Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 382 The decision of the world beasts

A shocking battle directly caused the entire cosmic sea to explode.

The powerhouses of the Universe Sea don't know much about the strength of world beasts, but judging from the fact that the Purple Moon Holy Land is helpless by a world beast, the strength of beings like world beasts is absolutely terrifying.

As a result, millions of world beasts united and were defeated head-on by the Lord Wujian alone!

Very few realm beasts managed to escape!

This kind of strength is completely unseen and unheard of!

If the battlefield where the two sides were fighting had not been filled with extremely terrifying pressure fluctuations, the strong men of the Cosmic Sea would hardly believe that this was true!

Before, the strong men in the Universe Sea only speculated on how powerful Wang Cheng was, and there was a high probability that he was already the strongest person in the Universe Sea.

At this moment, everyone understands that the God Lord Wu Jian is the absolute number one in the universe. In countless reincarnations, there has never been such a powerful person in the universe. Even the ancestors of the two holy places have to put a question mark on whether they have such strength. !

Of course, at this moment, the remaining realm beasts far away in the dark land were more shocked than the strong men of the Cosmic Sea.

They know better than anyone else how powerful those millions of their kind are, and it is precisely because of this that they confidently set off on an expedition to the universe sea, preparing to deal with Wang Cheng, this great enemy, once and for all.

As a result, millions of world beasts were defeated head-on!

Although there are still more than 10 million realm beasts left in the realm beast group at this time, they are really frightened, and every realm beast is also extremely panicked.

"What should we do? The strength of the Lord Wujian is so terrifying, and he even enslaved Mohe! How can the last king be born without killing Mohe?"

"The last time God Lord Wujian came to the Dark Land, he didn't use all his strength. What if he suddenly comes to the Dark Land in the future?"

"Why is there such a powerful life in the cosmic sea? How can the supreme rules allow such a true god to appear?"


The world beasts were constantly discussing at this time. The more they discussed, the more troublesome they felt. Facing an extremely powerful enemy, they also had their own kind become traitors. This situation was really difficult to explain.

After an unknown amount of time, the world beasts finally reached a consensus.

First of all, their remaining 10,000,000 world beasts must not be separated again, otherwise, if the damn God Lord Wujian suddenly comes to kill, they will probably be slaughtered by the other party.

The world beasts speculated that the reason why Wang Cheng didn't attack with all his strength when he came to the Dark Land last time was that he was still afraid of them.

The opponent can defeat the combined efforts of millions of realm beasts head-on, but he may not be able to compete with millions of realm beasts!

Of course, this is just speculation. Although the world beasts feel that Wang Cheng may not be able to compete with thousands of world beasts, they do not have the courage to leave the dark land to find trouble with Wang Cheng.

What if their assumptions are wrong? What if the terrifying Lord Wujian breaks out with even greater strength? At that time, the entire world beast group will really be finished!

In addition, the world beasts also decided to focus on fighting to quickly give birth to a sixth-level world beast in the tribe.

The life-saving ability of sixth-order realm beasts is invincible. Even if the Lord of Infernal Affairs goes against the will, it is impossible to completely kill a sixth-order realm beast. In this way, no matter what happens next, the realm beast group has hope.

Finally, the realm beasts also decided to divide one hundred thousand realm beasts to explore the cosmic sea.

Originally, the world beasts looked down upon the treasures in the Cosmic Sea and the beings in the Cosmic Sea. After all, their world beasts were born noble and were born to be on the same level as the original universe. How could they care about the mere beings of the Cosmic Sea and the treasures of the Cosmic Sea?

But now, the thoughts of the world beasts have quietly changed.

If a powerful person like the "Infinite God Lord" could be born in the cosmic sea, there must be many secrets hidden in it. They should also explore it. What if they find something?

Anyway, even if nothing is found, it's just a sacrifice of 100,000 world beasts, so it's not a big problem.

Of course, this kind of sacrifice of 100,000 realm beasts would not have happened in the previous realm beast group. After all, the realm beasts were all enemies of each other, and everyone wanted to become the king of realm beasts. Who would be willing to sacrifice for others? Sacrifice yourself?

But things are different now. Facing the great enemy Wang Cheng, the world beasts have united like never before.

For the sake of the entire realm beast group, it is easy to find 100,000 realm beasts who are willing to sacrifice.



When the world beast group made three major decisions, Wang Cheng and Luo Feng had already arrived near the Purple Moon Holy Land again.

At this time, Luo Feng had not yet recovered from the long battle before. The strength displayed by Wang Cheng was really terrifying and amazing. The terrifying power exploded, even though it was millions of light years away, it still stayed there. In the Star Tower, Luo Feng felt a little trembling.

However, Wang Cheng did not say much to Luo Feng at this moment. He first called Mo He over who was devouring the origin of the Purple Moon Holy Land.

"Congratulations, master, on your great victory!"

After Mohe saw Wang Cheng, he immediately saluted and congratulated with some excitement.

Mo He was sensitive to other realm beasts. Now, he knew very clearly that of the millions of realm beasts that came to cause trouble, less than 1% were still alive, and the rest were all dead. The universe sea.

Wang Zheng's power was so terrifying that Mo He was naturally excited. This meant that his hope of becoming the king of world beasts had increased by three points.

"This is my junior brother Luo Feng!" Wang Cheng said to Mo He.

When Mo He heard this, he turned his head and grinned at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng also nodded slightly. At the same time, he also sighed that his previous guess was indeed correct. The world beast that was dealing with the Purple Moon Holy Land was indeed enslaved by Wang Cheng.

"Mohe, I just caught some second-level beasts. You advance to the sixth level first, and then go and devour the origin of the Purple Moon Holy Land!" Wang Cheng said, which made Mohe's eyes light up.

After advancing to the sixth level, his devouring speed is expected to increase a lot. Originally, it would take him ten thousand years to swallow the entire Purple Moon Holy Land, but if he advances to the sixth level, it will probably take more than a thousand years to do it!


Wang Cheng thought, and suddenly, a golden seal appeared above Wang Cheng, and a golden light burst out from the golden seal and illuminated Mo He.


Mohe instantly disappeared in front of Wang Cheng and Luo Feng.

"Senior brother, it seems that the Purple Moon Holy Land is doomed this time!" Luo Feng sighed, and he suddenly said: "I have something to ask your help, senior brother!"


"There is a treasure I need in the Purple Moon Holy Land. After the Purple Moon Holy Land is shattered, senior brother must leave that treasure to me!" Luo Feng said.

"Haha, it's a trivial matter!" Wang Cheng smiled. He knew that Luo Feng was talking about the Winged Treasure that he had been using since he was the Realm Master. Now he was only one step away from collecting a complete set of treasures. To the wings.

And the remaining wings are in the Purple Moon Holy Land.

"Thank you very much, senior brother!"

Luo Feng was relieved in his heart. If it were anyone else, he would just say to exchange treasures, but for Wang Cheng, he really couldn't say anything in exchange.

Luo Feng thought hard and couldn't think of anything that Wang Cheng needed.

Wang Cheng obviously lacks both treasures and inheritance, otherwise he would not have the terrifying strength he has now!

"Senior brother has helped me one more time. I can only repay him slowly in the future!" Luo Feng shook his head secretly in his heart. Wang Cheng helped him too many times. He is unable to repay it now and can only wait until the future.

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