In the original universe, Wang Cheng, who was quietly retreating, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Double-faced Ancestral God, what's going on?" Wang Cheng's voice came from the temple, and in an instant he was in the void tens of thousands of light years away.

The two-faced ancestor god who was rushing towards Wujian Continent suddenly stopped.

"It's incredible that you discovered me from such a distance!" The Double-faced Ancestor God was a little shocked, but he didn't hesitate and said directly:

"God Lord Wujian, I have something to discuss about world beasts!"


Wang Cheng thought for a moment, and then he stood up and arrived in front of the Double-faced Ancestral God.

"Master Wujian, long time no see!" the two-faced ancestor god said with a smile.

"It has indeed been a long time!" Wang Cheng sighed slightly. In the eyes of others, it was only a few million years, but he has been under the five million times acceleration of the tree of time. After millions of years, he actually spent For hundreds of millions of years.

This is indeed too long!

"Over the years, a lot of people have come to me and want me to take action against the world beasts, but I have not agreed!" Wang Cheng said: "Double-faced Ancestral God, are you coming to me on behalf of your original will, or are you coming to me yourself?"

"Both are there!" said the Two-Faced Ancestor God:

"In the past few million years, the Cosmic Sea has been deeply poisoned by world beasts. Now, the original will has brought hope to the Cosmic Sea. The fourth Jedi, the 'World of Jin', has arrived in the Cosmic Sea!"

"The World of Jin?"

When Wang Cheng heard this, he was slightly surprised. He originally thought that the world of Jin would not come, but he did not expect that the original will would still pull him over.

It seems that the original will is extremely afraid of world beasts and will not miss any opportunity.

"The world of Jin contains many opportunities, which can greatly improve the overall strength of the Universe Sea. When the time comes, the strong men of the Universe Sea will not be as passive as they are now when facing the beasts!" Two-faced Ancestral God explained, Wang Cheng Asked somewhat strangely:

"It's a good thing that the world of Jin was born. Why are you looking for me, the Double-faced Ancestral God?"

"This was indeed a good thing, but now the entire world of Jin has been surrounded by world beasts!" The Two-faced Ancestral God smiled bitterly: "The strong men of the Universe Sea rushed in several times but failed to rush in. Now, we can only rely on you, Lord Wujian. Take action!"

Hearing this, Wang Cheng suddenly fell silent.

Nowadays, the strong men of the universe sea are indeed not very good. They are suppressed by a bunch of world beasts running out from the dark place. This means that these world beasts are only interested in dangerous places. Otherwise, the small universes of many of the strongest people would have been destroyed long ago. No guarantee.

Of course, this is also the reason for Wang Cheng.

Without him, the world beasts would not have run out of the dark land so early, and the strong men of the cosmic sea would not have been able to fight against the world beasts with only rubbish treasures.

"I'll go there!" Wang Cheng nodded.

This matter was originally his fault and he had to take responsibility for it.

Besides, it might not be a good thing to let the world beasts run into the world of Jin. Who knows what they can get from it.

"That's good!"

When the Two-faced Ancestral God saw Wang Cheng agreeing, he felt relieved.

This world of Jin was pulled over by the original will of the original universe. If it could not bring help to the life of the universe sea, but instead provided convenience to the world beasts, that would be ridiculous.

The key is, if God Lord Wujian insists on ignoring it, this matter may really turn into a fact!

Fortunately, he agreed to help!

"The world of Jin is very magical. When the time comes, Lord Wujian, you can also go in and have a look!" The Double-faced Ancestral God said with a smile.


Wang Cheng nodded slightly, but he didn't say anything.



After agreeing to the Two-faced Ancestral God, Wang Cheng quickly left the original universe.

Jin's World was now near the space ship, so Wang Cheng directly used "Road to the Void" to teleport there.


As endless light erupted, Wang Cheng walked out of the void.

"This is the body of the God King of Jin!"

Wang Cheng looked into the distance. Next to the space ship, a huge corpse of a humanoid creature was quietly stagnating.

With a body that is hundreds of millions of light years long, just looking at it makes people feel stressed.


Wang Cheng quickly teleported and soon arrived near the head of the huge corpse of the God King.

At this moment, Wang Cheng saw from a distance that dozens of realm beasts were guarding the mouth, ears, nostrils and other passages that could enter the body of the God King.

It has to be said that the world beast group is indeed extremely powerful, especially when they unite.

Although the dozens of realm beasts are only a small part of the realm beast group, even the weakest first-order realm beasts are comparable to true gods. A considerable part of the dozens of realm beasts are second-order, but the current strong men of the universe sea are not even It is difficult to assemble a set of the most powerful treasures, so what can you use to fight against the world beasts?

Being easily suppressed is also a matter of course.

"Look, there is another life from the cosmic sea coming!" At this time, several world beasts also discovered Wang Cheng's arrival.

"Hmph, if you are a weak cosmic sea life, if you dare to come here, you will die!" The world beasts said with disdain.

After millions of years of struggle in the cosmic sea, these realm beasts have long understood that the only powerful one in the cosmic sea is the "Infinite God Lord", and other life forms are not worth mentioning. In front of their great realm beasts, they cannot make much difference. of wind and waves.

"Wait, that person is"

Suddenly, the bounded beast seemed to have discovered something, and was instantly shocked.

But by this time, it was too late for them to react.


A huge energy palm was generated out of thin air in the void, and dozens of realm beasts near the God King's mouth were all killed in an instant.

Then, Wang Cheng came to the nostril of the God King's corpse in an instant.

call! call!

With two palm strikes, nearly a hundred world beasts were directly annihilated.

In an instant, Wang Cheng came to the right ear of the God King through the Void Road. At this time, the world beasts here had received the news and began to flee in all directions.


Wang Cheng was not stingy with energy at all. He just hit it with a "break time and space" move, killing all the realm beasts here.

In the end, none of the world beasts on the right ear escaped, and they were all killed by Wang Cheng.

In addition to the world beasts guarding the passage outside, there are also nearly ten thousand world beasts exploring inside the God King's divine body. At this time, they naturally know what is happening outside through the induction between the world beasts.

"God Lord Wujian is coming to kill us, what should we do?"

All the world beasts were panicked. Although they had been invincible in the universe sea for millions of years, they had never forgotten Wang Cheng's terror.

"Run separately. There are five exits in total. Every one that can escape is one!" The world beasts have no choice. They will definitely not be able to fight. At this time, they can only try their best to escape. Every one that can escape is one!

One by one, the realm beasts quickly fled in all directions, and a battle royale inside the body of the God King of Jin began.

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