Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 387 The desperate world beast

In the universe sea, time continues to pass rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, more than a million years have passed.

After more than a million years of adventure in the world of Jin, the strong men of the Universe Sea are finally no longer powerless to fight back against the world beasts.

For example, the Rampant Demon God in the Second Reincarnation Era had a Void True God-level supreme treasure in his possession. After arriving in the World of Jin, he immediately exchanged it for a complete set of True God-level supreme treasures.

There is no shortage of soul defense treasures, armor treasures, palace treasures, and domain treasures.

Ordinary realm beasts really can't take advantage when they encounter the Rampant Demon God alone. Of course, the Rampage Demon God can't do anything to the realm beasts. After all, he himself is not strong enough. Even if he has many treasures, it's useless!

But millions of years still passed by in a blink of an eye to Wang Cheng.

On this day, Mo He suddenly raised his head, and a trace of fighting spirit flashed across his face.

"Master, another sixth-order world beast has been born!" Mohe sent a message to Wang Cheng.


Wang Cheng responded calmly.

But just for a moment, Mo He's brows furrowed. In a short period of time, a second sixth-order world beast was born.

Immediately, Mo He's expression began to turn ugly, and the third, fourth, and fifth sixth-order world beasts were born one after another.

It wasn't until the tenth level six realm beast that it finally stopped.

"It seems that this is the last struggle of the world beast group!" Wang Cheng felt very calm after receiving the news.

"I will be with you this time. Ten sixth levels are nothing!" Wang Cheng said directly.

"As long as the master takes action, ten sixth-level beasts are nothing!" Mo He said with some worry: "But they are deliberately planning to have ten sixth-level world beasts born at the same time. I'm afraid they won't let you, master, destroy it easily!"

"The soldiers will block it, the water will cover it!" Wang Chengdan said with a smile: "The world beast's methods are just a few moves, it's no big deal!"


Mohe nodded slightly.



Outside the boundary of Qingfeng, including Mohe, a total of eleven sixth-order boundary beasts gathered here.

Mo He stood with a knife in his hand expressionlessly, while the remaining ten realm beasts stared at Mo He with pity.

"Mohe, today is the day you die!"

"No need to resist, there are ten of us, each one of us can spray you to death with just one spit!"

"Be obedient and let me eat it, you traitor and a disgrace to the world beast!"

"Trash, you don't deserve to be the king, you must die now!"


The ten realm beasts spat rubbish at Mo He to vent their long-suppressed dissatisfaction.

At this time, a chuckle suddenly came from the void.

"One out of ten? How about adding me?"

As the voice fell, Wang Cheng's figure instantly appeared in the void.

"God Lord Wujian!


The ten sixth-level world beasts looked at Wang Cheng with fear. They knew very well that if the ten of them joined forces, they would definitely not be Wang Cheng's opponent.

Not to mention the large amount of losses that would occur during the birth of sixth-order realm beasts. Even if there was no loss at all, the birth of ten of them would only consume less than two million realm beasts. However, the Lord Wujian killed millions of them by himself. World beast!

The only good news is that they don't need to fight to the death with the Infernal Lord!

"Let's all do it!"

Ten sixth-level realm beasts transmitted messages to other realm beasts.

In an instant, the hundreds of thousands of world beasts originally hidden near Wang Cheng's small universe were no longer hidden.

One by one, the world beasts teleported one after another, and instantly arrived near Wang Cheng's small universe!

"Haha, let me have a taste, how does this small universe of the Infinite God Lord taste like!"

"Together, together!"


Hundreds of thousands of world beasts were distributed in all directions. They were talking and laughing with each other, and at the same time they couldn't wait to use their innate talent of swallowing to absorb the essence of Wang Cheng's small universe.


"I suck!"

"I'll suck it!"

One by one, the world beasts were sucking it in frantically, but soon, they discovered something was wrong.

"what happened?"


"Where is the origin of the universe?"

"How come I didn't get a bite? Did you eat them all?"

"I didn't eat it either!"

"Me too!"


The realm beasts who wanted to devour the origin of Wang Cheng's small universe were shocked. At this time, the expressions of the ten sixth-order realm beasts on the Qingfeng realm also changed.

Because after they notified other world beasts to take action, Lord Wujian's expression did not change and he still stayed in place very calmly.

"Threatening my little universe?"

Wang Cheng smiled, and the next moment, he suddenly exploded.

boom! boom! boom!

Wang Cheng's divine power burned one after another, burning three times in a very short period of time.

"Extermination", the third level!

call! call! call!

Infinite divine power suddenly poured into the "empty" glove on Wang Cheng's left hand, and in an instant, Wang Cheng's figure disappeared from the spot.


When Wang Cheng appeared again, one of his hands had already been inserted into the body of a sixth-order world beast.

In an instant, this sixth-level world beast transformed into tens of thousands and fled in all directions, but there seemed to be invisible lines connecting these clones in the void.

In the blink of an eye, most of the clones were annihilated by infinite power.

Finally, the realm beast just appeared in the distance with an ugly expression. At this moment, his aura had been weakened to the extreme. With just one move, he was almost killed!

"I actually managed to hold on!" Wang Cheng was a little surprised. The life-saving ability of this sixth-level world beast was really not an exaggeration.

He has been in seclusion for millions of years. Although he still has not created the fourteenth-level secret method of merging void and time, his realm of void and time has reached the limit of the True God of Void. In both ways, he has created the top thirteenth-level secret method. .

What he just performed was the pure Void Dao's ultimate move "Void Annihilation". With the blessing of Yuan Fei, this move has full fourteenth level power. In addition, Wang Cheng has learned the third level of "Extermination", which is crazy. Under the burning divine power, the power of this move is naturally stronger.

Just like this, the sixth-level realm beast that has not yet become the king of realm beasts was not instantly killed by one move. It can be said that its life-saving ability is really quite powerful!

At this moment--

"Kill Mohe first!"

The remaining nine sixth-level world beasts reacted instantly. They took action at the same time and directly used "Destruction" to blast towards Mohe.

Nine people used "Destruction" at the same time, which instantly raised their power to a higher level. Mohe used his special move to resist with a solemn expression, and suddenly blasted out a move that combined the source of destruction and the realm of world light.

In an instant, Mo He was violently blasted away. At the same time, Mo He's aura also weakened a lot, but it was still far away from killing him.

"Continue!" The nine realm beasts wanted to continue taking action. At this time, a cold voice sounded in their ears.

"Time comes around again!"

Endless light instantly enveloped the nine realm beasts, and they felt that their consciousness was instantly trapped in an endless cycle.

However, those who can become realm beast kings are those with strong will, and they all roared to break this chaotic state.

"Break it for me!"

The nine realm beasts roared one after another, but at this time, Wang Cheng had already killed them quickly.

"Void Annihilation!"

Wang Cheng completely killed a sixth-order realm beast with one move. At this moment, the remaining eight realm beasts still failed to break free from the control of "Reincarnation of Time".

"Void Annihilation!"

Wang Cheng used another move and killed the second world beast again.

Then, the third one, the fourth one

It wasn't until the fifth realm beast was destroyed that the remaining realm beasts finally struggled out of the cycle of time.

But at this moment, they were filled with despair.

Five of the ten sixth-level world beasts were wiped out in the blink of an eye. What could they do to continue the fight?

PS: The new book "Cultivation of Immortality: Who told you that this contract is useless" has been successfully signed. Interested brothers can take a look!

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