"To be honest, you followed my plan completely, hehe."

Lei Ze appeared above the Basilisk, with huge lightning and black flames covering his whole body.


The basilisk flapped the fleshy wings on its back and let out a sharp roar.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I've advanced from the giant poison python to the flying viper. I guess I haven't completely advanced yet!"

Lei Ze was in the darkness at high altitude, looking down at the basilisk as if he were seeing his prey.

"The Flying Viper is in a semi-advanced form. Haha, you are really weak now. You need to replenish your spiritual power."

Lei Ze smiled evilly, raised his hand, and waves of arm-sized thunder pillars fell down instantly.


The interior space of the dark ruins briefly shone for a few seconds, and then a few dull hums came from the corner.

Lei Ze killed the dark demon tiger that the basilisk wanted to eat.


The basilisk was furious.

With a "boom", the dark demon tiger's head was smashed, blood flowed out, and it fell to the ground.

"You dare to kill my prey, you are seeking death!"

The basilisk's voice became extremely cold. Its body suddenly swelled, and it actually sprouted limbs, which were more than two meters long. Four thick tentacles were waving like four whips, and there was cold air on them, which was obviously poisonous. of.

The basilisk's fleshy wings flicked, and a powerful suction force struck Lei Ze.

"Hmph, it's just a flying snake that turned into a dragon snake, a little trick of a wither insect!"

Lei Ze sneered. The bone spurs on his right arm instantly stretched out and turned into three bone blades. The bone blades were covered with electric arcs and flashed with a dazzling red light.

The lightning bone blade and the tentacles collided together, making a sizzling sound. The lightning bone blade disappeared instantly, but the basilisk's tentacles were cut off, with a smell of burnt lake.


The basilisk screamed in pain, and a strong smell of sulfur spread throughout the area.

"Go to hell!"

The basilisk opened its mouth, and its saliva sprayed towards Lei Ze like a waterfall.

"Hmph, little trick of the witherworm!"

Lei Ze's body disappeared instantly, and a storm swept over, blowing away all the putrid smell.

When the wind blade came into contact with the putrid aura, it exploded instantly. The wind blade exploded, causing huge wounds to the basilisk's legs and head, and blood splattered everywhere.

Although the attack of the wind blade was powerful, it was unable to cause fatal damage to the basilisk. The flesh on the basilisk's body was too thick, leaving only a few minor wounds, but those wounds had already made the basilisk unable to move and the pain was unbearable.

"It's my turn, right?"

The basilisk roared angrily, and its body quickly grew in size, becoming more than two hundred meters high. Its huge body covered the mountain peak, and its tentacles were thousands of meters long, with sprouts on them. There was black smoke and a foul smell filled the air.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the basilisk's huge body directly pressed on Lei Ze, slamming Lei Ze to the ground. Lei Ze slid hundreds of meters on the ground, and finally hit a pillar. Just stopped.


The pillar suffered a huge impact and collapsed. Lei Ze's head also hit the ground, bleeding profusely. His body also rolled on the ground, and his chest was dented by the impact.


The basilisk looked up to the sky and laughed.

"What a stupid human being, how dare you challenge my dignity!"

The basilisk laughed while approaching Lei Ze.


Lei Ze roared angrily, spat out a mouthful of blood on the ground, quickly got up, and pounced on the basilisk again.


The basilisk roared, and two poisonous balls the size of fists flew out. Lei Ze did not rush to avoid it, but was hit by the poisonous balls. The pain was unbearable. He could not bear it anymore, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his face instantly turned pale.

Lei Ze's body once again burst out with a strong force of thunder. He rushed towards the basilisk again, slapping out his palms. The huge thunder power gathered into a thunder ball and struck hard at the basilisk. Once the basilisk didn't dare to resist, it entangled itself with its tentacles to resist Lei Ze's thunder ball.

The two people were entangled in the air. The basilisk used its tentacles to resist the thunderball, while Lei Ze attacked the basilisk with both palms. Two different elements exploded between his palms, and the power produced made Lei Ze's body tremble. However, But he still didn't give up.


This time, the basilisk was knocked out. Its body flipped in mid-air, and it flapped its fleshy wings urgently to stabilize its body.

"Are you good at fighting...?"

Lei Ze sneered and pressed down with both palms.

The power of thunder and lightning condensed into two giant thunder balls, which smashed down hard.


The basilisk was smashed out again, this time it flew directly into the depths of the ruins.


The basilisk hissed, swung its body, and fled upwards.

"Want to run? No way!"

Lei Ze's body disappeared instantly.

He appeared behind the basilisk and cut off one of the basilisk's claws with one knife. The power of thunder condensed into a sword and slashed hard.

The basilisk twisted its body in pain and swept its tail, trying to open Lei Ze. Unfortunately, Lei Ze was flexible. When the snake tail swept over, the power of thunder and lightning disappeared instantly, and Lei Ze's figure disappeared again.

The basilisk kept turning around in the air, and its tail swept away. Unfortunately, every time it passed by Lei Ze's body, the snake's tail carried a strong electric current. Every time the basilisk struck it, it would bring up a string of lightning. Unfortunately, Lei Ze Ze's body is too flexible, no matter how the snake tail attacks him, it can't hurt him.

"Aww, aww~"

Lei Ze punched the basilisk in the abdomen. The huge punch shook the basilisk's scales and flew into the air. It howled in pain and its body flew up again.


The basilisk fell heavily to the ground. The snake's tail was hit by Lei Ze's thunder power, and a burst of green smoke suddenly appeared.

"good chance!"

Lei Ze jumped up and jumped on top of the basilisk's head. The thunder spear in his hand pierced the basilisk's head, and the thunder spear penetrated the basilisk's skull.

The basilisk howled in pain and waved its tail in the air, trying to knock Lei Ze off.

Unfortunately, Lei Ze was standing at the head of the basilisk. The power of the basilisk was unable to move Lei Ze. Every blow from the snake's tail was resolved by Lei Ze's thunder power.


The basilisk fell heavily to the ground again. Lei Ze took the opportunity to rush down and stabbed the basilisk's head with a thunder gun. The thunder gun wreaked havoc in the basilisk's head, and the basilisk wailed and struggled in pain.


Lei Ze's thunder power penetrated through the basilisk's forehead, and then emerged from the back.


The basilisk's body continued to tremble, making a rumbling sound. Its head had been completely exploded, and streams of black liquid flowed out. The power of thunder and lightning continued to destroy its body in its skull, causing its body to become more and more fragile. Getting weaker.


The basilisk's head had been completely destroyed. The snake's head fell to the ground. Blood gushed out from the snake's head, leaving a pool of blood on the ground. The smelly blood made people feel sick.

Looking at the corpse of the basilisk, Lei Ze felt a pain in his body and suddenly felt something bad.

"It seems that this body is still a little fragile."

Black fire seeped out from the palm of his hand, gathered in his fingers, and then slowly stretched forward.

Draw Qi as a circle.

A strange circle of black fire burned in front of him.


While the black fire was burning fiercely, Lei Ze knelt down piously.

Then comes the long wait.

"Get up and report the mission!"

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