Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 391 Breakthrough, Eternal True God

After this breakthrough, Wang Cheng had to stay in Shenmu Mountain until the end of the Reincarnation Era, so of course he had many things to deal with!

Disciples, friends, and Wang Cheng have all arranged their future affairs one by one. He has three true god-level servants including the Zerg Queen staying in the original universe. Some things can be left to the three of them to handle.

After that, Wang Cheng walked around the original universe a few more times and visited some places that left deep memories for him.

At the end, Wang Cheng went to earth.

Today's earth is no longer similar to the earth in Wang Cheng's impression. He came here not to take a look at the earth, but to meet Luo Feng.

Luo Feng and his other clones are all in the world of Jin, but only the Youhai clone remains near the earth.

Sensing Wang Cheng's aura, Luo Feng quickly condensed a Nether Sea clone from the endless Nether Sea.

"Senior brother, I heard that the disaster of world beasts is over?"

When Luo Feng saw Wang Cheng, he also asked about the disaster caused by the world beast.


Wang Cheng nodded slightly and chatted with Luo Feng for a while, then he stretched out his hand.


A ball of pure white, as if filled with endless temptation of blood, appeared in front of Luo Feng.

"This is?"

Luo Feng's heart skipped a beat when he saw this mass of blood.

"World beast blood!" Wang Cheng said: "You may be able to use it!"

"I've seen the blood of world beasts, it shouldn't look like this!" Luo Feng was a little confused. The Cosmic Sea has been harmed by hundreds of thousands of world beasts for hundreds of millions of years. Of course Luo Feng has seen the blood of world beasts, and he even collected a few drops, but The blood of world beasts he saw was completely different from the blood in front of him.

"It's quite special!" Wang Cheng didn't say much.

Wang Cheng did not stay in the solar system for long, he left soon.

It took Wang Cheng more than a thousand years to process everything in the original universe, and he was finally ready to break through.

After the Chaos City Lord, Giant Axe, and other powerful human beings received the news, they were all waiting in Wang Cheng's small universe. Although they knew that Wang Cheng's breakthrough should be easy, but after all, this was the first holy land universe of the human race, and they still felt difficult. Cover up tension and excitement.


Wang Cheng stood in the origin of his small universe. Without any hesitation, he directly exploded with will.

boom! boom! boom!

Endless void passages appeared within the hundreds of thousands of heavens in his small universe.

Endless chaotic air flow surged out from these void passages and poured crazily into Wang Cheng's small universe. With these forces, the wall membrane of Wang Cheng's small universe began to expand rapidly.

One billion light years, 1.1 billion light years, 1.2 billion light years

Wang Cheng's small universe continued to expand, and Wang Cheng's breakthrough caused huge commotion, which also attracted the attention of many powerful people.

I don’t know how long has passed——

"It's tens of billions of light years away. As expected of the Infinite God Lord, once he breaks through, the Holy Land universe will be like this!" The powerful people who came to watch praised it one after another.

If this kind of holy land universe were placed on other people, they would be surprised, but if it was placed on Wang Cheng, wouldn't that be a matter of course?

However, not long after, the universe that had just stopped expanding began to expand again.


The powerful people who came to watch were all stunned. It has been tens of billions of light years and it is not over yet?


Under the urging of the endless power of chaos, the cosmic wall continues to expand outwards, and the speed is always astonishingly fast.

It took about a month before Wang Cheng's small universe finally stopped expanding. However, at this time, the diameter of his small universe was already a full 100 billion light-years in diameter.

With a diameter of hundreds of billions of light-years, in terms of volume, it is simply infinitely larger than the small universe of an ordinary true god.

Such a huge thing stood in the void, and everyone who looked at it was a little silent.

"Eternal God"

Among the many watching figures, the mountain rider riding a huge mountain looked at the distance with a strange expression.

After thinking for a while, the mountain rider quietly flew to the end of the crowd of viewers, hiding his presence to a minimum.


Wang Cheng's figure appeared in the void outside his small universe, and immediately a bunch of strong men waiting outside came up to congratulate him.

At this moment, an invisible wave passed through Wang Cheng's small universe and a message came.

"Do I have to go through reincarnation within a year?"

Wang Cheng dealt with the people who came down to congratulate him without changing his expression. He immediately sent a message to the Lord of Chaos City and said: "Teacher, according to what I said before, if something happens, you can find the incarnation of my will in my small universe. In this reincarnation, I will appear again at the end of time!”


The Lord of Chaos City nodded.


Wang Cheng didn't say any more. He said everything that needed to be said before the breakthrough. He also arranged everything that needed to be done before the breakthrough. At this moment, it was useless to say more.


With a burst of dazzling colorful light, Wang Cheng disappeared in the blink of an eye in front of the powerful men of the universe sea.



Wang Cheng came to the core of Shenmu Mountain. With a thought in his mind, the entire Shenmu Mountain was suddenly enveloped by an invisible force.

At this time, a life with pure white body and extreme beauty appeared.

"Master!" The life bowed. This was Mo He who transformed into the king of world beasts.

Ordinary realm beasts are extremely ugly, but the king of realm beasts is extremely beautiful. It must be said that this kind of life is very magical.

"After that, let's practice here!"

Wang Cheng said something, and then he waved his hand.

Suddenly, the Tree of Time and the Mountain of Stars and Meteors appeared respectively.

Mo He didn't think much about it. He was already very familiar with this kind of practice. He quickly lay on the spot and realized the origin of destruction.

But Wang Cheng did not practice immediately.

"I haven't seized an opportunity in more than 100 million years!" Wang Cheng thought in his heart, and he immediately spent 10 million opportunity points to test the waters.


Invisible power spreads.

The first crawl ends quickly.

"Permanent secret realm, continent of origin?"

Wang Cheng looked at the opportunity he had caught this time, and he was slightly surprised.

This opportunity is very suitable for him. With this opportunity, he can directly venture into the Origin Continent without going through reincarnation.

The most important thing is that in the permanent secret area, there is no need to worry about safety issues.


Wang Cheng didn't think much, he directly seized the opportunity for the second time.

This time he did the next biggest thing, directly consuming 10 billion chance points.


Invisible fluctuations rushed out of the entire source world in an instant.

However, outside the source world is the vast and boundless Hunyuan space. The invisible fluctuations spread for a long time and then returned soon.

"Nine Evolution Void Lotus"

The information captured by chance appeared in Wang Cheng's mind, and there was one more thing in the space connected to his consciousness.

Yes, Wang Cheng just knew that there was one more thing, but he couldn't see clearly what it looked like.

"I'm afraid this is not a treasure I can use now!" Wang Cheng understood in his heart, and he continued to grab it without hesitation.

PS: Let me explain to those who have not watched "Lord of the Snow Eagle" that the three-thousand-dimensional universe plus the continent of origin equals a complete source world, and beyond the source world is the endless chaotic source space.

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