Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 383 The Purple Moon Holy Land is destroyed

While Mohe was devouring the world beasts caught by Wang Cheng, in the Ziyue Holy Land, the Ziyue Ancestor and the Lords of the Universe in the Ziyue Holy Land breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that the world beast was scared away by the Lord Wujian. It is really unbelievable that the Lord Wujian is so powerful!" A universe master from the Purple Moon Holy Land sighed with emotion.

"It's unbelievable, but the relationship between the Lord Wujian and us is extremely bad, and our lives will not be easy in the future!"


All the universe masters in the Purple Moon Holy Land sighed in their hearts. At this point, no one was stupid enough to think that Wang Cheng could not establish the Holy Land.

The other party had just broken through the True God's small universe and reached a billion light years. If he builds a holy land in the future, its holy land will be absolutely powerful.

Life in the Purple Moon Holy Land will certainly not be easy.

Of course, compared to being devoured by world beasts, the current situation is pretty good. At least they are all still alive!

On the other side, the ancestor of Ziyue was in a very complicated mood at this time.

On the one hand, now that the crisis in the Purple Moon Holy Land has passed, she still has the opportunity to continue making progress.

But on the other hand, the powerful strength displayed by Wang Cheng made her feel desperate.

Being able to defeat the combined forces of millions of world beasts head-on proves that Wang Cheng fully possesses the strength of the Eternal True God level. He is a true god and possesses the strength of the Eternal True God level. Ziyue Ancestor suddenly felt that it was a joke that she had regarded Wang Cheng as her opponent before.

Unless her will can break through now, she has no chance of winning.

Wang Cheng's progress was too fast. After careful calculation in Ziyue Holy Land for a long time, she found that Wang Cheng's cultivation had not exceeded two million years.

It has come to this point in just a short time

"That's all, the world beast disaster broke out, and it's a good thing that the Infernal God Lord was born. I also have a great opportunity in the Origin Continent. Even if I can't seize the original universe, my future achievements may not be bad!" Ziyue Ancestor secretly sighed in his heart.

And just when everyone in Ziyue Holy Land was rejoicing that they had escaped disaster, on the other side, Mohe had already come out of Wang Cheng's sealing treasure.

At this moment, Mo He's aura had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The first sixth-order world beast in the cosmic sea was born!



Mohe soon returned to the void near the Purple Moon Holy Land, and once again began to madly devour the origin of the universe in the Purple Moon Holy Land, and this time the speed was far faster than last time.

Suddenly, Ziyue Ancestor was a little confused.

The world beast just left and then came back? And he was still targeting her Purple Moon Holy Land? Why is she so unlucky?

"Spread the news quickly!" Ziyue Ancestor had no choice but to ask for help.

But unfortunately, how could Wang Cheng save Ziyue Holy Land? He is waiting near the Purple Moon Holy Land to see the destruction of the Purple Moon Holy Land!

As time passed little by little, everyone in the Purple Moon Holy Land gradually understood that the Lord Wujian would not come. Even if the world beast was the common enemy of the life in the universe sea, the other party chose to sit back and watch the world beast destroy the Purple Moon Holy Land.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, nearly a thousand years passed.

During this period, Ziyue Holy Land tried various methods to deal with the world beasts.

They took out the treasures they had treasured for countless years to ask for help, and negotiated with Mohe with an extremely sincere attitude. However, all methods could not stop Mohe from devouring the Purple Moon Holy Land.

"Pass the order, the Ziyue Holy Land will be destroyed in less than a month, so do whatever you want!" Ziyue Ancestor gave the order calmly.

The destruction of her small universe has become a fact, and there is no use in being anxious and angry at this time.

"Just wait, I won't stop here!"

At the last moment of the destruction of the Purple Moon Holy Land, the shadow of the Purple Moon Ancestor disappeared into the Purple Moon Holy Land.

Normally, the beings in the Universe Sea cannot live through three reincarnation eras. Only by staying in the Holy Land Universe can those immortals, Universe Venerables, Universe Lords, and True Gods live forever.

The lifespan of the powerful people in the Purple Moon Holy Land has long exceeded three reincarnation eras. Now that the Purple Moon Holy Land is shattered, they will naturally disappear immediately.

"A holy land universe dissipated, and countless strong men also fell with it!" Luo Feng never left. At this moment, he looked at the rapidly damaged cosmic membrane of the Ziyue Holy Land universe, and his heart was filled with emotion.


Wang Cheng didn't say anything. Although he was the cause of all this, it was because Ziyue's ancestor was too conceited. Ziyue Holy Land had its own fault. There was cause and effect. If you did something wrong, you would naturally have to pay the price.



The destruction of the Purple Moon Holy Land shocked the entire Cosmic Sea, and for the first time, the strong men of the Cosmic Sea truly realized the power of the world beasts.

God Lord Wujian killed millions of world beasts by himself, that was because he was too powerful.

The Realm Beast itself is definitely an extremely terrifying life. A single Realm Beast made Ziyue Holy Land try its best to do nothing, and it was finally destroyed because its origin was eaten up by the Realm Beast.

So what would be the result if it were replaced by their small universe?

For a time, many of the powerful people in the universe sea became trembling with fear, fearing that some celestial beast would come to wreak havoc in their own small universe.

Time continued to pass, and I don’t know when it started. The strong men of the Universe Sea suddenly discovered something even more terrifying.

In the places where they usually ventured to hunt for treasure, figures of bounded beasts gradually began to appear.

In the three major Jedi areas such as Qingfeng Realm, Universe Ark, and Liuzhong Mountain, the number of realm beasts is even more frightening. There are realm beasts even in Shenmu Mountain.

The most terrifying thing is that each of the world beasts is extremely powerful.

The weakest realm beasts are comparable to the true gods, and the powerful realm beasts are even no match for some veteran true gods. A large number of realm beasts are ravaging the cosmic sea, and for a time, the powerful men in the entire cosmic sea are stunned.

It can be said that the Lord of the universe will definitely die when he encounters a realm beast. If a true god encounters a realm beast, if he runs fast and still has a chance to survive, if he runs slowly, he will soon be surrounded by realm beasts coming from all directions and lose his life. .

As one of the few people in the universe who can fight against the world beasts, Wang Cheng has received countless requests for help, but Wang Cheng has basically never taken any action.

These ordinary world beasts are raging in the cosmic sea, and they are too scattered. If he hunts them down one by one, how long will he have to hunt them down?

Although the human race is also deeply troubled by the realm beasts raging in the cosmic sea, Wang Cheng still has no intention of taking action. According to his plan, the disaster of the realm beasts will not last long. Once the disaster of the realm beasts is solved, the human race will The same goes for heading to the Space Sea.

In such a "dangerous" environment, life in the cosmic sea spent millions of years with difficulty.

At this time, in the unexplored area of ​​the Cosmic Sea, a shadow that is hundreds of millions of light years away is coming towards the area to be explored at an incredible speed. In the blink of an eye, this shadow is approaching the area of ​​the Cosmic Sea to be explored.

PS: Two updates.

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