In the dark chamber, a mass of flesh and blood embryos was struggling.

The embryo was huge, with blood vessels beating on its surface, and blood constantly seeping out of its pores.

Its shape undulated violently, as if there was some terrible creature trying to get out of it.

It was surrounded by blood mist and was extremely weird.

Inside this embryo, a black mist kept rolling, making bursts of cold and biting sounds.


Suddenly a roar came, and the embryo of flesh and blood trembled violently for a few times before suddenly bursting open.


A huge and ferocious snake-like monster crawled out of the blood mist and rushed in all directions with its fangs and claws.

This snake was ten meters long, with black scales all over its body, a pair of scarlet eyes, and its mouth opened to reveal a row of sharp fangs.

The snake's body is three meters long, and its back is covered with circles of black tentacles.

Behind the snake are two dark wings, which are more than ten meters long when spread out, exuding a strong aura of death in the black space.

Its head was cylindrical, covered with barbs as sharp as blades, and its two eyes were blood red, shining with bloodthirsty light.

The snake-like monster ran wildly on the ground at an extremely fast speed. Every time it ran, it would bring up layers of soil and splash to the ground.

It was as fast as a ghost, shuttling through the secret room, tearing things on the ground into pieces from time to time, leaving several deep marks on the ground.

Its body hit the ground from time to time, and the walls on the ground were dented from time to time, making a "rumbling" sound, and the entire secret room seemed to collapse.


A loud roar came, and the snake-like monster suddenly raised its head and looked at the sky, its eyes flashing with anger, hatred, and malice, as if it was venting its emotions.


A huge thunder fell from the sky and landed on the ground with a deafening thunder. Several deep pits appeared on the ground instantly, gravel flew, and dust rose everywhere.

After the thunder and lightning, the snake-like monster looked down at the hole on the ground again, its eyes filled with murderous intent.

"Humans, you deserve to die!"

The snake-like monster utters human words, and its voice is hoarse and unpleasant.

Its eyes are filled with endless violence.

"If you dare to harm my people, I will tear you into pieces!"

The snake-like monster kept roaring.

Its eyes flashed with a faint green light.

Although the snake-like monster is huge in size, it is extremely fast.

He shuttled through the secret room, and in a short while he had fled hundreds of meters away and disappeared around the corner of the secret room.


Somewhere in the secret room, a figure stood there, with a ball of black flames stretching out from his palm to wrap himself up, and a pair of eyes full of teasing.

He smoothed his long white hair and pushed his technological eyes to the top of his head, revealing his eyes.

Purple eyes.

It was the Lei Ze who had his body taken away from him. Obviously, this new Lei Ze was trying hard to adapt to this body.

"Ouch, it's hard to use the thunder elemental power in his body."

Lei Ze sighed softly and shook his head.

He sensed very powerful spiritual power of the thunder element in this body, and there were more than one.

"Although these thunder elemental spiritual powers are much higher than ordinary spiritual powers, they are too complex and cannot be controlled at all.

Although the spiritual power of the thunder element can be transformed into the thunder element, after it is transformed into the thunder element, the attribute of thunder will become the fire element, which means that during the transformation, one must endure the pain of the thunder element.

"I will try my best to control this body and make it my contracted beast as soon as possible."

"The contracted beast not only needs to be strong, but also needs a contracted beast with soul power, and I have not achieved these two points, so I will give up on this body for the time being, and wait until I find a suitable body."

Lei Ze said to himself, then slowly closed his eyes.

Lei Ze's eyes flashed with a faint blue light, and he was controlling his soul power.


Sounds like thunderous waves came.

Lei Ze opened his eyes, and the blue light in his eyes disappeared without a trace, turning into pitch black. However, there was a small vortex in his hole, and electricity kept flashing through it.

A smile appeared on Lei Ze's face, then his body swayed and his palms were thrust into the void behind him.


The nameless black flame burned in the palm of his hand, and the raging fire burned the black flame in his hand.

Lei Ze flicked his fingers, and a small black light flew out from his palm and fell into the ground in front of him.

The tiny black light fell into the ground and instantly turned into a pile of black ash.

The expression on Lei Ze's face was still dull, but his eyes became solemn, because he knew that all the ash was the thunder attack he had just performed.

The thunder attack that Lei Ze performed just now is called Thunder Dragon Scroll. This attack can summon a thunder dragon, which is extremely powerful, but the soul power consumed is also extremely terrifying. Once used, it cannot be recovered.

"It seems that I need to practice as soon as possible to adapt. But if I practice here, how long will it take to completely integrate my body into this body?"

Lei Ze frowned, thinking in his mind.

At this moment, outside the secret room, a group of people had gathered together.

These people were thin, with dark skin and a fierce glint in their eyes.

The clothes on these people were in tatters, and their heads were covered with grass blades and stems.

These people are all monsters, a kind of monster called the Dark Demon Tiger, which is an extremely cunning monster. They are good at hiding in the dark and making sneak attacks.


The basilisk that had just awakened from its embryo roared with its huge wings of flesh and blood. By coincidence, it rushed all the way and hit the entrance of the secret room.

"Everyone be quiet!"

A dark demon tiger like a leader let out a scream and scolded his turbulent tribesmen.

The tribesmen were extremely excited at this moment. They had just discovered that the ruins in the center of the Twilight Forest had been broken into by candidates, and now they heard huge noises when they arrived.

It seems like there must be a lot of delicious vaginal fluids inside.

Dark demon tigers like to live in groups in damp places in forests and like to eat dark and dirty things.

"Boss, let me go first, I've been hungry for hours!" A young black tiger beast covered with hair shouted.

Its body was three or four times larger than other monsters. One fang was exposed outside its mouth, saliva hung from the corner of its mouth, and a foul smell filled the entire valley.

Its size looks very huge, and a huge boulder looks extremely small standing in front of it.

It's the leader here.

"Boss, let's go together!"

"That's right. Look, this guy looks like a rookie at first glance. He definitely doesn't have much fighting ability. Let's go there together and get rid of him!"

"I think this guy is pretty good, why not let him follow me!"

"Haha, boss, how about we go together and capture them both and present them to you?"

The leader of the Dark Demon Tiger heard the discussions among the tribesmen, and a smile appeared on his face. These tribesmen were indeed his loyal supporters.

"Okay, in that case, let's go there together!" The leader of the dark demon tiger flapped his wings and flew towards the secret room, leaving a black afterimage in mid-air.

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