, the world beasts are powerful together, but once they are dispersed, they are only stronger than ordinary true gods!

Wang Cheng's right hand instantly pointed to the sky. Under the urging of endless divine power, endless light instantly enveloped millions of light years.

The light of time!

Most of the world beasts had not yet had time to escape from this range. Now being swept by the endless light, their movements instantly slowed down.

"Cut time and space!"

Wang Cheng used another move to cut off time and space, and the time and space within a million light years was rolled back. Endless power in the void where the world beasts were located exploded instantly.

laugh! laugh! laugh!

Countless realm beasts were annihilated one after another, and in the end, only tens of thousands of second-level realm beasts remained, which were suppressed and sealed by Wang Cheng.

PS: Two updates.

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