Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 390 The Birth of the King

Wang Cheng didn't say much to Star Master Bei Chi. After he eliminated all the world beasts near his small universe, he quickly rushed to other places.

The 30,000 world beasts killed this time were really crazy. They knew clearly that Wang Cheng was massacring them, but none of them escaped. Instead, they went even crazier to devour the origins of each small universe.

In the end, although all the more than 30,000 world beasts were eliminated by Wang Cheng, most of the small universe of the True God in the first reincarnation era was sucked dry, and even some of the small universes in the second reincarnation era did not escape the end of destruction.

For a time, the entire cosmic sea could be said to be filled with an aura of misery.

However, Wang Cheng was not surprised by this.

The overall strength of the cosmic sea life forms is really too weak compared to the realm beasts. They will not be able to withstand any impact from the realm beasts!

Now, it can be said that the world beast group has been wiped out by Wang Cheng, and the rest are just hanging on.

But even the lingering realm beasts, no one can resist them. In Wang Cheng's previous battles with the realm beasts, no one was affected, which only shows that they are lucky.

But no matter how good the luck is, it will eventually run out. Now at least the first reincarnation era has not been completely destroyed, which can be considered a good ending.



Of the 100,000 remaining world beasts in the Cosmic Sea, although more than 30,000 are crazy enough to die, most of them are sane.

Although reason told them that the world beast really had no chance, they still did not want to give up easily. No one knew what would happen until the last moment.

As long as you are alive, there is hope.

"Mohe can sense our position. If we continue to stay in the cosmic sea, God Lord Wujian will destroy us sooner or later!" One of the realm beasts sent a message to other realm beasts:

"If you want to live, you can only escape to the unexplored areas of the cosmic sea. Those places are full of unknowns, and the Lord Wujian may not come to hunt you down!"

"God Lord Wujian has a secret technique that can instantly teleport endless distances. What's the use of running away no matter how far you go? You escape into an unexplored area, God Lord Wujian relies on Mohe's induction to teleport over and kill you, and then he teleports back, no matter Will there be any impact!" A realm beast immediately refuted this person's suggestion.

"Then I'm doomed, right?"

"No, there is still a glimmer of hope!"

"Where is the life?"

"Do you still remember Shenmu Mountain?"

"Shenmu Mountain? That's it!"

After hearing what this realm beast said, some of the realm beasts instantly remembered it.

The Shenmu Mountain is very strange, and it can actually interfere with their realm beasts' sensing of each other. For a while, some of them went to explore it, but they all died in it, and no one went there anymore.

But it is undeniable that Shenmu Mountain is really a suitable place!

"Hiding in Shenmu Mountain, Mohe will not be able to accurately locate our location. This will make it too difficult for the Lord Wujian to find us!" The world beasts communicated with each other, and then unanimously decided to go to Shenmu Mountain.

Not long after, Wang Cheng looked at Mo He who came to report to him, and he was slightly surprised.

"The induction has disappeared?" Wang Cheng asked.

"Yes, I can only sense a general direction now!" Mohe nodded: "Master, the last time this happened was when you took other world beasts to Shenmu Mountain!"

"In other words, all the living beasts have gone to Shenmu Mountain?" Wang Cheng asked again.

"should be!"

Mohe nodded, and after hearing this, Wang Cheng fell silent for a moment.

These world beasts really have a way to heaven but they don’t take it, and there is no way to hell to break in!

There were tens of thousands of world beasts left. Originally, Wang Cheng was too lazy to chase them. Anyway, when the reincarnation era ended, they had to come back to fight Mohe. Unexpectedly, they actually ran to Shenmu Mountain by themselves.

Moreover, they still gathered together to reach the realm beasts with their necks stretched out. If Wang Cheng didn't cut them down, could he deal with these realm beasts?

Without hesitation, Wang Cheng came directly to Shenmu Mountain.

With Wang Cheng's current state, his control over the Shenmu Mountain has been comparable to that before he flew far away. The moment he entered the Shenmu Mountain, Wang Cheng sensed the location of every world beast.

There are sixty-seven thousand three hundred and sixty-one in total, not one is missing!

"Let's all die!"

Wang Cheng thought, and in an instant, endless power gathered at the location of every world beast in Shenmu Mountain.

"what happened?"

"This is?"



The world beasts had no idea what was happening. At this moment, they were left with endless reluctance.

call! call! call!

All the realm beasts were wiped out by the infinite power. At this point, only Mohe was left in the entire realm beast group.

"Master, I want to leave Shenmu Mountain!" Mohe looked a little excited, and he faintly sensed a call.

"Well, go ahead!"

Wang Cheng waved his hand and teleported Mohe out.

As soon as Mo He returned to the cosmic sea, the supreme rules immediately came.


Airflows came from all directions and entered Mohe's body one after another. Each of these airflows represented world beasts that were not swallowed by Mohe but died of other reasons.

In the end, one billion world beasts gathered into one.


Mohe's eyes were filled with excitement, endless white light burst out on him, and an unparalleled transformation was taking place.



Not long after, in the original universe, the three ancestral gods suddenly announced the news that the disaster of world beasts was over!

As soon as this news came out, countless powerful people were immediately confused.

Doubt and disbelief.

As soon as the world beasts were born, there were a billion. Not long ago, just tens of thousands of world beasts disturbed the entire cosmic sea. Now, the disaster of world beasts is over?

"I'm afraid the Lord Wujian doesn't know when to take action!"

Everyone can only think this way, otherwise, there is no other explanation.

After the shock, what followed was joy, endless joy.

Realm beasts are absolutely terrifying. For more than 100 million years ago, realm beasts have been raging in the universe, and everyone has been living in fear. Now, the disaster of realm beasts has finally passed.

The cosmic sea is finally returning to its former peace.

On the other side, after Wang Cheng returned to the original universe, he immediately went to see the Lord of Chaos City.

"The world beast has really been eliminated?" The Lord of Chaos City asked Wang Cheng impatiently.

"The disaster of world beasts is indeed over!" Wang Cheng smiled, and then he said again:

"I have great merit in solving the world beasts. The original will of the universe has promised me to release the original ancestors at the end of this reincarnation era. In addition, in this era of reincarnation, the original will of the universe will also pay special attention to the human race. Our human race is giving birth to geniuses at a very fast rate. and quantity will be greatly increased!”

Hearing this, the Lord of Chaos City was overjoyed, but he immediately asked: "This is all your credit, why didn't the will of the original universe give you a reward?"

"Unless it takes the initiative to let me seize its body, I won't care about anything it gives me!" Wang Cheng smiled.

The Lord of Chaos City suddenly fell silent.

At this time, Wang Cheng suddenly said: "Teacher, I'm going to make a breakthrough!"

"Are you going to break through now?"

The Lord of Chaos City was not surprised, because Wang Cheng had already greeted him before.

"After some things have been dealt with, we will make a breakthrough!" Wang Cheng nodded firmly.

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