Outside the realm of Qingfeng, two sixth-order realm beasts, Mohe and Hongdong, arrived as expected.

The two looked at each other with cold eyes.

"Mohe, where is your master Wujian God Lord?" Hong Dong asked.

"Does my master need to take action to deal with you?" Mohe sneered: "I alone can kill you!"

"You, a traitor, dare to say this, you will die!" Hong Dong didn't hesitate anymore, he roared and killed Mohe, but Mohe was not afraid at all, he went straight to kill him.

The life-preserving ability of the sixth-level world beast is extremely strong. It has thousands of clones. As long as one clone is alive, the sixth-level world beast will not die.

But under the supreme rules, two sixth-level world beasts cannot use this method to save their lives. They must fight to the death. In the end, only one sixth-level world beast can exist.

At this moment, the two sixth-level realm beasts were killing like crazy, and the countless other realm beasts got the news, but they didn't relax their vigilance much.

"Although God Lord Wujian has not taken action for the time being, once Mohe cannot hold on, he may not sit back and watch. We must be prepared!" The world beasts transmitted messages to each other.

"Don't worry, I'm lurking in the void a hundred thousand light-years away from Lord Wujian's small universe. Once Lord Wujian dares to help Mo He, I will immediately go over and suck his small universe dry!"

"Haha, I asked a slave to take me and hide in the void more than ten thousand light-years away. I can swallow the small universe of the Infinite God Lord at any time!"

"And I"


The world beasts communicated with each other, and they were extremely proud.

This is the plan of the world beasts!

If Wang Cheng does nothing, the world beasts will not do anything, but if Wang Cheng shows up to support Mo He, they will devour each other's small universe.

Hundreds of thousands of world beasts are lurking nearby. If they devour them with all their strength, the entire small universe will probably be destroyed in a very short time.

Between Little Universe and Mohe, God Lord Wujian can only choose one of the two.

The beasts believe that Lord Wujian will make a rational choice.

After all, there is only one small universe for God Lord Wujian. If the small universe is destroyed, his future will be over, but Mohe is just a slave. If the slave dies, it will not have much impact on him.



The world beasts have formulated a rather perfect plan, but the meaning of this plan has a major premise, that is, Hong Dong must be able to kill Mo He!

At this moment, Mo He and Hong Dong were fighting crazily. Hong Dong used the unique skill "Destruction" again and again to kill Mo He, but every time he was easily defeated by the big knife in Mo He's hand.

Although Mo He did not use the ultimate move "Destruction", each of his swords contained part of the original power of "Destruction". Although it was not as powerful as the ultimate move "Destruction", it was definitely not weak.

Although the energy reserve of the sixth-order world beast is terrifying and can be easily used to "destroy", it is definitely not unlimited.

Hong Dong and Mo He were fighting crazily, but gradually he realized something was wrong. His consumption was much greater than Mo He's, but by this time, it was too late for Hong Dong to realize something was wrong.

Under the restrictions of the supreme rules, he could only fight to the death with Mohe.

I don't know how long it took, but Hong Dong's aura became extremely unstable.

"What a waste, he didn't even force me to use my special move!" Mohe looked at Hong Dong with some disdain, and sneered: "In that case, I will be merciful and let you see it!"

"Mo He, don't be so arrogant. We won't know the outcome until the end!" Hong Dong roared and charged towards Mo He crazily. A cold look flashed in Mo He's eyes.

At this moment, on his sword, the power of destruction and the power of the realm of light were perfectly combined.


A sword carrying infinite power crashed down. This move was no longer weaker than Wang Cheng's "Region of the Void" and "Light of Time" in terms of level, and its destructive power was even more powerful!

A knife passed over Hong Dong, and his defense suddenly collapsed.

Mohe stepped forward to capture Hong Dong and started to devour it with big mouthfuls.

In a fight, Mohe easily won.

Wang Cheng was not surprised by this result.

Realm beasts are naturally blessed, and even the most common sixth-level realm beasts are not afraid of the ordinary True God of the Void.

And Mo He was already very talented, and he had practiced with him under the Tree of Time for millions of years... It could be said that it was natural for Mo He to win this fight.

Therefore, Wang Cheng didn't say much about Mohe's victory. He directly sent a telepathic message to Mohe to return to the original universe.

However, Wang Chengdan was stunned, and the world beast group was confused.

Hong Dong actually lost?

In their opinion, Mohe was just a traitor, and he was most likely forcibly fed to the sixth level by the Lord Wujian. But what about Hong Dong? It was them who fought with thousands of world beasts and finally selected one of the strongest hundred people.

These hundred people went through another round of competition, and then Hong Dong was born.

One was fed, and the other stood out under heavy competition. If the two fought, no matter how you looked at it, Hong Dong should win.

As a result, Hong Dong was defeated!

For a moment, the world beasts only felt dark clouds coming over them.

"This is the conspiracy of God Lord Wujian. As long as Mohe is still alive, every sixth-order world beast born in our tribe must go to a decisive battle with Mohe. If Mohe keeps winning, we will be wiped out sooner or later." The world beasts saw this This possibility made them shudder.

This is simply too despicable. If things really develop like that, then the final king will definitely not be born in their world beast group!

"This plan is actually not difficult to crack!" Suddenly the Boundary Beast said:

"As long as we control the time when the sixth-order realm beasts are born, and let two or even more sixth-order realm beasts be born at the same time, when the sixth-order realm beasts gather together to fight each other, we can completely beat Mohe to death first, Then fight each other!"

"Okay, this plan is good! However, only two sixth-level beasts are not safe. According to the last news from Hong Dong, Mohe is very terrifying. We need at least ten sixth-level world beasts to kill him reliably!"

"Ten Sixth Level"

The world beasts felt heavy in their hearts. Sixth-level world beasts were no big deal. Even if they did not consider the waste of energy, they would still need about 100,000 second-level world beasts to give birth to a sixth-level world beast.

But how can there be no waste of energy when world beasts are fighting?

Ten sixth levels would reduce a large number of people in their world beast group. Originally, they were just joining a group to keep warm to prevent being defeated one by one by the Lord Wujian. Suddenly, a large number of people were lost, and they felt no sense of security.

However, in the end, it was the pride of the world beast group that prevailed. The world beasts would never tolerate the fact that the king of world beasts was Mo He in the end.

"We can't control that much now. It's important to kill Mohe!" The world beasts made up their minds.

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