Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 392 The End of Reincarnation

After several consecutive opportunities, Wang Cheng consumed all the opportunity points accumulated over more than 100 million years, so he went to practice without any worries.

Time is like running water. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of millions of years have passed.

After hundreds of millions of years of development, coupled with the acceleration effect of "Shenmeng Mountain", the human race has undoubtedly become the overlord of the universe sea.

There are dozens of true gods alone, and countless lords of the universe.

There are only two forces in the current cosmic sea.

One is the human race in the third reincarnation era, and the other is others.

On this day, the true god Peng Gong, who had achieved the breakthrough of true god, left the original universe with one of his favorite disciples, preparing to take him to explore the universe sea.

The two of them flew along, passing by many small universes.

"This is the small universe of the Lord of Chaos City, this is the small universe of True God Bingfeng, that is" True God Peng Gong introduced these small universes to his disciples that belonged to the strong men of the human race.

Soon, the two saw a huge creature.

"Teacher, what is this?" The Lord of Tianwu looked at the huge universe in shock.

"This is the universe of God Lord Wujian, and it is also the only holy land universe of our human race!" True God Peng Gong looked sad.

"God Lord Wujian?"

The Lord of Tianwu was a little confused, he had never heard of this name.

"Of course you don't know. Wu Jian has not shown his face for endless years, and his strength is beyond your imagination." Just as God Peng Gong was about to say something, there was a sudden vibration in the distance.

"What's wrong?"

The Lord of Tianwu looked shocked, and True God Peng Gong also looked into the distance with a solemn expression.

The next moment, God Peng Gong was also stunned.

Wang Cheng's small universe, which had been silent for hundreds of millions of years, was expanding rapidly again, and the expansion rate was very fast.


Without any hesitation, True God Peng Gong quickly told the news here to many powerful people in the human race.

Soon, many strong men from the human race arrived one after another.

"Wu Jian, is this another breakthrough?"

The founder of the giant ax looked at the expansion of Wang Cheng's small universe, and he was extremely shocked. The other true gods were not at peace either.

As they develop the world of Jin, they have learned more and more secrets.

Normally, the small universe of the True God of the Void is between one billion and ten billion light years, while the True God of Eternity is between tens of billions and hundreds of billions of light years. Previously, Wang Cheng’s small universe reached hundreds of billions of light years. He has undoubtedly already He is the eternal true God.

Now another breakthrough


Everyone was shocked. The realm above the Eternal True God did not exist in the entire world of Jin, but someone in the universe sea had achieved it.

This expansion of Wang Cheng's small universe lasted for a full year.

And when the expansion of his small universe ended, the diameter of his small universe also reached a terrifying trillion light-years.

This kind of diameter is not inconspicuous even in the face of the original universe!



Soon, the Chaos City Lord, Giant Ax and others entered Wang Cheng's small universe, and Wang Cheng's will appeared incarnate.

Endless years have passed, and Wang Cheng's appearance remains the same.

But the will contained in his eyes makes people's hearts tremble uncontrollably. Even if it is just an incarnation of will, it makes the giant axe, the Lord of Chaos City and others feel endless pressure.

"Teacher, giant axe"

Wang Cheng smiled and said hello to the many powerful people who came to his small universe.

"Wang Cheng, have you broken through to the realm above the Eternal True God?" the Chaos City Lord asked.


Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

He didn't expect that he could break through so quickly, but after seizing several opportunities in the past, he got new opportunities, plus he could keep going to the Origin Continent to practice.

The combination of many factors naturally made his cultivation speed faster.

But after hundreds of millions of years, he successfully broke through!

Knowing that Wang Cheng had indeed made a breakthrough, the Chaos City Lord and others told Wang Cheng about the development of the human race in the past hundreds of millions of years. Soon, they left, and Wang Cheng began to practice again.



Dazzling, I don’t know how many billions of years have passed.

This era of reincarnation has finally come to an end. On the eve of the destruction of the original universe, Wang Cheng's deity in Shenmu Mountain awakened the sleeping Lord of the Falcon Kingdom as agreed.

"In the blink of an eye, has this era of reincarnation passed?" The phantom of the Falcon King appeared, and he looked at Wang Cheng who woke him up.

But immediately, the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom was slightly startled.

He actually couldn't see through Wang Cheng at this moment. He was surrounded by the power of time and space, and there was a vague sense of completion.

"Have you taken this road?"

A look of surprise suddenly appeared on the face of the Falcon King.

"Thanks to the teacher who left so many treasures for me, I was able to enter the country so quickly!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.

"With the treasures I left behind, how could you have reached this point in such a short period of time?" The Lord of the Falcon Kingdom shook his head and said, "Your fate is truly amazing!"


Wang Cheng smiled and said nothing. The Lord of the Falcon Kingdom guessed correctly. Of course, his fate could not be just everything in Shenmu Mountain.

"How is your strength now?" asked the leader of the Falcon Kingdom.

"I haven't made a breakthrough yet, and even after I make a breakthrough, I'm still not as good as the teacher!" Wang Cheng said.

"Breaking through the combination of void and time, your strength far exceeds that of ordinary god-kings. Sooner or later you will surpass me!" The Lord of Falcon Kingdom sighed: "People who follow the path of time and void are especially good at saving lives. If you combine the two paths, I'm afraid you will... I can’t do anything to you in my heyday!”

"I am indeed quite confident in saving my life!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

Purely in the void, he learned the "Great World Breaking Teleportation Technique" and hid his clones in other origin worlds. Even if the entire origin continent was destroyed, he would not die.

In the simple way of time, he also has consciousness hidden in the past and future. His will is immortal and he can be resurrected from the past or future at any time.

Combining the two, his life-saving ability is unparalleled. Unless Wang Cheng takes the initiative to seek death, he is almost equal to immortality.

"Haha, I'm quite happy to see you reach this point. If you really reach a higher level in the future, I hope you can still remember your promise!" The Lord of Falcon laughed loudly. Su Xing was originally planning to give Wang Cheng some pointers on how to go to the Origin Continent.

But now it seems that there is no need for it. With Wang Cheng's strength, he is completely worry-free even in the Origin Continent!

"But, you don't need to go through reincarnation, right?" The leader of the Falcon Kingdom suddenly asked. With Wang Cheng's level, there is no more than just going through reincarnation from the Cosmic Sea to the Origin Continent.

"Indeed!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly. He could go directly to other source worlds by using the "Great World Breaking Teleportation Technique". The little obstacle from the Cosmic Sea to the Origin Continent was nothing to him.

"However, this disciple is still quite curious about reincarnation, and I also want to see what it looks like!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.

"That's up to you!"

The Lord of the Falcon Kingdom should say no more.


Wang Cheng didn't say anything more. He quickly turned around and left Shenmu Mountain.

PS: Complete the book.

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